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yan101 February 26th, 2013 20:50

ak47 wich one to choose?
I got my first gun from a friend, a g36 TM. Nice little machine for close combat. So now I am looking for a ak47 to ''play out-side'', so close to 390fps.
I like the wood accessory.
I don't mind the weight.

I have seen a couple of cybergun, cyma, echo1, kings arm that look nice. So wich one should I trust to run stock for a while?

Rusty Lugnuts February 26th, 2013 20:57

cyma or echo1 in my opinion. Another thing to keep in mind with AKs is battery location. Big honkin battery in full stock = :) Struggling to put stick battery under dust cover = PITA

MaciekA February 26th, 2013 20:59

The most impressive, solid, clean and composed AKs I have personally seen or heard about are made by G&G (Taiwan), VFC (Taiwan), LCT (Taiwan) and Realsword (Hong Kong).

If you are on a budget, nearly everybody who is experienced with AKs (I'm hoping MADDOG will chime in on this thread) answers this question with the same answer: CYMA. CYMA's bread and butter is AKs, and they can be upgraded once you decide to go beyond stock, they are widely available, mag compatibility is good, etc..

Stay away from JG :)

Off_kilter February 26th, 2013 21:20

You left out the Steel version dboys! They are VFC clones and quite good for the price!

13enz February 27th, 2013 01:04

If you're going gas, GHK AKM. Since day 1, I haven't had a single complaint. It's rock solid. A bit costly though but hey, worth every penny.

Edit: Rereading your original post, it seems like you're probably interested in an AEG.. Soo I'd say Real Sword would be one of the nicer options, maybe VFC.

mzo February 27th, 2013 02:31

I will apologize ahead of time and add my question to this thread instead of starting a new very similar thread.

I also want to get an AK (don't care if it is ak47, ak74 or akm) for outside gaming but cannot decide between what's available: CYMA, Echo 1 Redstar, Cybergun and G&G.
I realize that Real Sword, VFC and LCT are the best options but they are above my budget of $300.

So from CYMA, Echo 1 Redstar, Cybergun and G&G which AK (stock/out of the box) is:
-most durable (on average last longer before needing repairs)
-most available upgrade parts (I will be using a gun doc to upgrade)
-works well with other AK mags

Currently I'm leaning towards the Echo 1 Redstar AK RIS or CYMA AKM (CM 048M)

ccyg8774 February 27th, 2013 03:02

From what I have heard, cybergun AKs are basically CYMA.
Do you have a preference on folding stock or fixed stock?

Pros for folding: short overall length to transport/storage.
Cons: Only takes stick battery under receiver cover.

Pros for fixed: Takes almost any batteries.
Cons: longer and (maybe) heavier.

Troy T. Moore February 27th, 2013 06:41

As an AK fanatic I have to chime in. I own RS Type 56, RS Type 56-1, DBoys steel AKS74u, DBoys steel AKS74, LCT RPK, and LCT AK74MN. I also have a frankengun AK105. Yes I have a problem, and admitting it is the first step.

I have 3 CYMA AKS74u that I rent to new players wanting to try out the game. 2 of the fellows in our group have G&G and one a Classic Army SLR105. I gundoc and have worked on all of the aforementioned AEGs.

Hands down Real Sword Type 56 my favourite AEG. Used it as my primary for 2 years, used the frankengun AK105 before that. Las season I got the LCT AK74MN and it is my new primary.

I would NEVER recommend the G&G AK47 to anyone. For the money you pay it is not worth it, and both of the fellows that have them here have had broken external parts. Classic Army steel SLR105 or steel SLR are decent, but on the expensive side for what you are getting. DBoys steel version (make sure it is the STEEL version) is good if you can find them. A bit of tuning in the mechbox with airseal components and you are good to go, quite robust. If you look at my list you will see that I DO NOT have an AKM. I have coveted one for a while, but if I am going to stay married, I must resist. If I was to buy one though, it would be the CYMA 048 model. CYMA makes several different models of AKM, and othe AKs with different qualities of materials. I know of one Canadian retailer that has this AEG in stock right now for $260.

Hope this is of some value.

BogardusFoul February 27th, 2013 07:33

CYMA is the shit. My very first gun was a CYMA, and after spending another 5k on other guns, it is still one of the best weapons in my collection.

Cs February 27th, 2013 08:53

I have a cybergun (cyma) ak74u and it is great for the price. Only draw back is the finish isn't the greatest but ak's are suppose to get beat up.

All I did was re-shim and put an m-90 spring in it. It's my go to gun over my vfc mk12.

McCrea February 27th, 2013 09:12

CYMA, Cybergun and Echo 1, all the same, only rebrands

DanoftheDead February 27th, 2013 09:22

Real sword is the best ak aeg on the market still. I have one and its awesome! Worth every penny.

Hectic February 27th, 2013 09:59

LCT for sweet wood and accurate reciver (tho they do not make an AK47 any more only akm and 74 and rpk74 along with all the lil variences between)
or Cyma for less money and still a decent exterior
All the RS i have seen wer nice looking too but alot of folks had mechanical issues quickly

mzo February 27th, 2013 16:39

If the Echo 1 Redstar AK RIS is the same as the CYMA AKM in overall quality then would it make more sense to get the Echo 1 since it has rails?

Im getting a fixed stock AK

Alot of what I have read about G&G AKs agrees with what you said so I'm crossing that off the list.

Thanks for your responses everyone

Off_kilter February 27th, 2013 16:50

Because Rails on a AK is shameful ;)

I have a source of very afforadable LCT AKs if you're me!

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