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Danish and Swedish M90 Camo
Can any body tell me where to find the Danish flecktarn and the Swedish splinter m90 camo? It is so hard to find and on ebay they are so expensive. All Im looking for is their BDU shirt and Pants, nothing fancy as a parka. Thanks, camo-freak |
I see someone else shares the sickness or adiction. Try here. http://www.tacgear.de/en/1024/index.htm
chalcus. |
Tacgear has no M84 fabric in stock. I've already asked.
I was about to ask you for an update for the hypothetical order of Danish. Thanks! Kymoz |
Flectarn.UK has issue M84, but no M90.
Both sets are dead sexy. I plan on ordering my self some this summer or perhaps fall. Im a whore for Kit and my next set is woodlands followed by Danish M84 which is so much nice than Cad IMO.
From the posts on Arnie's it's evident that there isn't sufficient interest to make it happen with Tacgear. Flecktarn may have issue M84 in stock, but it'll be a cold day in hell before I let them rip me off with THOSE shipping rates.
Ya its a shame that you needed so many pieces to do it, but if you really want something you pay through the nose... like say.... airsoft guns.....
Got mine from Ebay (160$ cnd before shipping). Its surplus, but in new condition. Trying to find the pants, but those are the hardest to find ... ahhh
http://www.pbase.com/icemanasc/image/50981440.jpg |
I haven't ordered from them personaly but they seem to have full sets of M90. BTW Iceman what chestrig is that? looks nice. |
Here is danskcam:
http://www.pbase.com/porkchop/image/44429815.jpg |
Wow, I love how you tried to do a fleck pattern on your face with the camcream :tup:
well the m84 is expencive, but dont expect to find it cheeper than on flecktarn. You have to consider the quality of the uniform. I have tryed issued US and GB uniforms and have had a look at canadian, swedish and german uniforms. None of them comes even close the the danish uniform i fabric quality, craftmanship and finish. I am nok just saying it as a dane, but having tryed and compaired it to other BDU's.
The only reason that I don't use it myself are my teams conection to the danish armed forces (but I have it as a back up when I am on my own). here are a few danish retailers who usaly have m84 in stock. web pages are in danish but sent them an e-mail and they are likely to reply: http://www.417.dk/ http://www.usol.dk/ http://www.armywear.dk and a german retailer: (very cheep on m84) http://www.ranger-shop.de |
@Porkchop, just a few hints if you realy whant to reenact a danish trooper; the G3A3 where taken out of duty in '95 an replaced with a C8 rifle (M16) and your face camo should looke more like this:
http://www.hok.dk/galleri/photokorn/...at=19&pic=3099 |
c8 is m4.. c7 is m16.
Looks good mate. Im going to have to take the plunge... perhaps this summer. Ive got a C7 :)
by the way... Elcan 3.4X scope are standart issue |
Hey eel one, i'm trying to get some tropentarn, is Rangershop reputable?
people the forum I usally write on are devided on that issue. Some say the are fine and good to go, others say never do online shopping at their web site. The truth are somewhere in between. I have no personal experience with them and this is only 2nd hand info on them.
Dank for the picture link.
Well, I was only having a bit of fun with the face cream. I like the original M84 but I find the Danish issue kit is just a little too hot and the camouflage value in the autumn is somewhat dubious. As for the new rifles, I am not a big fan of the M16 series and I will stick with my G3. Make mine H&K ;) I got my stuff from rangershop and I have been a customer there for four years. I really like them but then I talk to them in German. I have never had trouble getting kit from them sent over here. They even reimbursed me for the added value tax. Eel One, many thanks for your comment , however. So long from a tusset tysk ;) |
OMGWTFBBQ thread revival!
Being an M84/M90 whore I thought I'd share some of my collection. I had a chance to show off some of it at the MAA's FNG Day held last Sunday. Here's what I've got so far in Danish stuff: Issue Stuff (2) Jackets (3) Combat pants (1) Kevlar flak jacket Non-issue Stuff Arktis 1601 Battlevest Tacgear helmet cover Tacgear boonie Tacgear document/map pouch KHS drop leg holster Dupont Design drop leg holster My team has also decided to go with M90 for the summer season because every man and his dog has CADPAT. I have a BDU set, chest rig, boonie, and helmet cover all from Tacgear and debut it at FNG Day also. Quick pics: http://cgi.fs-photography.com/battle...day06/0017.jpg From left to right, HMAK jacket and pants with the flak vest on top, boonie hat above Arktis rig, KHS and Dupont holster. M90 boonie also visible. Yes, the rocket's mine too. Fires a G-size motor. http://www.mb-airsoft.com/gallery/ma...1/IMG_2283.jpg Picture from The Great Raid held last month. Issue HMAK jacket and pants, Arktis battlevest. Didn't have the helmet cover yet. http://cgi.fs-photography.com/battle...m/04730006.jpg M90 uniform. I expended the whole box mag AND all my realcaps defending this van, so I was done. Forgot my red kill rag so I borrowed a blue one. I know these schemes don't exactly work well in this season, but it's still just a game after all. :) |
expended box mag, and realcaps. Daaaaaamn
nice gear mate. |
Yep, that was the most fun I've had in a while! Speed changes with realcaps in an M249 is great! :D
Some action pics from FNG Day: http://www.mts.net/~molly160/149_4997.JPG http://www.mts.net/~molly160/150_5001.JPG http://www.mts.net/~molly160/150_5006.JPG |
Damn that M90 makes me wanna go and spend a couple hundred on eBay...
Finally got a shot of me in the armor. I get a lot of compliments on the looks, those shoulder pads are the real cat's ass. :D
http://www.mb-airsoft.com/gallery/ma...2/IMG_0844.JPG |
Tasty. I simply must get myself some M84...darn once I'm making money again it's not going to last long between that and some Multicam...and new rifles...Bleh.
Oh well, nice shot, I especially like the armor, where'd you procure that? |
A collector/airsofter in Poland who outgrew it. He had a couple, the others went to another M84 whore in Russia somewhere. I've never seen any more for sale but plan to snap up another one if it turns up!
Sell it to me if it does! It's amazing. |
Hey guys/gals,
My airsoft team in the UK are M84 clad, and whilst some wear the replica stuff from ranger, people like me wear the real-deal. One guy even has a Danish issue M84 helmet cover that he bought off me! Our team, Phoenix, operate via www.airsofters.co.uk, and we have a specific thread for where to source M84 related gear - http://forums.airsofters.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1463 - i'm not sure if u can view it if not a member, but there'd be no harm in signing-up, I suppose. There are a few pics of us on our (early stages) team website: http://team-phoenix.wetpaint.com/pag...10%2F06+Photos I have an OD molle platform, to which I add M84 Molle Pouches, and I also wear a chestrig from Tacgear on some days (very good quality). You'll find their ebay shop in the list of retailers that are on our team thread. I used this particular thread a few months back, whilst gathering info on the danish pattern, and it's here that I found-out about Ranger Shop - where the team have had many group orders. Cheers for that. If people have any questions on where to source danish kit, I know of a multitude of places that have it. Sorry about the long post, it's somewhat of an introductory speech! |
Please, watch you language. |
This is like something out of a Russel Peters standup routine. |
Oh... ok. Sorry :cool:
I need more american's English practice :) |
I had a flektarn Body armor, and it is the best, i loved it, might start another bundswher kit soon.
Some pics of the Tacgear stuff I received yesterday:
http://farm1.static.flickr.com/119/3...b297d59e_b.jpg http://farm1.static.flickr.com/119/3...8e30b913_b.jpg http://farm1.static.flickr.com/123/3...40e01762_b.jpg http://farm1.static.flickr.com/155/3...0ccbe147bb.jpg http://farm1.static.flickr.com/160/3...9ce6378c_b.jpg http://farm1.static.flickr.com/140/3...75ec9d5e_b.jpg |
Very nice stuff.
Might just have to break down and add M90 to my M84 kit. Too damn much nice camo out there.
Darklen, I saw in another thread that you got the Tacgear-pants in M/84. What did you do with the elastic cords and the fastener on the bottom of the legs? Did you cut them off or something? I find them rather annoying.
Outside of that, great piece of kit. |
Hello from the UK! I'm a huge fan of the Swedish M90, and use issue combats which are probably the best made I've ever come across. I managed to buy that the Swedish special forces use directly from the manufacturer, www.nfm.no (actually based in Norway). Also, you might want to try the swedish version of fleabay, Tradera.com. It is all in Swedish, but you can use www.systran.net to get online translations. Tradera has always got issue M90 gear - try this link and have a look around: http://www.tradera.com/search/imp.as...y=0&catid=2922.
Also, have a look at www.tacupgear.se, who are producing bush hats in M90 summer, desert and their own Arctic Winter pattern. I've used Marpat, Cadpat, DPM and Multicam, and without a doubt, the Swedish M90 performs the best in the UK woodland, especially in summer! Hope this post has helped a few fellow M90 lovers out. |
Kickass! Thanks ferret!
My first Post here in Canadas Airsoft forum. I enjoy the fact that so many of you like our m90 camo uniform. I know i dont :) Most of the pics in this thread is the normal m90 woodland camo. Here comes some pics of the desert edition. And the Swedish Bofors AK5 http://www.mil.se/int/images/local/f...edo_dancon.jpg http://www.mil.se/int/images/local/skolbesok_109.jpg http://www.mil.se/int/images/local/f...ruppchefer.jpg the rest and many more you can find on: http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums...ad.php?t=97759 Thiese pics are from sweds in Afghanistan. |
Very, very nice pics!
Stripes, maybe you can help me. I have an issue Swedish M/90 woodland set, bought in the Militaryshop in Stockholm last year. Good stuff, although the fabric is a bit thick for warm weather. When I returned to Stockholm a few months later, I was on the plane with two Swedish soldiers who were wearing a lightweight set in ripstop fabric. I didn't have the chance to ask them what issue it was. Now my question: where could I find such a set in ripstop? I presume it was official issue, since they were probably coming from NATO or SHAPE HQ in Belgium. I haven't found anything on the ripstop set, not even on the official Swedish military website. Maybe they can be bought in some milshop in Sweden. Would be cool since I will be driving/trekking around your beautiful country for two weeks next July. Thanks, Smintjes, Belgium |
Oh, and also: do you know a place where I can order little Swedish velcro-backed arm flags?
Stripes - I LOVe the M90-O!
Is it correct to call it M90-Okencamo? (I am probably totally spelling that wrong!) I am also in the process of turning my FNC into an AK5 replica. |
Hehe. Thx for the responds.
The correct name of the uniform is Ökencamo. The letter Ö does not exist in the English language. Öken means Desert Smintjes - I'm sorry but im only the messenger ^^ Have no idea where you can find what you are looking for. Try ask in some military shops about a summer edition of the m90 uniform. |
Check out the following stores;
tacupgear.com and aos-blaesius.com They carry M90 pattern items in the European and desert colors. Tacup is mainly head gear and such, while aos can supply uniform top and bottoms. Prices are fairly good and both will take payment via Paypal. I have order from both, good products and quick delievery. |
Hello again!
I found a webbshop in sweden who have the m90 and the danishcamo. It´s in swedish but if you press the brittish flag you will get the site in english. Press webbshop and you will fins loads of m90 uniforms. I dont know the policy they have about shipping to Canada or the states. Try find out your selfs. If they do, try gather your friends and make an order all toghether, it will be mutch cheaper. The adress: http://www.militaryshop.se/ Greetings from Sweden. |
Good stuff coming up from Tacgear!
Production samples, but hopefully soon for sale: KOMMANDOBLUSE http://www.tacgear.de/news/kommando-feldbluse_dk.jpg http://www.tacgear.de/news/kommando-feldbluse_s.jpg |
Danish Camo
BUt I'd need help with the Swedish sizes. 170/65, 170/75, 170/85, 170/95, 170/105, 180/75, 180/85, 180/95, 180/115, 190/95. I have 32 inch (81cm - S/M) waist, 34-35 inch (87cm - LONG) Inseam for the pants. For the shirt I need something similar to S/M Long. Anyone can help me? Thank you in advance, SwisströM |
It's fairly simple: 170/85 for example means that this item is for someone with a length of 170 cm's and weight of 85 kilograms.
The sizing is quite large: I am 1m93 and weigh 93 kilos, and both pants and jacket in 180/85 fit just fine. UPDATE: waist and inseam in cm's: 170/65: 88 / 80 170/75: 92 / 80 170/85: 96 / 82 180/75: 100 / 85 180/85: 102 / 85 180/95: 104 / 85 |
I have no idea.
Is that Danish Desert camo from Tacgear? |
I don't think it is, but either way, they failed at sewing on the taped buttons...:D
where would I have to look to be able to buy some of that?
www.stephan.de, but get ready to go deep into your wallet.
Awesome find but as usual all of their stuff is too small for me.:(
Well, the desert cam I ordered was a jacket size
10- Body size 186 till 196cm chest measurement 101 till 111cm, new, which should fit me perfectly. I am 6'3'' and 190 pounds. It was *really* big and baggy. |
Ok,I wonder how it would work for 6'2" and 240lbs
I need for about a 122 chest I have the Hmak size 15 temperate stuff and it is too small for me. |
Maybe you could send them an email, I did some enquiries as well before ordering and they were very helpful. Great shop and superb delivery times.
bedankt. I shall do that.
Although it hasn't rained for over a month over here and we have had constant sunshine and t-shirt weather, my ECWCS-parka in M/90 arrived today!
http://farm1.static.flickr.com/205/4...44502e66_b.jpg |
I now officially hate you! ;)
looks fantastic! |
Me in M90 ECWCS in (real steel) action yesterday:
http://farm1.static.flickr.com/208/5...b08f89c2_b.jpg http://farm1.static.flickr.com/210/5...e9966aaa_b.jpg http://farm1.static.flickr.com/211/5...0b0aab14_b.jpg http://farm1.static.flickr.com/220/5...92a3b53b_b.jpg |
Good on ya brother. Keep the lead flying and the Liberals running. They really need to trim them closer tho, the white outline makes it too easy to aquire. Camo looks great! |
It was at a competition which was for police and security forces only. Human shaped targets are illegal for civilians in Belgium too ;-)
By the way: if you look closely the target has a red armband on his left arm, which is common here for plainclothes police officers when they are "in action". So basically the target was a non-shoot ;-) Fun day! |
Hey Look, I just became the New Best Friend of this thread
Go here: http://stores.ebay.com/FlyCorner-Perhokulma NOW I just got mine a week ago. It's real HMAK (2003 or 2004, can't remember offhand). Unissued, no fades, obviously never been worn. You're never going to find new/unissued M84 for less money than this, period. Yeah, you're welcome :) |
Wonder where the first batch went? To the guys on this forum :p Thanks anyway. |
:p :p :p Just ordered some velcro patches! http://www.tacupgear.se/TACUPGEAR/im..._1_250x188.JPG |
... and they arrived today!
http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1371/...dc2f153995.jpg http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1434/...0385837cd0.jpg |
more info on Tac Up gear?
Retail? |
Nope, just email him at info@tacupgear.se . VERY friendly and fast service. Ordered on a Saturday afternoon, delivered Tuesday morning.
Some new things I bought from Gordon's eBay shop:
http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1274/...2880d402_b.jpg http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1276/...8e590b8b38.jpg http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1383/...db3d577d42.jpg http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1099/...66a147ce6a.jpg - Tacgear boonies - M84 baseball cap, for that Special Forces look! - M90 BDU-pants. The KSK-pants and even issue trousers are way too hot to wear in summer. - Cheapass M84 Hydration carrier. I already have a Camelbak Motherlode and hydration carrier on my Eagle PC, so this will mainly be used to smuggle wine onto rock festival grounds. |
how much were the Tac-Gear BDU pants?
How much was that Tac-Up Expedition shirt? |
where did you get your m90 bdu?
I have a pair of those M90 BDUs as well as the jacket and they are like $27.00. I will say, you get what you pay for. Stitching is below average and the material is okay but certainly a far cry from my HMAK trousers. Pattern colors are close enough. Also the sizing is somewhat generic and I think Gordon has less control over it, so when we ordered some we had a medium jacket arrive in a large bag and wouldn't fit the guy that ordered it. Suffice to say our team will be ordering Tacgear's premium stuff.
Took this pic Sunday, thought it looked cool: http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y28...UFScrim006.jpg Me in the field with the cheap BDUs and a Tacgear chest rig: http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y28...ous/FNG119.jpg |
The M90 BDU's are, as Gryphon mentioned, in no way comparable to issue stuff or the Tacgear KSK pants. Although the print is ok, you really feel you are wearing cheap repro stuff. I will only wear them when it's absolutely too hot to wear the KSK's (with the Cordura kneepads they are regular sweat machines). The Tacgear KSK pants and smock are just oozing quality, so if you want the cat's ass, get them. This summer Tacgear will release their underamour shirts and Kommando Fieldshirts in M90and M84, I can hardly wait.
BDU's, caps and KSK stuff in M90 and M84 can be bought in Gordon's eBay shop: http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZgor...umacherQQhtZ-1 Get ready for some hefty shipping times though. Although Gordon is a nice guy, a month to get a small package from Germany to Belgium (it's right next door) is simply too long. The TacupGear T-shirt I got from the webshop: www.tacupgear.se . |
thank you.
I have emailed Tacup for info. I have delt with Gordon before and will do so again. I agree with the insanely long time for shipping as well as the super high cost (granted I am in the USA). I had a specialist vest from him for a time and loved it. PS - know where I could get Belgian camo? |
Best bet is eBay, search for ABL (Armee Belge - Belgisch Leger). You can find quite good deals there, although a lot of the auctioned camos are quite worn out.
Even for us Belgians it's getting more and more difficult to get new jigsaw camo. I have heard from a militaria dealer that Seyntex, the company that produces them, has been banned by the gov't from selling to civilians. Whereas even a few months ago a new Belgian camo suit went for around 50-60 euros (the build quality is awesome by the way), by now they are going for 170 euros, if you can find one. More info and detailed pics of the Belgian camo can be found here: http://www.airsoftcanada.com/showthread.php?t=38280 Hope this helps. |
I am not sure if its in stock or just an upcoming new item. Give them a shout. |
for my part, I ordered my M90 at: http://www.mil-con.se/
Hi Guys!Where I can buy Danish M84 Kevlar jacket?I´m not from Canada but I want to buy it on internet.
They are pretty hard to find I'm afraid. Maybe you can contact Henrik from http://www.henrikc.dk/camouflage/, (email on bottom of page) an avid camouflage collector living in Denmark. If he can help you, I'm sure he will point you in the right direction.
By the way, what happened to Gordon Schumacher? He doesn't reply to his mails anymore and his eBay-shop has simply vanished. Anybody know anything more? I hope he resurfaces cause his Kommando Shirts in M90 and M84 should be available later this month. (although I'm going to get the tacupgear.se field shirts in M90 and M90 desert) |
Last I heard from him was July 2nd when I inquired about the M90 Commando Shirts. Have you tried giving him a call? Maybe on my day off this week I'll give him a shout, my long distance plan is pretty good.
As for the Danish flak jackets, they come up on eBay occasionally. I have one and I regret missing another I saw on eBay. They are, by far, among the sweetest looking pieces of issue armor you can get. I jealously guard mine and take any opportunity to wear it in games. I plan to order some M90 fabric and find a competent seamstress to make me a replica to complement my Swedish outfit, since finding issue Swedish armor is impossible. |
Hi.I was on the E-bay and i havent found anything from Danish army...
Just do a search for 'danish m84' and there's a dozen hits. |
Yep, there's a lot out there. Genuine M84 trousers and jackets, the Tacgear-stuff, ... No flak though.
Apparently Gordon has had some software troubles and some problems with an employee. It has cost him a ton of negative eBay-feedback. Hope everything sorts out. Just won an auction for a genuine HMAK goretex suit in M84 (brand new). I'll post some pics when it arrives. |
SGT.Brad Corse: when you are looking for M84 kit, make sure that it has the HMAK and the Crown-label in it. Otherwise you might end up with cheap repros which are basically crap, plus the pattern is wrong. Avoid anything made by Mil-Tec.
Gear in M84 that's from Tac-Gear (KSK-trousers and KSK-smock) is top grade kit, although there is no HMAK-logo in it, the pattern is the real thing and it is being used by Danish forces. for example: http://stores.ebay.com/PEELYSCOMBATS-SHOP --> genuine M84, apparently the same lot that Finnish guy sold very cheap some months ago. I have three of these sets and they are kickass. UPDATE--> here's your flak: http://cgi.ebay.com/DANISH-ARMY-FLEC...QQcmdZViewItem |
Yep, I saw that flak vest there too and forgot to post it, thanks Smintjes!
Also, I heard back from Gordon the other day! Here is what he ad to say about the M90 Commando Shirts: Quote:
Goretex goodies!
http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1208/...ab63c9d7_b.jpg http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1328/...40efee41_b.jpg Tacgear: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1426/...0f32fc30_b.jpg Not really Scandinavian, but my Eagle PC w/ Cummerbund is finally complete. Goes beautifully on the greenish DK/SWE camoes! http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1234/...fe3a43a1_b.jpg |
Thank for all....i will search on th e-bay.(If somebody find some e-bay or other stores please email me it on Jan.Mikulecky@seznam.cz)Thanks
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