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Ryan92 November 8th, 2013 18:21

General Field rules on "Issued" Military Kit
Alright, Before anyone hacks my head off here is what I am asking, Are fields against letting Enlisted CF Members use our Issued kit? I am not talking about showing up in my Cadpat with a freaking beret on, I am Talking my Gloves, Tac Vest (not taking my damn Frag vest) and Possible Helmet... May change the helmet cover, not sure, and Probably my Non issued SWATS.

My Higher ups have cleared me for this, But its under a "if it comes back broken tell the QM it was on exercise"

pugs144 November 8th, 2013 18:43

It's not the field owner's job to act as "issued kit police." Any damage to your kit is between you and the QM. I am surprised that your CoC told you to essentially lie though.

Kokanee November 8th, 2013 18:50


Originally Posted by Ryan92 (Post 1847300)
Alright, Before anyone hacks my head off here is what I am asking, Are fields against letting Enlisted CF Members use our Issued kit? I am not talking about showing up in my Cadpat with a freaking beret on, I am Talking my Gloves, Tac Vest (not taking my damn Frag vest) and Possible Helmet... May change the helmet cover, not sure, and Probably my Non issued SWATS.

My Higher ups have cleared me for this, But its under a "if it comes back broken tell the QM it was on exercise"

Your chain of command is not authorized to let you use military kit for recreational purposes. Look up the dress manual and it will tell you as such.

Go by yourself other gloves, helmet (wtf would you want to wear the tac vest???) etc.

Gato November 8th, 2013 19:01

No one on the field gives a shit.

Though, like Kokanee said, why would you WANT to use the issued vest. It's a retched thing to begin with.

Personal boots are personal boots. Get a nice set of Oakley gloves and a decent vest or something, you'll be so much better off.

Jonathan 93 November 9th, 2013 14:47

As far as fields are concerned don't ask don't tell would apply BUT generally don't bring issued equipment with you for airsoft.

Players and most serving players won't mind but could get in bother if its not available in surplus yet or it gets lost.

In Scotland bought MTP from surplus (after ban was lifted) and kept issued stuff away from it.

If you come up wearing insignia, rank, etc... The biggest problem will be little grots who play COD and say don't wear if you haven't earned it.

Stuff with helmets in particular are iffy as its illegal to own Mark 7 british helmets and as your issued them bringing one to airsoft WOULD bring you bother.

Kokanee November 9th, 2013 14:55


Originally Posted by Jonathan 93 (Post 1847443)
Stuff with helmets in particular are iffy as its illegal to own Mark 7 british helmets and as your issued them bringing one to airsoft WOULD bring you bother.

Airsoft CANADA, not Airsoft UK.

FOX_111 November 9th, 2013 20:33

Every active or retired CF member I know that play airsoft don't use the CF issued gear. It's either too crappy, or there is something way better that fit our needs.

ThunderCactus November 9th, 2013 21:11

Airsofters don't care
active service members that are really uptight might care
There have been some "busts" where sergeants show up to indoors games and ream everyone out
But there are also cases of platoon commanders taking some of their guys to play using CF gear lol

Pretty much just ask, but honestly the issue gear is pretty shitty...
I've been told by at least 3 infantrymen in winnipeg that my gear was better than what they had overseas....made me a little sad inside...

Off_kilter November 9th, 2013 21:20

I rock my boxers hope my sarge doesnt come to check ;)

Jbone 11 11 November 18th, 2013 12:05


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1847489)
active service members that are really uptight might care

LOL! Yep....

Drake November 18th, 2013 12:09

I'll add that while fields/most players don't care about the kit per se, if you show up with rank/insignia/etc you're going to start attracted a lot more negative attention.

Jbone 11 11 November 18th, 2013 12:10

Tac Vest is ok....but everyones right...there is better stuff out there. If you're broke and just want to save a some cash in the short term by using your kit...go for it. At the end of the day its your ass...fuck eveyone elses opinion.

Jbone 11 11 November 18th, 2013 12:10


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 1848931)
I'll add that while fields/most players don't care about the kit per se, if you show up with rank/insignia/etc you're going to start attracted a lot more negative attention.

I think that'd be a given....but yeah...dont do that lol!

Brian McIlmoyle November 18th, 2013 12:37

The bottom line is there are regulations prohibiting the use of issue kit for non duty purposes. But if you don't care about complying with the regulations I doubt anyone else will. ( except your superior officers in the unit)
The issue is more about integrity than anything else.

Danke November 18th, 2013 12:48

The wrong person or persons see's pictures of you in your kit not on ex etc. and that "permission" will vanish like a mirage.

You will not enjoy the talking too that is coming your way.

Jbone 11 11 November 18th, 2013 17:15

Personally I wouldn't want to wear my issue kit out, simply because its more up keep. Not to mention the monumental BS most troops go through at QM anyway. Ask it really worth the wrath of the angry man on the other side of the counter should you need to replace anything??!

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