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unit757 April 10th, 2008 21:35

Hi everyone

I'm clearly new here when it comes to interacting with the community, but I've viewed the forums many times beforehand, so I know a few things that I shouldn't do :P

Anyways, I'm relativly new into the airsoft world, with only having a little experience with the el-cheapo canadian tire guns (which are obviously nothing compared to an AEG). I'm looking into getting an AEG sometime soon, but I've decided to hang back and see what happens with 007 airsoft, since that is probably were I would order from (My dad bought an M16A2 from there, it took a few months to arrive, but that's probably because we have THE best customs officials in the world).

I've had my eye on a Classic Army M15A4, and have read some reviews, and it looks like a decent gun. I've done my time in the Canadian Forces, so using an M15A4 won't be to bad, since the basic idea is the same as the C7A1 I used, aside from the fact this is airsoft, and that was real. Out of curiosity, does anyone have anything to say about the M15A4? Problems you've encountered, common upgrades?

I'm also a little unsure about BB weight and battery amperage. My dad had 0.25g's for his M16, and an 8.4V 2400mAH Ni-CD battery. I plan on an 8.4V 3600mAH Ni-MH battery, and probably 0.25g BBs, which I would assume is a decent weight for outdoor play (mainly forest enviroment). And the battery won't blow out my gearbox or motor, right? I want to put a PDI 150% spring in it (will jump it to 350FPS hopefully), aswell as a 6.03mm barrel.

I look forward to my future here, and I hope to be able to jump into some organized games soon :)

ujiro April 10th, 2008 21:43

Super off-topic.. Do you know someone by the name of Matthew Sheridan? He is/was from Brockville... Not too many people you find are from Brockville lol.

Alexei April 10th, 2008 21:48

Yea heres some advice, get age verified and a whole world of airsoft will be open too you, particularly the classifieds wher you can buy anything you will need.

immortalundead April 10th, 2008 21:55

i love my ca m15, great metal body, it already shoots around 330fps, i think the pdi 150 will bring your gun over 450fps and the barrel will add extra, you wont need those pieces for it. welcome to asc :D

The Saint April 10th, 2008 22:02


Originally Posted by unit757 (Post 691582)
I'm looking into getting an AEG sometime soon, but I've decided to hang back and see what happens with 007 airsoft, since that is probably were I would order from (My dad bought an M16A2 from there, it took a few months to arrive, but that's probably because we have THE best customs officials in the world).

I'd say don't limited your choices and get yourself age verified. You might find a bargin or something. Although getting verified is very dangerous for one's wallet.

unit757 April 10th, 2008 22:05

Ya, I'll make it a point to get verified, just have to find someone :P

@ uji - No, I don't.

@ immortal - I'll have to look into all that then, I was going off what 007 has listed.

Torque April 10th, 2008 22:18

If you can unit757 you should try to make it out to an event. People will be more than happy to let you try a wack of different airsoft guns so you can get a good idea of what you like. and yeah once you get age verified things will be so much easier to find.

immortalundead April 10th, 2008 22:20

hey, sorry, my error on the spring, its shooting around 400 from the looks of the chart here

is your rifle going to be for cqb or outdoors for now? because in its stock form, i find mine perfect for cqb.

unit757 April 10th, 2008 22:27

It's going to be for outdoors, I'm going for the full sized rifle. There isn't much CQB around here, unless you count thick forest as CQB lol (We've got 2 places, both are large private propertys, mainly forest.)

I'll keep an eye out and try to find an event I can show up for.

immortalundead April 10th, 2008 22:31

that spring should be good for outdoors then, since as far as i know, most fields have rifles max at 400fps for outdoors.

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