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i need some help!
Hi i have been looking into geting into airsoft for some time now for the simple fact that im tired of paying 160$ for a case of paint and then puting up with rich kids not playing with any form of houner. Now i have 3 questions 1Is there a good store in the barie or collingwood area(i prefer to go to stores than order) 2 What brand should i go for ( Iwas thining a CA m14 or an m16or evan a g36k) and 3 are there any local clubs that meet regularly. Any help would be apreciated thanks.
Please, before you get flamed go read the FAQS...
Welcome to ASC btw, there is a wealth of knowledge if you use the search button. Many people have come before you asking almost the exact same questions... |
I had figured as much thanks for pointing me in the right direction
No problem, aslong as you don't ask a question thats been asked before, and you don't talk bout doing anything illegal or stupid. Believe me, ASC can be quite friendly.
Welcome, and get age verified that will help also!
Airsoft is very expensive in the begining, and the rules are tight.
You should be 18+, in some rare cases 16+ for some games. Airsoft cannot be imported. As said, airsoft is expensive. (~$300+ for a gun let alone mags, gear, etc..) There is 2 full going retailers in Canada, ->Shootsoft.ca ->007airsoft.com Also, getting age verified will work you wonders. The FAQS will give you all your answers. |
well im curently 16 and soon 17 the gear isint a problem as i have tones of surplus gear and vests to ware. From reading around i have noticed a strong dislike to younger players wanting to get started and as to this i asure you that i would be geting my father to buy the AUG for me and i have been around guns since i was 5. as for treating the sport respectfuly i have been fully trained with the real m16 (was in cadets) and respect the dangers involved with these real lookng airsoft guns and wouldent endanger the future of the sport So in your responces i ask that you treat my questions with the same respect i will show you and the sport
oh and by m16 i mean c7 (same rifle diferent maker {damico}witch is canadian) Cost isint my wory since it will cost me alot less than paintball Because of the amount of paint i can go through in a day. My wory is if there is a local club in the georgin triangle
You chose about the worst time possible to try and get in the sport.
Right now pretty much the only way to get guns right now would be to get age verified, which you can't do, and browse the classifieds. Getting guns while being a minor will get you flamed. You're best bet would be to though out the last year you have to wait and pile your money. You will need at least 600$ to buy the basic gear, 1000$ to have a decent setup, 1500$+ for the cool stuff. Good luck, but wait. |
How'd you get training through cadets? And who you with? I'm with 845 Avro Arrow RCACS...
was with 1944 RCAC and we did a smal arms training weekend a year and a bit ago when i was still going
So Army Cadets? And damn am I jealous of you.
We shall treat you with great respect unless aslong as you respect us. :) Oh, and it would be good to fill out your profile. |
yep army cadets im mad though the month after i left they got to ride around in grizlys
What rank did you retire as? And where was your Corps based?
BTW, the only other cadet I know of is TCSF-Bowers |
Was a Mcprl and a pipe magor so 2ic of the band
Hey I used to be a air cadet. Was only in it for a year though and I quit, just wasn't my thing.
And welcome Neil_N, some people say you NEED to spend like $1000+ when you start on airsoft and I have all my gear and everything and I've spent a little more then half of that. You don't always need to get the best stuff but dont start looking at Walmart for guns :wink: |
does he have to stay for the game or just bring me? and does me having a pla or gun licence help?
IF a field allows players under 18 (few and far between), your father will also have to be a participant in the game. There's no 'dropping you off' or waiting around for you at the staging area. He's either in, or you're not. And of course, if he's in, he also needs a gun and the appropriate gear to play.
Oh you dammed army cadets. Air rules!11oneone!11eleven (now that thats done).
I suggest that you wait until 18, save that money for your RESP or other investments. PLUS it gives you the advantage of investing your money so you can buy even more stuff when you're older (in 2 years). As for the parents thing usually it's they have to play with you actually on the field not just in the viewing zone, or drop you off and go shopping. I'm 18 in about 3 months and I'm gonna wait to get age verified (it seems like everyone is saying the best deals are in the Classified section which is age verified only). The other option is to have your dad age verify for you, buy 2 guns and both play. BUT I think there is a catch about age verifying, he needs to have his own account or be the primary holder of the account (ie. you're not 18 so you can't verify on your current account unless it's under the control of your parents or he makes his own second account so he can track what he's/your buying). PS: I'm a F/cpl ((which equals M/Bdr) but don't judge my age based on rank) in Vancouver. I've gone to 5 camps 2 Band Camps, Rifle Coaching (I don't consider myself an expert but just knowledgeable), Air Crew Survival (surviving in the bush), and International exchange. |
Dont u hate the rank of FCpl?... i got Sgt 2 weeks ago thank god...
sniff... sniff... sniff... What's that I smell? Oh, of course... Shenanigans!! Any cadet worth their uniform would know the actual designation of the weapon they are handling & firing, as they are being instructed & over watched by members of the CF. So which Corps, Squadron, were you, are you in? |
f/cpl sucks.. well at least i did't have to be one.iam a sgt. right now
haggis he says the unit on the first page p.s haggis is right you dont get fully trained in a few years when your clearing rooms and are in the real army then your fully trained cadets aint military and it never will be its practically no different then a youth group thats right i said it!! |
I recoverd my mistake where i mentioned that it was actualy a c7 sniff sniff whats that i smell people not reading every post? an what does clearing roms have to do with the training on how to safely fire and use a c7 on a range? as i said i was an army cadet they unfortunatly only let us do basic wepons training:(
wats this that cadets is just like youth grouP? lies iv been to both in youth you get to play around and have fun and games! the Corp i went to driled the hell out of us every night we went and all night at that (i understand its not the army) but a youth group come on!
From the limited time i spent in Air Cadets....it was a youth group....main reason i only lasted a few months. Too politically correct and far too much cuddling and holding hands for it to be anything else...not to mention the average age is about 14-15
When i was still participating i noticed that with alot of corps (not mine) but most of those came from larger citys and were linked to reserve groups mine on the other hand was in a smal town and linked to EME for those that dont know EME mean electrical mechanical enginears
Also I've kind of found better things to do with my life than listen to some idiots who are younger than me and think their all that because their like 3 ranks above me AND it's seems to be soooo hard to take 8 gr.11 courses and do cadets and stuff, whereas I'm someone taking..... what's that? 11 courses? and in gr.12? AND actually applying to a hard faculty to get into (App. Sc. or ASc.)? |
no need to get mad at him dont want this turning into an argument thred (why iv up and left a few forms each year) so pleas dont let your anger destroy an otherwise mosly polite thred:)
In this day and age of kids doing nothing put play video games and listen to hip-hop the army cadets still sounds like a good option for some younger teens.
Personally I picked provincial football. |
at my squadron first few days of the year these two new kids had to sit to the side and watch so they played shots and were cussin on parade and nobody did anything its shameful really sports programs are excellent as well for kids as it gets them not only part of a team but it gets them active |
Ah 1944... I remember doing some things with them. Of course, that was back when both them and our unit had asshole CO's.
So they actually let you touch C7's eh? I didn't think they let Cadets use those anymore. When I was in they wouldn't even let us use the .303's. Quote:
LOL dam bent elbows and you did somthing with 1944 a cople years back? was the CO captin lohnes at the time if so i might have been there.
Anyways I would have liked to play ice hockey but my family was kind of poor (being Asian immigrant's who escaped communism) and all, and they had to work (I heard practices were sometimes 5 in the morning or earlier). I also would have really liked to join a dragon boat team, which I did last year but it kind of fell apart this year because we didn't have a coach or people who wanted to join. So I think that cadets is a good program that has lots of potential, but hasn't even reached it, in fact I think the level is going down, they've basically hit the glass ceiling. The only good thing is that I can get a pilots license from it (but I haven't done that, and I'm actually planning to go to the Air Ops. course this summer). |
I was in 714 RC(Air)C. Finished as CSC at rank of WO1. Now I'm a civilian instructor attached to the gliding center at CFB Borden. |
ok nm i would have been 10 back then
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