Airsoft Canada

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Curmudgeon5462 September 4th, 2006 11:53

Spies and Mercs (Stealth action airsoft)
I dont know if anyone has heard of this yet, but its an underground movement of sorts in the world of airsoft. Me and a few friends started a website to post a new concept in airsoft. Its unlike anything out there that we have seen. Spies and Mercs is like a stealth espionage type airsoft game where two polar oppisate sides face off, unarmed spies who kill mercs by pulling glow rings off thier backs, and armed but handicapped by weight, earplugs, and tinted goggles. It is played at night typically in buildings and is SOOOOOO much fun. Our site's hit counter is already going nuts (about a hit every minute as of last night) and is already up to like 480 hits as i recall, and the site just launched fully this weekend.

SITE IS, thanks TrueTGN

Think of it as Splinter cell for real.

Watch the documentary, and print the rules off of the home page. Try it out and lemme know what you think. The site will have way more content soon, but is still under construction.

Trust me its loads of fun, I dont know if the documentary does it justice or not but you should see for yourselves.

TrueTGN September 4th, 2006 12:06

And the site would be?

Curmudgeon5462 September 4th, 2006 12:16

Oh, my bad,, ill fix my post.

Freedom Fighter September 4th, 2006 12:34

The guys jumping the fences were pretty damn funny but this looks like a game of tackle football in a dark field. Does this actually have anything to do with airsoft? I've only watched a part of one video and I can't bare to see anymore.

TrueTGN September 4th, 2006 12:42


Originally Posted by Freedom Fighter
The guys jumping the fences were pretty damn funny but this looks like a game of tackle football in a dark field. Does this actually have anything to do with airsoft? I've only watched a part of one video and I can't bare to see anymore.

I had to watch the part where the guy dives right over the fence a couple times.. I thought he'd snap his spine :-D

I watched the first one as well, and didn't really see much of any airsoft being played. But I understand your concept of having it play like Splinter Cell. Cool for a start but needs work.

Mason September 4th, 2006 12:43

Wow, that is so dumb. Concept sounded cool, but this is NOT airsoft. looks like a bunch of guys wrestling in the dark.
I can't image how u can compare THAT to splinter cell.

Curmudgeon5462 September 4th, 2006 14:06

If you would watch the full documentary you would notice that the mercs ALL use airsoft guns, the spies are unarmed though, dont pay atention to videos action shots, just the rules.

DuffMan September 4th, 2006 14:19

I feel like that could actually be kinda fun, minus the wrestling thing. I can't see how the spies don't get owned the whole time though.

Curmudgeon5462 September 4th, 2006 14:30

The spy learning curve is pretty steep, but its still really fun while your learning.

After about the 3rd night we played our spies started winning every other gane. Forgive the video action shots, they are not a very accurate representaion of the game.

DonP September 4th, 2006 14:59

Nice idea, looks like you've put some thought into it.

You might be interested in the following:

How to make part of a Hollywood Style Security System. It requires some electronics knowledge to make. I particularly like the (optional) BB hit sensor to make it shootable.

It's specifically useful to enable the sort of stealth action you describe.

Curmudgeon5462 September 4th, 2006 16:15

Thanks, thats a pretty cool page, ill look into it.

shadow1911 September 4th, 2006 18:17

theres stuff similer to this in airsoft its called a knife kill where you poke somke one with a rubber knife

Curmudgeon5462 September 6th, 2006 22:43

I thought Id update this JIC

Based on feedback from other forums I thought Id clear up some mis-conceptions about Spies and Mercs.

It seems the video made some people think that it played out with mostly wrestling and very little stealth, this is not true. Most kills in the game for spies are stealth kills with no more physical contact than simply pulling the soul off a mercs back. There is also (for some reason) arguement that this isnt an airsoft based game, well in a nutshell, yes it is. Mercs all use airsoft guns to kill spies.

If anyone thought it looked to dangerous, consider that with over 200 matches in our history, there have never been injurys requirind more than a bandage, and very few of those. So I assure you its pretty safe, and REALLY FUN!!!

I dont think anyone posting on this forum made those misconceptions, and you guys have been very supportive. I love Canada.

Greenwolf September 7th, 2006 01:54

Sounds like fun, I'll suggest this to my airsofting buddy we already have a similar game (except the spies get silenced pistols). I like you'r Idea better.

Would also make a godd Zombie-style game

Curmudgeon5462 September 7th, 2006 11:26


Thats to Ironic, check out my post about our zombie game on the thread "Our zombie run mini game" in this section, thats pretty sick.
Have Fun.

Thunder Kimerson September 16th, 2006 17:47


Thats definatly something id playw ith friends.

Kuraitenshi September 16th, 2006 18:45

looks like fun, but needs tweeking

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