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MadMax March 4th, 2008 23:01

It's AALIVVE!!! Well, almost. Tornado grenade video posted on my site!
It's UP!

Not ready for sale yet, but you can see what it looks like and check out the first of a few marketing videos to be posted in the coming weeks.

We've also repackaged our propane adaptors with silicone oil and duster adaptors into what we like to call a Complete GunGas Kit. We found that airsofters were not buying silicone oil to maintain their GBBs. We managed to increase production volume so we're passing on the savings by bundling everything together into a kit that fulfills almost all of an airsofters gas needs.

Styrak March 4th, 2008 23:02

Oh fuck yes.

StayPufft March 4th, 2008 23:05


Someones a portals fan!

Shrike March 4th, 2008 23:07

Sweet, hope you still have that little black book Carl!!!


MadMax March 4th, 2008 23:08

Don't worry. I don't forget my first supporters.

kalnaren March 4th, 2008 23:12

heh, your video just crashed X on my computer. Interesting.

C.G March 4th, 2008 23:18

..please 'nade responsibly?
lol .. got a laugh out of that..
after getting to test all versions out, I really can't wait for them to hit the market, see what the consensus sais about em ..
awesome to see their getting close to done

LUTNIT March 4th, 2008 23:20

hehehe, portal, awesome.

Yup, still haven't changed my mind, I'm taking 3. Spray painting em pink so I don't lose them in the grass and also allows me to say to opponents that they where killed by a pink grenade.

f0.9 on that, lowest I got is f1.8 for my Nikon and it can't even do video.

BloodSport March 4th, 2008 23:21

Sweet nice MadMax, thats sweet. Send me a couple!!

seabass March 4th, 2008 23:22

Wow..... I want one, So not even an estiamte on the price yet?

Cheesevillage March 4th, 2008 23:22

Love the ad. AI has a good thing going - the website and promotions seem friendly and fun!


EDIT: oh yeah the nade looks nice too :D

LUTNIT March 4th, 2008 23:25


Originally Posted by trevorthetwigyalienman (Post 661303)
Wow..... I want one, So not even an estiamte on the price yet?

In the previous thread where Madmax announced the grenade I think he said $80/each but that was just an estimate from the preproduction phase.

seabass March 4th, 2008 23:28


Originally Posted by LUTNIT (Post 661307)
In the previous thread where Madmax announced the grenade I think he said $80/each but that was just an estimate from the preproduction phase.

Good enough for me

Brakoo March 4th, 2008 23:30

Wow, I'm impressed with the design. I will have to grab at least once when they're released.

TrueTGN March 4th, 2008 23:33

I love it, good work MadMax.. its been cool to see and hear about it coming along. Im scared now...

Give it a few months and there wont be any need to have AEGs and sidearms.. everyone will just be throwing nades! :P

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