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Papasmurf December 3rd, 2006 11:57

Just a question for a noobie
Yeah, Im 16 and wanting to get into airsoft, is it possible for me to actually play or is it an absolute MUST to be 18 to play..or is it like when you go to buy a paintball gun, you have to be 18+ to buy it and ect.

so basically...whats the policy to having and playing airsoft and airsoft products?

Kid December 3rd, 2006 11:59


Originally Posted by Papasmurf (Post 389469)
Yeah, Im 16 and wanting to get into airsoft, is it possible for me to actually play or is it an absolute MUST to be 18 to play..or is it like when you go to buy a paintball gun, you have to be 18+ to buy it and ect.

so basically...whats the policy to having and playing airsoft and airsoft products?

Depends on the field. Some will let you come as long as your parents sign a waiver, others are strict and won't let you play at all.

Check with your fields.

Papasmurf December 3rd, 2006 12:01

ahh.. k..the field I play paintball at doesnt have to sign a waver for me to play..but it might be different for airsoft..Ill be sure to check it out because airsoft seems REALLY fun

Shrike December 3rd, 2006 12:04


Originally Posted by Papasmurf (Post 389474)
ahh.. k..the field I play paintball at doesnt have to sign a waver for me to play..

All paintball feilds require insurance waivers.

Freedom Fighter December 3rd, 2006 12:07

There have been people as young as 13 years old that have played with a parent and a small number of 14-15 year olds that play on their own and quite frankly we usually don't have an issue with them. So basically it really comes down to the policy at the field and the person, or persons who are hosting the event.

Greylocks will be posting about the legalities of it all but if your a good lad and can prove it you might not be totally S.O.L. Again, it depends on the field restrictions and hosts.

If you do get your hands on an airsoft gun, please, just try and act responsibly.

Papasmurf December 3rd, 2006 12:25


Originally Posted by Shrike (Post 389475)
All paintball feilds require insurance waivers.

but then again, Im a member so that might be it(by no insurance wavers I mean I dont have to get my mom/dad to sign it..)

If you do get your hands on an airsoft gun, please, just try and act responsibly.

dont worry, I intend on using on responsibly..I just gotta know what to look for in a gun too...if you wanna, add me on msn:

Freedom Fighter December 3rd, 2006 12:32


Originally Posted by Papasmurf
if you wanna, add me on msn:

Don't take it personally but I talk to very few people who are my age let alone half of it.

Just do yourself a favour and snoop around the site for a couple weeks and see what guns & gear people are talking about. You'll get some, useful information.

We also have a huge FAQ section. Read through there aswell.

Papasmurf December 3rd, 2006 12:35

I wouldnt say HALF your age..but theres no personal offence taken but yeah Ill do that..I just gotta know some sites that I can order guns from..and manufacturers to buy from and ect..

Freedom Fighter December 3rd, 2006 12:36


Originally Posted by Papasmurf (Post 389494)
I wouldnt say HALF your age..but theres no personal offence taken but yeah Ill do that..I just gotta know some sites that I can order guns from..and manufacturers to buy from and ect..

Again ... that's why I say read more, post less and you'll find the info you never even knew you needed. That's all the help I'm going to offer, the rest is up to you.

Amgoosen December 3rd, 2006 12:45


Originally Posted by Papasmurf (Post 389494)
I wouldnt say HALF your age..but theres no personal offence taken but yeah Ill do that..I just gotta know some sites that I can order guns from..and manufacturers to buy from and ect..

The general consensus around here is that TM is the most reliable manufacturer and that ASCA is Canada's most amazing* airsoft store. Click the godzilla, you know you want to.

But read the FAQ first, its mighty handy.

Renegade) December 3rd, 2006 13:19

Looks like everything has been said, but I will add this: Also would help if you added in your profile where you are from, local players could help you if you showed them your serious and not out to goof off. As everyone else said, any information you could need as a new player is on this site, just take your time and read it all.

BTW FF, loved that Greylocks legalities comment, priceless.

Hunter Killer December 3rd, 2006 16:55


Originally Posted by Renegade) (Post 389509)
Looks like everything has been said, but I will add this: Also would help if you added in your profile where you are from, local players could help you if you showed them your serious and not out to goof off. As everyone else said, any information you could need as a new player is on this site, just take your time and read it all.

BTW FF, loved that Greylocks legalities comment, priceless.

ya post your location and local players can tell you about the local fields etc

Skruface December 3rd, 2006 18:44


Originally Posted by Papasmurf (Post 389494)
I wouldnt say HALF your age..but theres no personal offence taken but yeah Ill do that..I just gotta know some sites that I can order guns from..and manufacturers to buy from and ect..

You'll find real soon that the majority of people around here who are worth listening to fall into the 30+ club. If you're 16, I'm more than double your age - so are a LOT of people around here.

Alex (Freedom Fighter) gave you some great advice - close your mouth, open your eyes and ears, and read. Listen to what people tell you - if they say a gun is shit, it's more than likely shit. I wouldn't even worry about what guns and gear to buy until you've spent the next month reading the FAQ's....pretty much every question you're already thinking of asking has already been answered at least twice - once nicely, and a half-dozen more times with flames that make the devil himself sweat like he's eaten a bowl of my wife's "4 Alarm Chili" . :flame:

Arnisador December 3rd, 2006 18:48

Papasmurf may not be willing to say "half your age" but its still relevant in a lot of places. He's 16. FF may not be 32, but I know I'm more than are many players in our area :)

Airsoft isn't JUST for the wee junior under 18 crowd after all...

And Papasmurf...if you "just gotta know" then you also "just gotta respect our rules here and read up". Same goes for any new person on the boards.

The FAQ is a good start. (in case readers missed it in FF's post)

edit - damn you Jamie for posting while I was typing :)

Skruface December 3rd, 2006 18:50

Lol. It must be some kind of old-guy telepathy.

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