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Pinard June 18th, 2010 12:50

single fire issues
Hey guys, just bought a second hand Classic Army M15A2 and I got some issues when firing on single mode. I doesn't want to fire, it just ''click'' then I put it on full auto fire some rounds and come back to single and it works. Do I need to change the _____________ (insert good word here) ?

Gunny_McSmith June 18th, 2010 12:56

what type of battery are you using?

Spike June 18th, 2010 13:16

That happened to my CA when I first got it. If you pull the trigger about 10 times on semi, does it fire eventually?

Huge June 18th, 2010 13:25


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 1257164)
That happened to my CA when I first got it. If you pull the trigger about 10 times on semi, does it fire eventually?

Dont want to hijack the thread (could be helpful for both of us) but mine has the same problem and yeah it does fire after the 10th time or something. Could it still be the battery?

Pinard June 18th, 2010 13:58


Originally Posted by Huge (Post 1257174)
Dont want to hijack the thread (could be helpful for both of us) but mine has the same problem and yeah it does fire after the 10th time or something. Could it still be the battery?

thanks, I'm actually using a 8.4V 1400 mAh Ni-MH mini (bought with the gun)
I will use my 8V Li-PO batterie when I'll have dean connectors

Gunny_McSmith June 18th, 2010 14:04

8.4v and 1400mah isnt enough... get a 9.6v and at least 2200mah...

If you plan on installing a LIPO battery, dont forget to install a MOSFET chip... or you'll fry out your switch assembly after a couple of shots....

Pinard June 18th, 2010 14:17


Originally Posted by Gunny_McSmith (Post 1257195)
8.4v and 1400mah isnt enough... get a 9.6v and at least 2200mah...

If you plan on installing a LIPO battery, dont forget to install a MOSFET chip... or you'll fry out your switch assembly after a couple of shots....

this information is discussed on a lot of field...8.4V or 9.6 ...personnaly I don't want to change my three 8.4V batteries since i've gotten no probleme with them and on full auto it is enough for me. and about Mosfet chip, what is that ? the guy told me I needed no more than plugging it and get outside to fire :S

anyway, that doesn't help my problem of single shot firing :banghead:

Gunny_McSmith June 18th, 2010 14:31

dude... let me explain to you...

Higher voltage will make your motor cycle fater

Higher mah (miliampérage) will give your motor a higher energy = higher torque (but could also be influenced by the battery chemistry)

With a 8.4v 1400 MAH battery, (and I guess a near 400 fps spring?)...
your motor doesnt receive enough energy from the battery to remove the gearbox gears and spring from its inertia = problem in SEMI

A lipo battery, however, because of its chemistry, gives a lot of energy/torque to your motor, and it creates a really important electric ark at the switch assembly, each time you pull the trigger, which creates a black carbon residue. A MOSFET will act as a electrical switch instead of a mechanical one = no carbon residue!

Unless you want to open your gearbox everytime after you've shot with your gun to clean the carbon residue, or experience the frustration of a non shooting AEG in a middle of a game, INSTALL A MOSFET WITH YOUR LIPO!

Pinard June 18th, 2010 14:37


Originally Posted by Gunny_McSmith (Post 1257206)
dude... let me explain to you...

Higher voltage will make your motor cycle fater

Higher mah (miliampérage) will give your motor a higher energy = higher torque (but could also be influenced by the battery chemistry)

With a 8.4v 1400 MAH battery, (and I guess a near 400 fps spring?)...
your motor doesnt receive enough energy from the battery to remove the gearbox gears and spring from its inertia = problem in SEMI

A lipo battery, however, because of its chemistry, gives a lot of energy/torque to your motor, and it creates a really important electric ark at the switch assembly, each time you pull the trigger, which creates a black carbon residue. A MOSFET will act as a electrical switch instead of a mechanical one = no carbon residue!

Unless you want to open your gearbox everytime after you've shot with your gun to clean the carbon residue, or experience the frustration of a non shooting AEG in a middle of a game, INSTALL A MOSFET WITH YOUR LIPO!

thanks for the explanation I'll find a Mosfet or just...sell my Li-PO
oh and my M4A1 is stock...shooting between 320-340 FPS no big deal thats why I think my 8.4 is it ? (no sarcasm here I want to learn!)

Spike June 18th, 2010 14:57

an 8,4 should cycle that mechbox without a problem. I ran my CA with a 120 spring on an 8.4 for the longest time.

There's just probably an issue with the selector switch. If it fires in auto, it would fire in semi. And the fact that you CAN get it to fire in semi means its not the battery.

Pinard June 18th, 2010 15:04


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 1257216)
an 8,4 should cycle that mechbox without a problem. I ran my CA with a 120 spring on an 8.4 for the longest time.

There's just probably an issue with the selector switch. If it fires in auto, it would fire in semi. And the fact that you CAN get it to fire in semi means its not the battery.

that is what I tought...I just emptied a mag (almost 80rounds) and it only did it once...switched to auto for some burst and then came back to single...everything was alright so I don't understand what is the problem...

(also...damn I love this gun ! nice buy I just did :smile: )

HKGhost June 18th, 2010 16:08

If it won't fire with an 8.4, then it won't fire with a 9.6. It could be the copper prong on the switch assembly not making contact or the selector plate not being in the right position.

Gunny_McSmith June 18th, 2010 16:32


Originally Posted by HKGhost (Post 1257262)
If it won't fire with an 8.4, then it won't fire with a 9.6. It could be the copper prong on the switch assembly not making contact or the selector plate not being in the right position.

true could be that too....

... they are so many problems / solutions with AEGs.... -_-'

Pinard June 19th, 2010 00:12

damn...well at least it works well...just have to switch mode, just hope that it won't get worst

thanks all...I'll maybe change my selector plate if it gets more annoying and I pissed off

fi3re June 19th, 2010 00:53

I installed a high speed motor with stock spring onto my MP5k and had the same problem.
What I think happens is the motor spun with such speed that the piston is half cocked after every shot. Sometimes to the point that the gear timing would be off fooling the system into thinking the gun JUST fired a shot thus not firing. (Semi auto uses a gear and lever system so the gun will stop firing after one cycle of the piston.)

In full auto the motor spins no matter what so full auto would not be effected.

I am no doctor but can safely assume that this is the issue and nothing to do with lack of power. (if anything its too much power)

Only solution is mosfet

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