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Havene July 15th, 2013 23:24

SO confused about batteries...
So I'm looking to buy a gun but I have no bloody clue what all these different connectors are and which one the gun I want has (it doesn't say). I've seen standard deans, mini deans, tamiya mini, ect.... do they all work on any gun?

Also I have no bloody Idea what battery will fit in this gun

It's the King Arms M4 Tanker on toronto airsoft website.

If someone could please help me find a battery that would fit in this gun/work in it, it would be much appreciated. Here are some pics I found of the stock where the battery goes.

(I cant find the battery in the pic on

Also I know some LiPo might fit not sure which one though cause all the damn connectors. Please help me figure this out I'm so confused and new to airsoft.


Would much prefer if batteries listed are from

Also if possible would rather not use a LiPo
:p:p:p THANKS!!

K3vX July 15th, 2013 23:42


Originally Posted by Havene (Post 1815836)
Also if possible would rather not use a LiPo

Why not?

Also, it is against the rules of this forum, to post links to airsoft guns outside of the 18+ section. I suggest you to replace the links by the name of the rifle. This may seem stupid and/or counter-intuitive, but that's the way it is.

Now, to answer your question. The battery usually goes in the buffer tube and/or in the stock. I "think" it's called a stick battery, because of the form it has. You need a battery will fit there. I'm not an expert on this field, but google seems to find good result with the terms "airsoft buffer tube battery" or "airsoft stock battery".

Havene July 16th, 2013 00:04


Originally Posted by K3vX (Post 1815845)
Why not?

Also, it is against the rules of this forum, to post links to airsoft guns outside of the 18+ section. I suggest you to replace the links by the name of the rifle. This may seem stupid and/or counter-intuitive, but that's the way it is.

Now, to answer your question. The battery usually goes in the buffer tube and/or in the stock. I "think" it's called a stick battery, because of the form it has. You need a battery will fit there. I'm not an expert on this field, but google seems to find good result with the terms "airsoft buffer tube battery" or "airsoft stock battery".

It's because they seem like a pain in the ass you have watch them, buy a bag, a special charger, they can start fires (more easily than others), explode. Overall just overly complicated for a battery IMO. So that's why I would prefer a NiMH battery. Could you please help me find one on the website that would work with it? Because I don't understand airsoft tech at all... I looked everywhere (with my tiny airsoft knowledge) but am unsure what battery to get because, I don't want to get the wrong one for my gun.


ThunderCactus July 16th, 2013 00:09

In 7 years, I've personally SEEN no less than 4 NiMH batteries catch on fire, one of them burn someone, one of them ruin a gun.
And I've only HEARD of 2 LiPos actually catching on fire, being used by people who should not have been using them lol
Really it's not such a pain, and the smart charger you use for LiPo is the same one we recommend for NiMH batteries. They're really quite tough.

RaisinBran July 16th, 2013 00:22

I've left my lipos overnight in my smart charger and they are fine. Been using the same batteries from hobbyking for over a year now.

DrunkenTeddy July 16th, 2013 00:31


Originally Posted by Havene (Post 1815862)
It's because they seem like a pain in the ass you have watch them, buy a bag, a special charger, they can start fires (more easily than others), explode. Overall just overly complicated for a battery IMO. So that's why I would prefer a NiMH battery. Could you please help me find one on the website that would work with it? Because I don't understand airsoft tech at all... I looked everywhere (with my tiny airsoft knowledge) but am unsure what battery to get because, I don't want to get the wrong one for my gun.


You will need a smart charger for your battery whether it is NiMH or Lipo, it is extremely highly recommended that you never charge a battery with the charger that comes with the gun, those chargers tend to destroy batteries very quickly. I personally have an IMAX B6AC Pro smart charger and I would recommend it (or the non-pro version) to anyone in a heartbeat. It is a bit expensive but it is well worth the price.

Havene July 16th, 2013 00:38

Yeah, it doesn't even come with a charger. But I know to buy a smart charger regardless, I just want to find a compatible battery with the king arms M4 Tanker that's on toronto airsoft.

ThunderCactus July 16th, 2013 09:06

Just PM'd you with the answer but I'll post it here for the record
9.6v 1600mah NiMH nunchuk battery

K3vX July 16th, 2013 10:31

As answered above, LiPo, when charged with an adequate charger (I own the Imax BAC mentioned above) are safe. The ONLY real risk they have compared to NiMH is that you can over discharge them, thus killing the battery (not setting it on fire, just killing it). To prevent that, you can run an alarm, voltage-check them once in a while or just stop firing when the rate of fire drops.

To answer your question about connectors: All battery work on every gun, but they use different connectors. Tamiya and Mini-Tamiya is the standard in the Airsoft world. They are the white-creamy connector that you can see on every airsoft battery.

We use RC technology for our batteries and connectors, but we are late on them. They developed a superior connector called Deans, and we are slowly catching to it. If you want to use it, you can simply cut the existing connector and solder a new one to the wires.

I'm not suggesting you must do this, but it is to explain my point that the connector alone doesn't define the battery.

Also, we really are late, when the RC world considers Deans connector to be old technology, and we still didn't adopted it worldwide.

darchard123 July 17th, 2013 20:20

Lipos and deans is what you need! And a 7.4v (like 8.4v nimh) in ur stock is all you need!

Lipos are safe I used to use them in RC racing! I lost count the times my Nimh race cells exploded, once one almost shot of the pit table shelf in to my face! Never had an issue with a lipo! They are light, hold charge for months, unlike Nimh that discharge a few % a day, they can be repeaked at any point and don't require a full discharge! Where as Nimh although they don't see a memory effect after being fully cycled if u just keep repeaking wih out a full discharge your voltage will drop so as an example an 8.4v could drop to 7.4! Also lipos last a lot lot longer before degrading, you get way less charges out of Nimh!

With out the right equipment (I had about a $1000 worth) its hard to keep Nimh in good health! Go lipo!

Deans are old tech in rc, as when we used Nimh we just soldered the packs on each time as that way we limited power loss through the connectors! Then when lipos came in we moved to banana plugs (gold type) or deans! Now in racing direct soldering and using no connector gave you a tenth maybe off your lap! In Airsoft they are no advantages to trying to remove or improve your connectors above standard deans that is! (dump the tamiya)

So lipos and deans! Better and more cost effective in the long run!

darchard123 July 17th, 2013 20:26

Oh also forgot to mention the discharge rate of a lipo is less when in use! As an example I had A 6cell Profssionally match 5000mah Nimh pack and would get a 5min run with them in a touring car! With a lipo at 3800mah I would get 8-9mins with 1200mah less! (yes small run times but the motors we ran sucked a hell of allot more juice than an Airsoft motor!

Also Toronto Airsoft have 7.4 lipos that will work in that rifle! Just pick one up!

ThunderCactus July 17th, 2013 20:51

We've been using deans for no less than 6 years now, but the companies making airsoft batteries and guns are all chinese and think it's worth saving the few cents to put small tamiya connectors on everything.
G&P crane stock batteries come stock with deans plugs, but they're the really shitty black ones.

JDoorn July 18th, 2013 17:38 for all your battery needs.

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