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andrew151 February 22nd, 2013 02:03

Which GBBR should I get?
Hi everyone, I am new to GBBR and really want to get into it due to the realism aspect. I want to get an M4 but can't decide between the KWA LM4 PTR or the WE CQB-R open bolt. Can someone with experience with either gun give me your suggestion on which is the better option? Or perhaps even another brand you recommend? Both guns are roughly $400 which is within my budget at the moment.

MaybeStopCalling February 22nd, 2013 02:37

My vote goes to WE for sheer parts availability and options, as well as reliability and performance.

Ready February 22nd, 2013 03:00

I haven't tried either of those guns, but generally KWA guns are harder to get aftermarket and replacement parts for in Canada. If you're going to upgrade the gun and heavily modify it, I'd suggest getting the WE.

redneck12 February 22nd, 2013 03:19

I second Green's suggestion WE, FTW

QUATTROISKING February 22nd, 2013 03:23

King arms is way better than the we, it's 100% comparable with we but it has full trades.

Arktic February 22nd, 2013 04:51

WE all the way.

RaisinBran February 22nd, 2013 04:59

If you are willing to spend more money later on, buy the WE as aftermarket parts are readily available.

As for the KWA, if you want a GBBR that's fine out of the box and doesn't require/doesn't have many upgrades, buy the KWA.

illestgoose February 22nd, 2013 06:11

Oh man. You definitely need to do more research. I suggest you go on this site and soak in as much knowledge as you can.
>> <<

If your budget is around the $400 range I wouldn't advise getting into GBBRs until you can possibly spend triple your current budget. WE or WA(western arms) GBB systems are gonna drain your wallet since they can be very unreliable stock.

Still if you really want a gun. Get the WE open bolt system JUST because theyre cheaper (close to your budget), the parts are easily accessible, and they work OOB (to an extent!). That's really it though for WE.

Looking past that, I would go WA or die. You want something that works OOB and will give you less headaches? Get an inokatsu or a viper tech.

Check out challenger airsoft and see what kind of deals on GBBRs they can give you. Best of luck.

Arktic February 22nd, 2013 07:02

Clearly you havent used the newer WE GBBs yet. They are perfectly usable out the box and last thousands of rounds. My SCAR, M4and M16 are all still going strong after about 10k rounds through each. Only thing I have changed is the hop up rubber and installed an NPAS in all of them.

Nickaayyy February 22nd, 2013 08:42

Check for the Ra-tech version of the WE M4. It's already upgraded and by memory its around 500$ (My HK416 is this price, logic that the M4 too)

Drake February 22nd, 2013 08:51

+1 on the WE (open bolt); all it really needs out of the box is an NPAS.

Is it going to need replacement parts down the line? Probably yes. But all GBBRs will. But the WE is good to go out of the box.


Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING (Post 1764150)
King arms is way better than the we, it's 100% comparable with we but it has full trades.

King Arms is a WA/G&P clone and as such isn't compatible with WE. Please refrain from spreading misinformation if you don't know what you're talking about.

Ozone06 February 22nd, 2013 09:30

400 won't cut it for a GBBR. You need that for JUST mags if you want to game it. I would go WE if you were desperate to have a GBBR.

But man if you're just starting out get an AEG and some mags it's cheaper. GBBRS are is a rich man's game.

Arktic February 22nd, 2013 09:37

I have 10 WE GBB mags. Which for me cost me R4500 (Rand) which in Canadian Dollars is $516... Plus the R3750 I paid for the gun (rand) which is $430

So thats around $846 for the stock standard gun and 10 mags. Then add all my accessories etc. Its close to $1000 converted.

But my stuff here in South Africa is a lot more expensive than it would be for you guys. But just shows you how much a GBBR will cost in the end.

Curo February 22nd, 2013 09:48

400 should be your gun and it should be a WE open bolt. Then mags are about 40-50 each. Inotatsku, WA, Viper all have their own problems. WE will kick hard and shoot fun. I run a WE. I recommend a WE.

Another good option is a KJW.

andrew151 February 22nd, 2013 10:47

Thanks everyone for the suggestion. I guess I should have also mentioned that $400 was just the budget for the gun and I do plan on spending more on parts and mags later. I do not plan on gaming with it until I get a few more things for it yet, but do want something that will work out of the box so I cab better understand the internals.

It looks like I am leaning in favour of the WE right now. But I have heard that their mags leak. Can someone let me know if they fixed that yet?

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