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N_Force August 12th, 2012 22:11

Making Moving Targets for Airsoft Practical Shooting
Not sure if someone did post about this but it is quite interesting to myself to make a moving target for airsoft. Here is the story.
I've been joining CAPS, Canadian Airsoft Practical Shooting, in Toronto area for 3 years. Always have this in my mind to make some fun to shoot somethings that moving but not human targets. (CQB is already so popular in TO). Watching some movies for IPSC and come up with this idea.

Moving Targets

Tried to make it electrical but couldn't find out any help for electric. Then did some research in youtube and got some ideas from those shoot RS. Finally I made one copy based on the youtube video posted.

Here is the first copy one.

Posting it is just I would like to share with others and see I could take some new ideas from you to improve or create new one.

I will post more pictures and even video to share with. Stay tuned....

N_Force August 12th, 2012 22:12

Up Down Moving Target

target is hiding at the back of partition in the low position waiting to be triggered on.

target is triggered and moving half the way up and become visible.

target is all the way up and complete visible to be shot.

then target will fall back down at the back of partition and become invisible.

also the target is detachable in 2 pieces for easy delivery.

Video link for both up down and turning

N_Force August 12th, 2012 22:13

Turning Target

stand by position

shot popper to trigger on the turning target

the front no-shoot targets and the back shootable targets are turning into different direction

of cause this one also could be taken into two pieces for storage and delivery.

Video link for both up down and turning

Homemade Turning Target for airsoft practical shooting - YouTube

N_Force August 12th, 2012 22:15

Crazy Steel Challenging Star or CSCS or Double CS

This design, original idea is coming from Texas Star. TS is RS version and the hitting force is high, AS is just 2J or lower. So the design has to be light and durable. TS only has 5 Steele poppers but double CS has 12 aluminium poppers with magnetic support. This design could be for single shoot count by time or head to head comparision. That why you see two color on it. Full pictures will be up soon

since the turning one is done, add on poppers will become the double CS. this one still new and not yet test in range.

Here you go, this is the testing version. both shooters have to shoot the same side first either left or right red and yellow to active the turning. then take the random shoot until one color all down that's the winner.

testing video link:
Crazy steel Challenging Star / CSCS / Double CS (BW) - YouTube

Crazy steel Challenging Star / CSCS / Double CS (FW) - YouTube

more coming up....

Grudge August 12th, 2012 23:12

Nice I've been looking at those as well. I've wanted to start a CAPS chapter here in Winnipeg. I like the idea of being able to string them together and activate one after the other!

CDN_Stalker August 13th, 2012 09:24

My favourite was always the bottlecap hanging from a string in the basement, mostly shot at it with my M24, I had a pretty decent success rate of tagging it in mid swing. :)

N_Force August 14th, 2012 22:21

Agreed, not only bottlecap but aslo coke can, even coins too. It's fun in the basement. I believe most of us do it alone home. But this project is building one to have more fun with the others. I turely we would have a chance to complete them together.

pictures up-dated


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker (Post 1691113)
My favourite was always the bottlecap hanging from a string in the basement, mostly shot at it with my M24, I had a pretty decent success rate of tagging it in mid swing. :)

PrIeSt August 15th, 2012 00:50

I've got a few moving demos I've built. Playing around. But electrical is my job so making something move is easy. Making 20 of them move on command by remote... That's the next project :-)

N_Force August 15th, 2012 09:24


Originally Posted by takagari (Post 1692071)
I've got a few moving demos I've built. Playing around. But electrical is my job so making something move is easy. Making 20 of them move on command by remote... That's the next project :-)

Though I just focus to the physical moving design one for now but I would like to know more about electrical one. Would you mind to share your design and show pictures and video, please.

Other video link is posted

m102404 August 15th, 2012 09:42

That's awesome Norrie...just awesome.

You need to work on a Dueling Tree next...for the end of a steel challenge round :)

N_Force August 18th, 2012 18:35


Originally Posted by m102404 (Post 1692167)
That's awesome Norrie...just awesome.

You need to work on a Dueling Tree next...for the end of a steel challenge round :)

thanks Tys, you should come and shoot too.

the #4 post Double CS is one of the steel challenge design based on Texas Star. check out the up-date pics and Vids. and the Dueling Tree is on the way. still waiting for test and finalize the design. this one not easy as I thought.

Doble CS video link:
Crazy steel Challenging Star / CSCS / Double CS (FW) - YouTube

Crazy steel Challenging Star / CSCS / Double CS (BW) - YouTube

MilanWG August 18th, 2012 18:40


Originally Posted by m102404 (Post 1692167)
You need to work on a Dueling Tree next...for the end of a steel challenge round :)

+1 please :)

jordan7831 August 20th, 2012 16:19

This is so cool. Thanks for sharing!

SuperHog September 5th, 2012 13:55

Looks good. Nice to see someone that is creative.

Just wish there activity in the Toronto area for IPSC.

N_Force September 5th, 2012 14:04


Originally Posted by SuperHog (Post 1699806)
Looks good. Nice to see someone that is creative.

Just wish there activity in the Toronto area for IPSC.

Thanks, they are used for CAPS for both IPSC and IDPA in TTAC once a month. Come and enjoy with us. next shoot would be Sept 21 in the evening.

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