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Izzy February 7th, 2015 00:11

Siege Airsoft Indoor Field
So I had the privilege to walk through the field of Siege Airsoft. If you guys don't know already Siege Airsoft is an indoor field opening up in Scarborough Ontario, which is said to be launched for opening by spring. My first impression was the size of the field. A massive and stunning 30 000 sqf! My biggest problem with present fields are the lack of attention they put in the loading area. Most places I've been to are too crowded but this place is different and nicely setup. There are many big rooms for teams to load/ unload their gears and the overall setup is VERY roomy. The loading area are filled with benches that open up to put your stuff in (can easily fit my condor dufflebag and guns), which is a nice touch.

While totally stunned, I ventured out into the actual field and finally realized how big the place was. The field is not only big but dynamically designed and definitely scenario-friendly. There are big buildings with 2nd floors that are interconnected, room clearing for intense CQB fights and vantage points that look over the entire field. I am truly impressed of what I've seen so far!! I cant wait for this field to be 100% finished and open.

You guys should check out their Facebook page for further updates on the field. The pictures posted so far does not do the field any justice. I'm so excited to play here when it opens!

P.S. I refrained from typing everything in caps.

pestobanana February 7th, 2015 00:23

Did a walkthrough as well, as far as I can tell its the only indoor field around here that has a second floor that is just as important to control as the ground floor, not just a second floor slapped on top of a couple buildings. Can't wait to get in there and do some indoor range testing. BB and hop up comparisons will hopefully be coming soon.

Red Dot February 7th, 2015 00:30

What a great time to be playing airsoft in the GTA. Can't wait to see the field next month with TAC15.

HeadlessChicken February 7th, 2015 21:24

Fanfuckingtastic, a field is opening up near me.

Brian McIlmoyle February 7th, 2015 21:27

Come to TAC15 and see the field!!!

QKLee11 February 8th, 2015 17:29

Sounds like a good field, have to check it out

Desmodus February 8th, 2015 18:18

I've been eagerly awaiting this field! Opening day cannot come any sooner!

BattleBorn February 8th, 2015 20:29

This is exciting!

nardac February 8th, 2015 21:19

Finally something that is decent size :)

QRF1 February 9th, 2015 02:04

This is great! Glad I am moving back to Ontario! Scarberia will be a long drive from Niagara though.

Brian McIlmoyle February 9th, 2015 10:03

It will be worth the drive.

I did a walk through of the space a couple of weeks ago, as it will be the location of TAC15.

Some very good planning has gone into the layout, Lots of second story, with good sized stairways leading up to it.

The real attraction though is the re-configurable features , permitting the space to be quickly changed and reconfigured to meet the scenario or training needs of the participants.

the space is large, permitting long range engagements.

The front end area is well appointed with several separate rooms for staging, and lockable foot lockers throughout for gear security.

Even a lounge area is planned.

If I was going to set up a large indoor space, I'd do it the way these guys are doing it.

Zack The Ripper February 9th, 2015 10:46

I know I speak for my battle buddies when I say GoA is excited as hell to break this battle space in.

Izzy February 9th, 2015 21:27


Originally Posted by Zack The Ripper (Post 1933008)
I know I speak for my battle buddies when I say GoA is excited as hell to break this battle space in.

I do believe that! LOL

QRF1 February 9th, 2015 21:51

Sounds great! It looks/sounds like a bigger (better) version of Impact we had in Calgary until it closed.

Jo_Canadian February 12th, 2015 17:53

Place looks interesting. Anyone know the FPS limits of the field?

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