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Rage 01 April 9th, 2014 19:44

KLW Sig Saucer P226
I have a sig saucer P226 that is acting up.
I put a fresh mag (bb's and green gas) I cock it and it will shoot the first BB with no problem. But it seems that the hammer is not coming all the way back for the next shot. So I pull the trigger again and no bb, the hammer goes half way back after going forward.

Any idea what could be the problem?
I replaced the piston head and the spring, lubed everything including the slide. What am I missing?

Thank you.

R.I.T.Z April 9th, 2014 19:47

are you sure you're gasing up the mags completely?

Rage 01 April 9th, 2014 21:50

Yup, I used green gas and and brand new can of propane. I thought that as well.

R.I.T.Z April 9th, 2014 22:11

are you filling them upside down? as in mag plate up and fill?
is your hopup adjusted too tightly?
is your barrel clear?

Danke April 9th, 2014 22:17

Change the piston head back.

FirestormX April 10th, 2014 12:11


Originally Posted by Rage 01 (Post 1881865)
sig saucer P226

hehe, that typo made me giggle.

The problem you're describing, usually means that the slide is not getting blown back far enough. Sometimes you see this if you put a metal slide on a TM, or change the recoil spring, etc. But if it's stock, and you're gassing the mags up correctly, it might need some replacement parts.

As a quick test to see if your mags are gassed fully: how many shots can you get, if you rack the slide, pull the trigger, rack the slide, pull the trigger, [...]?

Rage 01 April 10th, 2014 16:31

To answers some questions:

The sig is stock.

I replaced the piston head with the original (nothing changed)
I am filling the mag the correct way.
I am getting around 50 shots when I "Rack the slide" on a full mag. (I have to reload the mag)

Now the pistol was painted before I got it. Do you think that there could be crap (too much paint) on the slide and not causing it to come all the way back on it's own? So if I take some fine sandpaper and sand down the grooves that might help. (I did oil them tho)

Styrak April 10th, 2014 17:25

Not helping but...

Nomination for "worst/most wrong thread title 2014"


Rage 01 April 10th, 2014 17:30


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1882072)
Not helping but...

Nomination for "worst/most wrong thread title 2014"


Yea your not helping!!

It was one of those thing when you hit enter and just as you do you see the spelling mistake.
And of course you can't fix it in a title.

R.I.T.Z April 10th, 2014 17:42


Originally Posted by Rage 01 (Post 1882075)
Yea your not helping!!

sand off/clean any moving parts that are painted

Rage 01 April 10th, 2014 18:30


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1882078)
sand off/clean any moving parts that are painted

Did that, now it is just making me mad...
I will try and shoot a video later.

FirestormX April 10th, 2014 19:44

Have you lubricated the slide?
You should try to sand down what you can, but you also need to lubricate the slide, with some synthetic grease.

Rage 01 April 10th, 2014 23:23


Originally Posted by FirestormX (Post 1882111)
Have you lubricated the slide?
You should try to sand down what you can, but you also need to lubricate the slide, with some synthetic grease.

Done that... I am wondering if it is the Valve Knocker has snapped. I will have a look at it later.

jordan7831 April 11th, 2014 09:59

Well before sanding anything, when you manually rack the slide back, does it return to battery without any binding? If the slide can move freely and returns to battery quickly, I wouldnt say its the paint causing the slide problems.

Did you mention that the hammer was not cocking back all the way when firing?
Does it only get cocked half way back and then goes fully forward? In other words, does the hammer go back but does not go back far enough so that the sear catches it.
Effectively making this gun a double action only gun.

Rage 01 April 11th, 2014 23:40


Originally Posted by jordan7831 (Post 1882253)
Well before sanding anything, when you manually rack the slide back, does it return to battery without any binding? If the slide can move freely and returns to battery quickly, I wouldnt say its the paint causing the slide problems.

Did you mention that the hammer was not cocking back all the way when firing?
Does it only get cocked half way back and then goes fully forward? In other words, does the hammer go back but does not go back far enough so that the sear catches it.
Effectively making this gun a double action only gun.

Yes the hammer is not coming all the way back after I rack and shoot it the first time.
It's like a double action gun, but if i just cocke the hammer back with out racking it, it will not shoot correctly. It will only shoot correctly after I rack it.


jordan7831 April 12th, 2014 00:32

So it sounds like the hammer is not getting cocked back all the way when the slide blows back.

Could it be that there is too much wear on the underside of the blow back housing or the hammer?

The hammer and the bottom of the blow back housing are two parts that interact with each other. I have had used guns where the blowback housing was worn down enough that the hammer would not get pushed back far enough to engage the sear. Im not talking about a lot, just half a MM will do it sometimes.

I have also had guns where the hammer was worn down enough such that the slide would not cock it back all the way. I had to use a metal shim to add material to the hammer face.

What you can do is slowly rack the slide, while doing so watch the movement of the hammer. Observe how far back the hammer travels and the maximum it travels when racking the slide.

As it travels, you will notice it go down progressively, and reach a point where it starts to then move back upwards.

Try to stop at the point where the hammer is pushed back the farthest. IE cannot move any farther.
Then with the slide still in the same position, use your thumb to pull the hammer back until it engages the single action sear. This may help you see how much material may be missing for the slide to not cock the hammer. Usually its very little, like 1MM.

Regarding the racking issue, it will only shoot correctly after you rack it because by manually racking the slide, you are resetting the valve knocker. Seems like the gun may not be blowing back enough to reset the knocker.

Hope this helps. This is all based on my fuzzy knowledge building a KJW P229 that was shipped in individual parts.

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