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yogurtstorm May 23rd, 2017 21:56

My first airsoft possible mag issues?

I purchased the GHK AUG GBBR as my first airsoft (always loved AUG and wanted a GBB) and I recieved it today. First thing that I noticed was that I could not fit my standard 5.95mm BBs into the mag. My brother told me to file the sides of the loading tip until it fits and I was then able to put BBs in (albeit with still some minor resistance, didn't want to file it too much though I feel I kinda did).

However, there is an issue when I actually fire the airsoft: the first shot or two work but when I try to fire a third time, no blowback and nothing. When I disasemble the AUG, there is always a crushed BB just under the barrel slot.

I'm wondering if:

A) Is it normal that I need to file away at the loading tip of a magazine to fit in BBs? I feel like given the cost of a magazine it would fit BBs right out of the box
B) Could the issue with the BB getting stuck because I still haven't filed away enough at the mag tip and the AUG gets too much resistance trying to shoot it?

EDIT: pic of what happens

St. Ides May 23rd, 2017 23:21

A: there is supposed to be resistance: not normal to ruin a brand new gun by filing the mag feed lip at the whim of a sibling; so stop, stop oh for the love of god stop.....
B: read response A: STOP!, don't file shit

go ahead and just throw away those CrappyTire/Princess auto bb's and invest in some quality ones like Elite Force, or ANY BB PURCHASED FROM A REPUTABLE AIRSOFT RETAILER

The problem is with your piece-o-shit BB's

Also, go ahead and google how to clean your gun of the filth you threw through it, or go pay someone to clean it......those bb's are like arsenic to airsoft, and will leave nasty dust in the rifle that will only gunk up your gun quicker, and cause more heartache

also, go ahead and get age verified, will open up a plethora of knowledge and help to you in you future mishaps!

NAAZ May 23rd, 2017 23:35

inb4 after switching to high quality BBs the gun still malfunctions due to already filed mag

Gato May 23rd, 2017 23:37

Agreed with St. Ides, at best, those BBs will just fuck up your hopup and leave nasty crap in the gun. Get rid of them, go buy some new ones, and, as mentioned, STOP FILING AWAY AT YOUR GUN. Clean out your gun before you use it again, making sure you got all the bits of metal you filed off out of the gun.

Before doing that, go do a thorough readthrough of the FAQs, and I mean everything. From proper transport to ammunition, I'm getting the feeling you REALLY need to go read that, it would have avoided the BB issue in the first place.

I'd also recommend slapping your idiot brother, as there is zero way, anyone with common sense would figure the corrective action would be to start file-fucking a brand new gun, if you're lucky, you haven't done too much damage.

St. Ides May 23rd, 2017 23:39

He mentioned that he filed the mag, and not the gun, so at best he fucked a perfectly good mag.......@OP: shit son, where your head at????

St. Ides May 23rd, 2017 23:40


Originally Posted by NAAZ (Post 2005499)
inb4 after switching to high quality BBs the gun still malfunctions due to already filed mag

Laughed way to hard at this comment, bravo sir!

Gato May 23rd, 2017 23:58


Originally Posted by St. Ides (Post 2005502)
He mentioned that he filed the mag, and not the gun, so at best he fucked a perfectly good mag.......@OP: shit son, where your head at????

Haha, I have no idea why I typed gun, I meant to type mag, thanks for the heads up

yogurtstorm May 24th, 2017 08:10

Hi guys,

First please chill a bit, I need guidance, not more reasons to panic. For calrification: I have lightly filed the Magazine lips at the top of the mag, where BBs would not fit, not the actual airsoft gun.

The BBs would not fit at all without any filing on the mag lip. No fucking joke, if you put a BB in front of the lip and push hard, it would never fit. They are standard, Madbull 5.95mm .36g BBs, are these bad? I also tried 2 other brands that my brother had (he has been airsofting with a gunsmith for years so I tend to trust his word and choice in products). Funny thing: all of my brother's M4 mag lips have been filed previously too as he showed me and they all work perfectly great.

The shop owner from whom i bought the gun confirmed I would need to "mod the feed lip to get better feeding" when I asked if I should file more from the mag.

Right now the BBs FINALLY can be inserted into the mag, but there is still a lot of resistance (especially trying to push one out rather than put one in).

yogurtstorm May 24th, 2017 08:19

Here's how a BB currently sits in (feels nice and snug tbh)

BioRage May 24th, 2017 11:08

Person preference,

Over time feed lips will wear down, but I always file mine slight enough to fit the bb in fine.

Your also running .36 those are larger then .20 and .25.

You should file them slightly, until the bb slide into the lip comfortably.

yogurtstorm May 24th, 2017 11:24


Originally Posted by BioRage (Post 2005526)
Person preference,

Over time feed lips will wear down, but I always file mine slight enough to fit the bb in fine.

Your also running .36 those are larger then .20 and .25.

You should file them slightly, until the bb slide into the lip comfortably.

Hi, thanks BioRage! I also used .25 Madbull BBs, but couldn't tell much difference when fitting the .25 or .36 into the mag.

Is it normal that the BB is harder to push out from the magazine than it was to push in? It really is quite hard to push out and I'm thinking this is why a BB breaks inside the gun.

BioRage May 24th, 2017 11:25

It's common for all ghk mags, especially those ak ones.

You'll experience double feeding, which is what you're experiencing.

File them slightly as stated.

yogurtstorm May 24th, 2017 11:28


Originally Posted by BioRage (Post 2005529)
It's common for all ghk mags, especially those ak ones.

You'll experience double feeding, which is what you're experiencing.

File them slightly as stated.

Thanks friend, will update the thread tonight :-)

yogurtstorm May 24th, 2017 21:18


I took apart and reassembled the hop-up and I also went ahead and filed a tiny bit more from the mags and I successfully fired 3 magazines without any BBs breaking!

However, I am only able to fit about a dozen of BBs into a mag before it starts resisting way too much to the point where even by hand I cannot add any more. Shouldn't these mags be holding upwards of 20 BBs?

EDIT: Maybe I was just being too careful and should try putting some force in to get the BBs in, the mags are new so I guess they may be a bit more difficult?

Seags May 24th, 2017 21:34

They should hold 35 or 40 i think. Do you have the GHK speedloader adaptor?

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