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infernau September 18th, 2010 09:16

Isolated retards!
Has anyone heard about the douche bag that pulled an air pistol (glock) on a couple downtown Barrie. The gun was recovered, does anyone know who this is because this affects the whole community, we have to step up and insure that these isolated cases don't pour out into the street, hell we just got full metals legally in Canada we surely don't need to lose the sport we all love because of absolute morons. It's everyone's responsibility, if you know who did this, to inform the rest of us so that he's banned from everything airsoft related period. We have to have no tolerance attitude towards incidents like this or we can kiss airsoft goodbye.

This may not be an airsoft gun, so far it's only released as an (air pistol).
Time to nut up or shut up.


Skruface September 18th, 2010 10:00


deep in the bush September 18th, 2010 10:02

here is the release:

Barrie Police were called to a downtown nightclub for weapons call. Police were told a patron left the club to confront a male and female.
The suspect stopped the couple and pointed a firearm directly at the pair.
The couple slapped the weapon out of the suspects hands and the pair fled the area. The suspect fled the area and is currently outstanding.
Police arrived shortly after and located a air pistol that accurately resembled a "glock".
The suspect is described as a white male in his early twenties with a light scruffy beard.
Please call crimestoppers or Barrie Police if you have any information.

I don't think the sky is falling. We always had always had issues like this.

This is going to be a short 20 second item tonight buried in the show with more emphasis on the drunkeness issues of downtown compared to the use of the air pistol. In fact the release did not even mention it as airsoft. It could have been a bb gun as there are bb gun "glocks" as well.

SniperSam September 18th, 2010 10:06

+1 for slapping the gun out of his hands
-1 for not properly going slap happy on assailant
But for real. What the hell, first the ting in B.C. now this? Won't be long until media gets a hold of this and blows out of proportion. I just hope the rule of three doesn't apply to these things. Otherwise we'll have another incident, and more kindle will be added to the fire of ignorance

Lakonian September 18th, 2010 12:16

Could it be this fellow? LOL

pusangani September 18th, 2010 12:28

Hehe nice catch Kos

Conker September 18th, 2010 12:31


Originally Posted by Lakonian (Post 1317465)

LOL I had the same thought :D

As deep in the bush said, that happens a few times a year and it will stay buried like this, far under Big Brother and American Idol as long as there's no deaths. And while I hate these reality shows, I sure hope it stays that way. The sky is not falling.

That being said, obviously is someone is doing or planning criminal activities involving the use of airsoft guns (or not), don't wait to get in touch with law enforcement.

SniperSam September 18th, 2010 12:40

Agreed Conker, but it's ignorance that is bliss, and hopefully we'll get the right kind

pipefitter316 September 18th, 2010 16:41

I think acting tough then having a gun slapped out of your hand is good enough for this idiot, lots of places to get a glock looking handgun around here, hell the 400 market has toyguns that are almost exact as a glock.

Diabolic Tyrant September 18th, 2010 20:32


Originally Posted by pipefitter316 (Post 1317575)
I think acting tough then having a gun slapped out of your hand is good enough for this idiot, lots of places to get a glock looking handgun around here, hell the 400 market has toyguns that are almost exact as a glock.

Its not hard to buy airsoft online either and paint it pure black.

Brayden September 18th, 2010 21:01


Originally Posted by SniperSam (Post 1317416)
+1 for slapping the gun out of his hands
-1 for not properly going slap happy on assailant
But for real. What the hell, first the ting in B.C. now this? Won't be long until media gets a hold of this and blows out of proportion. I just hope the rule of three doesn't apply to these things. Otherwise we'll have another incident, and more kindle will be added to the fire of ignorance

its happened many times before, don't post a comment unless you have more knowledge than seeing a thread from a week ago.

Belaslav September 18th, 2010 22:01


Originally Posted by Lakonian (Post 1317465)

Very funny.

First of all, I don't live in Barrie. Never even heard of the place 'till now.

Second, if it ever comes to that, I have people to prove on all of my whereabouts for all week long.

Nik12 September 18th, 2010 22:11


Originally Posted by Belaslav (Post 1317695)
Very funny.

First of all, I don't live in Barrie. Never even heard of the place 'till now.

Second, if it ever comes to that, I have people to prove on all of my whereabouts for all week long.

You've never heard of Barrie? Where do you live? Toronto?

Belaslav September 18th, 2010 22:13


Originally Posted by Nik12 (Post 1317698)
You've never heard of Barrie? Where do you live? Toronto?

Yep. Updated my profile just now.

SniperSam September 18th, 2010 22:40

I meant in reference to recent the city where i went to school itd happen on an almost monthly basis, someone robbing someone, real gun or not. and since both of the things did happen within a week, i thought that the reference was appropriate

Originally Posted by Brayden (Post 1317673)
its happened many times before, don't post a comment unless you have more knowledge than seeing a thread from a week ago.

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