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mike909 April 3rd, 2008 19:34

RE: Damn
Well I had a thread on a horror...

Well this is just to tell every one how it came out in the end. Well, I ended up shipping the scope back to them and they gave me there courier. It costed 50 bucks. But in my mind I was okay, there going to cover that. But, they say that they have no warranty service so they cant give me the $50 dollar credit that I had to pay to send back the defective scope that THEY sent. Than they say its going to take another 3 or 4 weeks till I get my scope back. I guess the only thing I got that was good out of this is that there sending a better one. Two dollars more! But then I guess im in the whole for $48. Once again "Damn"

Firewalker April 3rd, 2008 20:09

Are they getting you to pay for it being shipped back to you? If not, then... Well... it cost 50 to go there, it's gonna cost about the same to go back...

mike909 April 3rd, 2008 21:51


Originally Posted by Firewalker (Post 685400)
Are they getting you to pay for it being shipped back to you? If not, then... Well... it cost 50 to go there, it's gonna cost about the same to go back...

I had to pay 50 bucks to ship it back to them but im getting free shipping back to me

Styrak April 3rd, 2008 22:06


Originally Posted by mike909 (Post 685548)
I had to pay 50 bucks to ship it back to them but im getting free shipping back to me

No offense, but you got fucking RIPPED on shipping.

Amos April 3rd, 2008 22:20

... Why the hell would you ship it like that?

You could have shipped it with CP Express Post for 12 dollars and it would have arrived there in 2 days...

The Acer April 3rd, 2008 22:25

Canadapost is the way to go, no argument about that one.

W0lf April 3rd, 2008 22:38


Originally Posted by The Acer (Post 685605)
Canadapost is the way to go, no argument about that one.

The more you guys use Canada Post, the more my family's job security is maintained. It's a government service and an essential part of keeping things going. Private delivery contractors are ruining jobs.

Thorazine April 4th, 2008 00:20

I work for Purolator, haha.

ColtFarmer April 4th, 2008 00:48

well, I get a discount on fedex express (75%) which makes it cheaper than CP for most packages, plus the tracking number is updated every time the parcel is scanned unlike CP which sometimes doesnt even show up until the package is delivered.

Oh, and fedex has never LOST something i've sent like CP has.

Forgive me for not trusting them much farther than I can throw em.

I realize the cost of express shipping with fedex might be prohibitive but it's honestly the most secure way to ship anything valuable.

KNIVEZS April 4th, 2008 01:10

way cheaper if you use canada post

Twitters April 4th, 2008 04:39

buyairsoft, I have a very simple message for those guys...

............,/¯../ /
.........../..../ /
('(...´...´.... ¯_/'...'/
..'\'...\.......... _.·´

Blitzz40 April 4th, 2008 09:05

I think some peoples are missing the point that if you buy a defective item at this store, you will have to pay to ship it back + the long waiting time to have a new one and finally not the one you choose. Who cares about $12.00 / $50.00 shipping or courrier vs Canada post. Sure he could had lost less money but the point is he will have to pay again and for something he didnt choose.

Like i said in Mike's previous post if they cant makes things right they simply dont deserve my money.

Thanks for the head up Mike.

COBRA-CC April 4th, 2008 09:30

you run a risk with Canada post do to that are not licensed to transport prohibited devices/replica firearm all my guns have been sent by Canada post have had no problem

Maverick0 April 4th, 2008 11:22

I don't know about you guys, but when I have to send in a defective product still on warranty, I still have to pay shipping to get it back to the manufacturer / distributor.

I agree, it sucks to receive a broken item, but you can't hold the vendor responsible for shipping costs, specially if they're offering to replace the item.

It's not necessarily the vendor's fault that the item was broken, but they are backing the product they sell by replacing it, no?

Shipping stuff has a cost. Deal with it.

The warranty covers the product I purchased. The shipping is technically a service purchased from a different company than the vendor, so the warranty in no way applies to this additional service. That's how it's always been for me anyways when I've dealt with warranties, unless there were some seriously messed up complication.

Amos April 4th, 2008 15:23

Lastly.. Why the hell would you buy a scope from buy airsoft? :)

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