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CyanideApple February 16th, 2015 00:59

Age Verification Alternates
Hello everybody!
I was wondering if there was any other wage of performing age verification aside from meeting one of the people listed on the thread page.
I came here just for checking out the classifieds as well as getting rid of some extra gear i no longer need, and perhaps a question or two, and don't really want to spend the time meeting someone to get everything verified. I live in Delhi, Ontario, and driving anymore than 20 minutes just doesn't show any appeal to me.
Any solution?

R.I.T.Z February 16th, 2015 01:01


CyanideApple February 16th, 2015 01:10

Well, shit.

Janus February 16th, 2015 01:45


Originally Posted by CyanideApple (Post 1933987)
driving anymore than 20 minutes just doesn't show any appeal to me.

Holy shit did you pick the wrong sport.

CyanideApple February 16th, 2015 02:11


Originally Posted by Janus (Post 1933992)
Holy shit did you pick the wrong sport.

What great context, Jan. No need to be a smart ass.

The idea of driving anywhere farther than 20 minutes so someone can go "yup he's 18, let him use the classifieds" seems over complicated.

BloodSport February 16th, 2015 03:08

It's not really, it cut down on about 95% of the scams and issues with fraud. I'd say that any complications involved are well worth that.

R.I.T.Z February 16th, 2015 06:38

Maybe you can message your closest Rep and ask nicely if they'd meet you halfway?

L473ncy February 16th, 2015 11:03

Ummm how do you expect to go out to games and play? I'm almost sure there's someone in London that can do it, just show up to a game and organize a rental or loaner from someone if you're scared of not having equipment.

hollywood... February 16th, 2015 11:12

did i just read that? wow!

BioRage February 16th, 2015 11:17

daishi February 16th, 2015 11:23

Oh man, I really don't want to drive 20 minutes to be able to fully use one of the only Canadian resource related to airsoft. Man I really don't want to be able to look at classifieds, or find out where to buy guns or look at reviews or sales or get help with my guns.

Sequential February 16th, 2015 11:24


Originally Posted by CyanideApple (Post 1933997)
What great context, Jan. No need to be a smart ass.

The idea of driving anywhere farther than 20 minutes so someone can go "yup he's 18, let him use the classifieds" seems over complicated.

I smell a minor.

pestobanana February 16th, 2015 11:28

With all due respect in the time you spent making this thread you could have driven 20 minutes and back. AV doesn't just verify you're over 18, it also shows at least some initiative, that you're somewhat interested and that you don expect to be a spoon fed leech.

BattleBorn February 16th, 2015 11:43

Ricochet February 16th, 2015 11:51

Age verification is also a you verification. There's only one way to do that, and that's you, and the AV rep, in person, with your photo ID. Reps are also volunteers, so generally travel and what have you are on you. 20 mins is literally nothing for what you get, literally. I drive further than that to play Airsoft and shop/buy equipment, and members drive way more than that to meet me and get age veridied. Age verification is an important cornerstone of ASC. Contact your local, or closest verifier, setup a meet, and make you you show up, it is on their own time remember. Also, it is a good idea to contact more than one, AV'rs do get busy with work, vacation, family, etc. Also, attitude on these boards, especially as a new member, WILL bury you here, no matter how smart you think you are. ASC is an amazing resource of you're polite and follow the rules, so welcome.

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