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Jimski May 9th, 2014 15:42

programmable MOSFETS wiring question
Hey there,
I just onticed that programmable Mosfets have 4 wires output instead of 3. (usually 2 red 2 black)
What do you plug where ? I only have 3 cables sticking out of my mosfeted gun...

Ron-E May 9th, 2014 15:46

What MOSFET are you trying to install?

Jimski May 9th, 2014 16:28

it looks like that

lurkingknight May 9th, 2014 17:16

that's a burst controller.. not a mosfet. If you aren't interrupting the trigger wiring onto a separate circuit, it's not a mosfet unit. This unit still sends full voltage through your contacts.

To make it work you just put it in line with your wiring.. plug your gun in one end and battery into the other.

ThunderCactus May 9th, 2014 17:29

one wire goes to one side of the trigger
another (black) wire goes to the motor
final red wire goes to the OTHER side of the trigger and continues on to the motor

lurkingknight May 9th, 2014 17:34

it's not a mosfet.

Jimski May 9th, 2014 17:48


Originally Posted by lurkingknight (Post 1888298)
that's a burst controller.. not a mosfet. If you aren't interrupting the trigger wiring onto a separate circuit, it's not a mosfet unit. This unit still sends full voltage through your contacts.

To make it work you just put it in line with your wiring.. plug your gun in one end and battery into the other.

oh ok thank you !

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