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Sim123456 January 11th, 2011 10:20

Help! I can't go to work anymore because of my youtube videos
Hi guys, I was sick and I was supposed to go working back tomorrow from a week of hillness brake. I'm working at Hopital Jean-Talon in Montréal but I was informed that now I'm not allowed by law to enter this Hopital without being escorted by security and that my presence is now consider dangerous. I'm must go see a psychiatrist tomorrow that will declare if I represent a danger to my coworkers.

That is happenning because of my youtube videos where I show my arisoftguns. I thought that it was legal to show those kind of video where I always explain that these are not real rifles, that they are hobbies etc.

Wht do you think?

Padkiller January 11th, 2011 10:28


Originally Posted by Sim123456 (Post 1384987)
Hi guys, I was sick and I was supposed to go working back tomorrow from a week of hillness brake. I'm working at Hopital Jean-Talon in Montréal but I was informed that now I'm not allowed by law to enter this Hopital without being escorted by security and that my presence is now consider dangerous. I'm must go see a psychiatrist tomorrow that will declare if I represent a danger to my coworkers.

That is happenning because of my youtube videos where I show my arisoftguns. I thought that it was legal to show those kind of video where I always explain that these are not real rifles, that they are hobbies etc.

Wht do you think?

Well, it sure is weird, I mean I know that my Facebook profile can be checked by anybody, but not my youtube videos ????

Man, this sure is weird, didn't know that having airsoft is a disease ???
If the all the people who had guns had to be seen by an psychiatrist for their jobs, it would be a mess !

That's just weird, you shouldn't have problems with the psychiatrist, just explain him, he's not stupid heh !

Argh, I'm having a headache because of this, dang, that's a bit F?&%ed up !!!

L473ncy January 11th, 2011 10:32

This is exactly why I'm an advocate of separating your personal and professional life. Granted this is a bit extreme, but just go do what you need to do and tell the psychiatrist that you don't know why you're there and it's bullshit but you'll go through the motions to give the appearance of whatever they want. Definitely don't make snide sarcastic remarks at all during the exam because this is pretty serious and if there's bias in the psychiatrists mind anyways it will just reaffirm the psychiatrists bias that you're a "right wing gun crazy republican fundamentalist Christian nutjob".

PS: Remember these words: It's not the ACTUALITY of doing wrong its the APPEARANCE of doing wrong. Basically don't bring attention to yourself and keep your head down.

Richard1 January 11th, 2011 10:44

you wanna know what i think....

compleat bull shit. airsoft is a sport so if there going to make it so you have security follow you at work, shouldnt anyone with a hockey vidio, soccer vidio, etc.... be under the same regulations?:banghead:

i mean under canadian law evry thing is supposed to be treated the same.

as for the phychiatrist... as some one else stated, yeah go though with uit. but in the process explain to the guy what the sport is... who knows, ya may add to the docs on the feild :p

Girock January 11th, 2011 10:49

NON ???? I cant believe it .....This is pretty weird !
Un confrère de travaille a informé la direction de l’hôpital ??

SniperSam January 11th, 2011 10:50

Well last time I checked that's discrimination in this province, can't you talk to the MESS about this?

MESS (Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale)

Strelok January 11th, 2011 10:52

Wow, that is kind of on the pathetic side.

The ignorance of the higher ups in this country jut baffles me. I understand the need for caution in times like this but to lay down such measures over toy guns is just a bit too much for me. It doesn't take much effort to educate onesself over what we do.

Richard1 January 11th, 2011 10:52

didnt piss off a co worker did ya? sure ya can guess what im thinking

Sim123456 January 11th, 2011 10:57

Well, my videos are on youtube so everyone can look at them. A couple of my coworkers know that I love to collect airsoft guns. But it's a small place, everyone talk, I guess everything someone says is disformed. Even after stating all about it being airsoft guns, surely someone that don't know me that much saw the videos and because of, well there was a killing not long ago and they talked a lot about it in the media etc.

But I told them that I didn't have any weapon, that they can look in the firearms register with the GRC. But they don't seem to want to go that far. They stopped at: there are youtube videos of my with guns (something that looks like it).

I won't play any game with the psychiatrist tomorrow, I'll explain to him that what I collect are the same things as you can buy at canadian tire/wallmart etc. But I will go with what they say and if they tell to remove them, I will, no problem. I understand the situation with mass killers.

I would have love something a bit less harder, like: Simon, we hear that people says that there are disturbing video of you on youtube and we would appreciate that you remove them. I would have, no problem, ask gently.

Death March January 11th, 2011 11:00

Well,you can go to Human rights or the Labor board,yeh there fun to deal with ! Also depends on what you are doing in said vid.

SINN January 11th, 2011 11:03


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1384993)
This is exactly why I'm an advocate of separating your personal and professional life. Granted this is a bit extreme, but just go do what you need to do and tell the psychiatrist that you don't know why you're there and it's bullshit but you'll go through the motions to give the appearance of whatever they want. Definitely don't make snide sarcastic remarks at all during the exam because this is pretty serious and if there's bias in the psychiatrists mind anyways it will just reaffirm the psychiatrists bias that you're a "right wing gun crazy republican fundamentalist Christian nutjob".

PS: Remember these words: It's not the ACTUALITY of doing wrong its the APPEARANCE of doing wrong. Basically don't bring attention to yourself and keep your head down.

Quoted for truth. Welcome to the real world and how to work in it.

Richard1 January 11th, 2011 11:07

what is your youtube channel name? id like to check them out

Slono January 11th, 2011 11:10

Wow. Just WOW.

I'm speechless.

AngelusNex January 11th, 2011 11:19

See the psychiatrist, prove your sane and hen consult a lawyer about sueing the hospital.

teriases January 11th, 2011 11:21

Oh shit.

I posted videos of me playing COD Black Ops...

Should I be worrying..? It's a game where you shoot at other people... Like airsoft....

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