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lurkingknight July 17th, 2013 14:11

Echo1 Enterprise Arms SOF 1 vs CA sa58 osw
So I'm looking at these two fine FAL variants... who oems the E1 version? Is it a JG? the specs provided on the SOF2 and SOF3 say that this series runs an AK style hopup on a v3 gearbox.

What does the CA version run on?

Also I understand that mags for the CA version are either hard to get, expensive or low availability when you do find them... what mags do the E1 version use?

GBBR July 17th, 2013 14:13

E1 is JG,

All FAL mags EXCEPT! KA is compatable.

lurkingknight July 17th, 2013 14:28

mmmmm sexy FAL.... I must resist her siren call... too many guns already.. :/

GBBR July 17th, 2013 14:33

DG FAL Built on a CA SA58 OSW - YouTube

daytona fals is where its at!

lurkingknight July 17th, 2013 14:37

hmmm... I don't have one of those yet... however the osw is so pricey on top of the DG or P* type setup... that's a costly project gun.

GBBR July 17th, 2013 17:31

the echo1 sof1 is pretty cheap and reliable

Chotto July 17th, 2013 17:38

The King Arms FALs would be better and the mags seem to be easier to find

I have been looking at these for awhile now, finding mags has been the reason I settled on the G3 and variants

lurkingknight July 17th, 2013 17:50

no more aegs... lol... I have 3 and I need to get rid of one.

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