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Cassius May 13th, 2010 09:27

You're out of $$$. All the guns you've ever wanted pop up on the classifieds. FML
I'm about to move. I really can't buy anything right now but I know once I've moved I'll be swimming in tons of money. :p

So right about now, every gun in the world that I've ever wanted is on the classifieds at the lowest price ever just to rub it in.

In about one month all these crazy deals will be sold!

Does that ever happen to you?

panzergrenadier May 13th, 2010 09:32

Yep... It sucks. Worse when the rifle you've always wanted pops up and you can't afford it

Crunchmeister May 13th, 2010 09:32

I believe that this is a classic example of Murphy's Law in action...

Strelok May 13th, 2010 09:56

Well, a while back my original intention was to buy a Classic Army SLR105 rifle, it was one of the first guns I had ever used that wasn't shitsoft at one of my first games, I was absolutely sold on it when I first used it, so ever since I've been hunting down one.

So, Eventually I grow impatient and eventually just buy a gun to 'build' on in the classifieds, a G&G AK47. (Biggest mistake i've made in a while.) Ended up paying a rediculous amount just to get it full metal (Had to replace just about everything on the outside of it since G&G doesn't fit with much beyond their own parts. Anyway, A few weeks after buying the damn thing, the very gun I want pops up on the classifieds for cheaper than what the G&G ended up costing.

That left me in a pretty foul mood for a while. Lol.

Zeonprime May 13th, 2010 10:32

Yup happens all the time. I really need to win the lotto so I can buy everything I want and not worry about this problem anymore :D

Disco_Dante May 13th, 2010 10:38


Originally Posted by Zeonprime (Post 1233419)
Yup happens all the time. I really need to win the lotto so I can buy everything I want and not worry about this problem anymore :D

Pffft this week's lotto 649 is all mine. I can feel it!

Shirley May 13th, 2010 10:40

If I won the lottery, I would get RS weapons, open up a own field and everytime we have a game, I'll fly in with a helicopter.. ;)

Rugger_can May 13th, 2010 10:48

Well considering that there is always a dozen or so guns that I would love to own floating around the classifieds and Im as broke as a Sailor on shore leave Im always in this position.

Zeonprime May 13th, 2010 10:50


Originally Posted by Disco_Dante (Post 1233423)
Pffft this week's lotto 649 is all mine. I can feel it!

Anyone know where you live on these boards? Mwhahahaha :)


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 1233425)
If I won the lottery, I would get RS weapons, open up a own field and everytime we have a game, I'll fly in with a helicopter.. ;)

You'd eat up a huge amount of your winnings in operating costs, fuel and licensing on the helicopter. Then add in the cost of your land, setting it up the way you want and then taxes and permits to keep everything legal...ouch so much for those lotto winnings :)

You figure the lotto Max is $20 Million this weekend right? Assuming you were the only ticket holder for the $20 million.

Flight training on a helicopter $50,000
Helicopter that would be new and good for totting guns 800,000- 1,000,000 US
Storage of said helicopter, maintenance, fuel, airfield fees, etc. $10,000-40,000 a year.

that is a big chunk of your winnings right there.
I wont break down the field costs right now cause I am heading out for a smoke break. But remember you win the lottery, you are going to probably end up giving away to FAMILY nearly 1/4 of it.

Spike May 13th, 2010 10:52

It's happening right now. I just dropped $1100 on parts for a build, and guns that I want are now surfacing.

*edit* Zeon, you're the only person who I've ever heard who made it sound like winning the lottery will make you poor.

Rugger_can May 13th, 2010 11:00


Originally Posted by Zeonprime (Post 1233431)
Anyone know where you live on these boards? Mwhahahaha :)

You'd eat up a huge amount of your winnings in operating costs, fuel and licensing on the helicopter. Then add in the cost of your land, setting it up the way you want and then taxes and permits to keep everything legal...ouch so much for those lotto winnings :)

You figure the lotto Max is $20 Million this weekend right? Assuming you were the only ticket holder for the $20 million.

Flight training on a helicopter $50,000
Helicopter that would be new and good for totting guns 800,000- 1,000,000 US
Storage of said helicopter, maintenance, fuel, airfield fees, etc. $10,000-40,000 a year.

that is a big chunk of your winnings right there.
I wont break down the field costs right now cause I am heading out for a smoke break. But remember you win the lottery, you are going to probably end up giving away to FAMILY nearly 1/4 of it.

Dude, relax

Your reading into it alittle too much, it's called fantasy for a reason.

Me, I'd buy a llama and ride it around Ottawa paying people 20 bucks to let me hit them on the head with a nerf bat and video tape it. Then I would compile all the footage and sell it under the title "Rugger Nerfs the Capitol" and I would bill it like a series, only I would never make a sequel so it would gain cult status and thus propel me into the annals of history.

Or just buy a nice house for myself and give motorcycles to all my close friends.

Zeonprime May 13th, 2010 11:36


Originally Posted by Rugger_can (Post 1233441)
Dude, relax

Your reading into it alittle too much, it's called fantasy for a reason.

Me, I'd buy a llama and ride it around Ottawa paying people 20 bucks to let me hit them on the head with a nerf bat and video tape it. Then I would compile all the footage and sell it under the title "Rugger Nerfs the Capitol" and I would bill it like a series, only I would never make a sequel so it would gain cult status and thus propel me into the annals of history.

Or just buy a nice house for myself and give motorcycles to all my close friends.

lol.. I play a mental exercise in my head everytime I play the lottery (I dont think I'll ever win, but heck I'm only out a cup a coffee every now and then so no biggy). I number crunch based off the possible maximum jackpot posted how to divy up the funds without going broke (there was a study a few years back that showed in the states a great many lotto winners were dead broke within I believe a decade after winning). Besides if I were to ever actually win, it's good to have a plan :D

I like this exercise since it doesnt involve me imagining going up the clock tower at work and laying waste to my coworkers hehe

Rugger thats a pretty awesome idea :D

Cassius May 13th, 2010 12:57

The opposite also happens to me. I remember back then I was like: ooh I want a SCAR! It was difficult to find the VFC scar but I did manage to find one (you know who you are and you're awesome!). I was so happy I was one of the few with a scar in canada then within 2 weeks everyone on this forum had SCARs and they were everywhere on the god damn classifieds.

Crunchmeister said it; fucking Murphy's law.

To the people selling pistols on the classifieds; you should wait 'till I'm ready to buy! That's in like a month! What are you doing selling to not me??

Zeonprime May 13th, 2010 13:28

lol I know how you feel. Right now there are these two things for sale that I want :(

A&K MASADA AEG Advanced Combat Rifle (Black, Fully Licensed) - $695

WE Kimber Desert Warrior (Full Metal, With Marking) - $355 Shipped

BAH!!! Damn you Murphy!!

aZn_triXta07 May 13th, 2010 13:34

Tuition + CC Bill + Real Steel

Next thing I know an Echo 1 Minigun is available and I can't afford it :'(

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