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moose_lee February 13th, 2013 23:57

Warning: do not deal with...
Do not trade or attempt a deal with Anthony Rudkin. It will not end well.

This is what happened:
On November 15th, 2012 Anthony messaged me on Facebook asking what I would like to trade for a sniper rifle of mine.

Originally he had nothing that interested me but was very insistent on getting me to trade with him. On November 20, 2011 he posted that he had a m249 SAW that he wanted to sell.

I then messaged him saying that I would trade him my rifle, a pistol and a custom paint job of his choosing for the m249. All of my items were in perfect running condition and came with all hardware. I was led to believe that the m249 was in working condition as well.

When we met up for the trade on November 23, he showed me the SAW and explained that there was a bolt missing that was easily replaced, that was why the front assembly of the gun would not stay on the rifle. In essence, an non functioning rifle. I took his word that it was working other than the bolt.

On November 24, I took a much closer look at the gun and realized there was much more wrong with it than just a retaining pin. I messaged Anthony back and after some discussion he agreed to help pay for the necessary repairs instead of returning the original guns from the trade.

On November 28, I had scooter Vauto take the gun apart and give me a quote on repairs and parts needed. I forwarded the quote to Anthony on November 30 and we agreed that he would pay for $150 of the bill.

At this point I was told that I would need to wait until after Christmas since he was recently laid off from his job. Understandable, I waited.. In the mean time he continually updates me on the "new" guns he's acquired and gotten. Making me slightly frustrated.

I waited a week after Christmas and asked how the job search was coming. No updates on when I would be seeing any reimbursement.

I finally contacted him February 13, more than 2 months after he had agreed to pay me. I was given the excuse that he was forced to move out of the city due to personal reasons, had entered college and would be unable to pay until after he graduated.

I left him with an ultimatum, either he pays his dues or I would post what has happened to the local Airsoft communities. The fact you've read this should explain what he chose.

For those that care, please do not partake in any dealings with Mr. Rudkin.

Thank you for reading this.

jordan7831 February 14th, 2013 00:02

Just to clarify, is Anthony Rudkin his user name as well?

Aquamarine February 14th, 2013 00:06

And does he live in Edmonton too?

Janus February 14th, 2013 02:14

Does he look like this?

Curo February 14th, 2013 08:07

That's fraud. Report that Bitch to the RCMP

moose_lee February 14th, 2013 08:15

Yes that is the guy in the picture. In unsure of any other usernames.

Nickaayyy February 14th, 2013 09:26

Seems he had done this before... Or Google can now find people faces XD (wont suprise me)

BennyBoy February 14th, 2013 09:30

he's on the interweb...Facebook to be exact =D

Invasian February 14th, 2013 09:33



Originally Posted by Janus (Post 1760548)

Nickaayyy February 14th, 2013 09:39

Think he's pretty fuckep up now. It's gonna be hard for him to play on a ASC field :/, kind of having a bit pity for him... pity passed away XD

moose_lee February 14th, 2013 10:24

He's been banned from edmonton Airsoft, warnings posted on red deer forums, Calgary forums, youth groups, and reported to RCMP. I guess he has screwed over a lot of people

Nickaayyy February 14th, 2013 10:48

Seriously I don't know what you can do to get your stuff back... Did you sign a "contract" or any proof you traded with him?? Maybe it can be useful.

Pretty sure someone here gonna find an idea to help you, me i'll try to find something. Keep fighting with him to get it back or at least pay for the repairs, putting pressure on him may help you. (Just dont be too agressive XD)

moose_lee February 14th, 2013 11:00

I'm not worried about getting it back. I've repaired the saw and am happy with it. I just want to share the info to hopefully keep him from messing with more people.

jordan7831 February 14th, 2013 11:47

Well be sure to try to get compensation from this prick, and of course notify the proper authorities. Its not my place, but I would want someone to light a fire under his ass. Because this could happen to someone else, and you have the power to try to stop it.

moose_lee February 14th, 2013 11:59

I totally agree

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