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Ares January 9th, 2014 00:44

Revolution Airsoft = Utterly Rediculous
I was in the market for a full wood stock version of the WE M14 (which my family was giving me funds to purchase for a Chrsitmas gift) and the only place in Canada that I could find that had it in stock was Revolution Airsoft. I set them a message through there site to confirm it was the one I was looking for and with in two days I got the response "yes its the full wood and metal version".

It was coming up to Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale so i figured I would wait and see what sort of sale they were going to put on. Cyber Monday rolls around and Revolution put on some nice sales so I ordered the gun.

I receive the gun with in a few days and when I open the box low and behold its the plastic stock version (which they don't even stock). I immediately send them a message through their site and literally within 2 minutes I get a response (I was impressed), They asked for photos of the gun, the box and the shipping label, which I send off immediately. It took 4 days for them to response even after I messaged them again confirming if they received the pics.

They requested that I repack up the gun and ship it back to them, I inform them that is was purchased as a Christmas gift and with December 25 rolling up fast I was concerned with the time frame to ship the gun back, them to looking it over and even decide if they would replace it and plus by this time their site said they were out of stock.

I requested that they just re-imburse me the amount of the stock and I would order one somewhere else or if they wanted to bring one in and mail it to me. They decided to re-imburse me the purchase price of a stock and they linked one from ehobby (a low end one for $100) so I shot back a link for the actual WE stock from ehobby for $130. They agreed upon the $130 and that was Dec 12th.

After several messages to Revolution I still had not received the refunds. It took me starting a dispute through Paypal at the beginning of this week for them to finally send me the refund.

After this experience I would highly advise anyone who asks to NEVER order from Revolution Airsoft.

Sorry for the rant.

j_march January 9th, 2014 01:13

They had the most ridiculous sale at Christmas and were friggin busy. They sold out all there stock basically. Just saying they might have been busy.

Adamlxlx January 9th, 2014 03:51

Busy is no excuse. If you cant handle busy dont run a "business".

Gish January 9th, 2014 05:11

So they agreed to your terms and did there best effort to accommodate you?

THe_Silencer January 9th, 2014 05:54

So busy that they couldn't spare the 2 minutes to send the funds electronically? Just saying.

ts10z January 9th, 2014 10:18

I wouldn't call waiting till a Paypal dispute was started best efforts. Its great they honored their word, but waiting until legal action is taken isn't really acting in good faith.

Ares January 9th, 2014 10:53

Almost a full month from the time they agreed to the re-embursement till when I started the dispute and I didn't start the dispute until sever messages to them went unanswered and time was closing to the point where I wouldn't have been able to dispute it through Paypal.

I feel I gave them more then ample time to do what should have taken no more then 2-3 minutes at a computer to complete. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't an online business run on computers.

BioRage January 9th, 2014 11:13


Originally Posted by kaiu (Post 1858866)

It's been 11 business days (excluding holidays) since my purchase *almost 3 weeks*, and items still haven't been shipped for me. :(

Got my item yesterday.

Ordered it on the Dec 23rd, was supposed to come on the 6th, but due to weather conditions I suppose Canada Post took the extra two days to ship it out.

BioRage January 9th, 2014 11:35


Originally Posted by kaiu (Post 1858879)
Does yours say processing without a tracking number?

Still shows processing for mine, ordered Dec. 21. Waiting on reply atm from contact us form thinger.


December 23 - Ordered.
January 1 - E-mail - "Your order is in processing."
January 3 - E-mail - "Shipping Confirmation + Tracking Number."
January 6 - Canada Post - ETA Delivery.
January 8 - Canada Post - Leaves it outside my front door.

Funny how I got mine before yours, lol. Maybe your order was bigger then mine? Luck of the draw it seems.

Chotto January 9th, 2014 14:25

Didn't they post that due to the large demand from their sale they are behind in shipping? I agree though when you offer the sale they did they should have expected the response they got and planned for extra staff help.

boren93 January 9th, 2014 17:02

I had 3 orders, 20, 23, 25 all shipped to me a week after ordering.

beta678 January 9th, 2014 20:10

Seems like they're just swamped with orders and can't process them quick enough, wasn't a big deal for me since the stuff I got wasn't urgently needed.

I put in an order for a AI Gas Can and a NPAS on Christmas and it just shipped out today. Was a sub $50 order, though price of shipping sucked considering it was domestic shipping vs. a few international orders I have coming from the States.

I did send them a message asking about my order earlier this week and got a prompt reply, so that's a small plus for them.

gear January 9th, 2014 20:50

Thanks for the heads up ill make sure i don't buy anything from them. I think people are forgetting 1 half of the story. he called to make sure it was the real wood version he wanted. They told him they had it then billed/shipped him the cheaper knock off.... sounds like a scam.

Turd January 9th, 2014 22:49

I think what this has boiled down to is a mere miscommunication. Yes, Revolution does have an inaccurate/misleading product page for the M14 (it says metal/wood as build material, not metal/IMITATION wood) Also note, many other retailers also state metal/wood on their pages.

However, a 2 minute Google search reveals that WE does not release a full metal/REAL wood M14, only the imitation wood with the option to buy a wood stock as well (correct me if I'm wrong here). The only contingency to this is to buy the WE wood stock (RA-Tech or some other alternative). And, as far as I can see, Revolution offered to pay for in recognizing the screw up on their product page. Yes it was a lengthy process to settle, but they have attempted to compensate. I'm having a hard time seeing a big problem here short of some tardiness. Tardiness amidst a busy Christmas season for one of the cheapest and most highly demanded airsoft retailers in Canada.

As for those with their orders still in a "processing" status, Revolution had this to say on their Facebook page: "If you havent received notification of shipping on your order(s) from our 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS SALE yet, do not worry.

It is on the way and a tracking number will be sent to you shortly.


Ares January 9th, 2014 23:09

It wouldn't have been so bad if when you (Revolution Airsoft) replied to my very first message saying it was to wood version. If I knew better I would have gone to my local Airsoft provider and purchased the same gun for less money and not had to pay for shipping.

Also I know it was a Christmas rush but to take almost a month to do the re-imbursement was unacceptable.

RA you yourself said in one of the messages that only the owner had the ability to do the refund so this entire situation in my opinion is solely lies on his shoulders.

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