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N_Force August 12th, 2012 22:11

Making Moving Targets for Airsoft Practical Shooting
Not sure if someone did post about this but it is quite interesting to myself to make a moving target for airsoft. Here is the story.
I've been joining CAPS, Canadian Airsoft Practical Shooting, in Toronto area for 3 years. Always have this in my mind to make some fun to shoot somethings that moving but not human targets. (CQB is already so popular in TO). Watching some movies for IPSC and come up with this idea.

Moving Targets

Tried to make it electrical but couldn't find out any help for electric. Then did some research in youtube and got some ideas from those shoot RS. Finally I made one copy based on the youtube video posted.

Here is the first copy one.

Posting it is just I would like to share with others and see I could take some new ideas from you to improve or create new one.

I will post more pictures and even video to share with. Stay tuned....

N_Force August 12th, 2012 22:12

Up Down Moving Target

target is hiding at the back of partition in the low position waiting to be triggered on.

target is triggered and moving half the way up and become visible.

target is all the way up and complete visible to be shot.

then target will fall back down at the back of partition and become invisible.

also the target is detachable in 2 pieces for easy delivery.

Video link for both up down and turning

N_Force August 12th, 2012 22:13

Turning Target

stand by position

shot popper to trigger on the turning target

the front no-shoot targets and the back shootable targets are turning into different direction

of cause this one also could be taken into two pieces for storage and delivery.

Video link for both up down and turning

Homemade Turning Target for airsoft practical shooting - YouTube

N_Force August 12th, 2012 22:15

Crazy Steel Challenging Star or CSCS or Double CS

This design, original idea is coming from Texas Star. TS is RS version and the hitting force is high, AS is just 2J or lower. So the design has to be light and durable. TS only has 5 Steele poppers but double CS has 12 aluminium poppers with magnetic support. This design could be for single shoot count by time or head to head comparision. That why you see two color on it. Full pictures will be up soon

since the turning one is done, add on poppers will become the double CS. this one still new and not yet test in range.

Here you go, this is the testing version. both shooters have to shoot the same side first either left or right red and yellow to active the turning. then take the random shoot until one color all down that's the winner.

testing video link:
Crazy steel Challenging Star / CSCS / Double CS (BW) - YouTube

Crazy steel Challenging Star / CSCS / Double CS (FW) - YouTube

more coming up....

Grudge August 12th, 2012 23:12

Nice I've been looking at those as well. I've wanted to start a CAPS chapter here in Winnipeg. I like the idea of being able to string them together and activate one after the other!

CDN_Stalker August 13th, 2012 09:24

My favourite was always the bottlecap hanging from a string in the basement, mostly shot at it with my M24, I had a pretty decent success rate of tagging it in mid swing. :)

N_Force August 14th, 2012 22:21

Agreed, not only bottlecap but aslo coke can, even coins too. It's fun in the basement. I believe most of us do it alone home. But this project is building one to have more fun with the others. I turely we would have a chance to complete them together.

pictures up-dated


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker (Post 1691113)
My favourite was always the bottlecap hanging from a string in the basement, mostly shot at it with my M24, I had a pretty decent success rate of tagging it in mid swing. :)

PrIeSt August 15th, 2012 00:50

I've got a few moving demos I've built. Playing around. But electrical is my job so making something move is easy. Making 20 of them move on command by remote... That's the next project :-)

N_Force August 15th, 2012 09:24


Originally Posted by takagari (Post 1692071)
I've got a few moving demos I've built. Playing around. But electrical is my job so making something move is easy. Making 20 of them move on command by remote... That's the next project :-)

Though I just focus to the physical moving design one for now but I would like to know more about electrical one. Would you mind to share your design and show pictures and video, please.

Other video link is posted

m102404 August 15th, 2012 09:42

That's awesome Norrie...just awesome.

You need to work on a Dueling Tree next...for the end of a steel challenge round :)

N_Force August 18th, 2012 18:35


Originally Posted by m102404 (Post 1692167)
That's awesome Norrie...just awesome.

You need to work on a Dueling Tree next...for the end of a steel challenge round :)

thanks Tys, you should come and shoot too.

the #4 post Double CS is one of the steel challenge design based on Texas Star. check out the up-date pics and Vids. and the Dueling Tree is on the way. still waiting for test and finalize the design. this one not easy as I thought.

Doble CS video link:
Crazy steel Challenging Star / CSCS / Double CS (FW) - YouTube

Crazy steel Challenging Star / CSCS / Double CS (BW) - YouTube

MilanWG August 18th, 2012 18:40


Originally Posted by m102404 (Post 1692167)
You need to work on a Dueling Tree next...for the end of a steel challenge round :)

+1 please :)

jordan7831 August 20th, 2012 16:19

This is so cool. Thanks for sharing!

SuperHog September 5th, 2012 13:55

Looks good. Nice to see someone that is creative.

Just wish there activity in the Toronto area for IPSC.

N_Force September 5th, 2012 14:04


Originally Posted by SuperHog (Post 1699806)
Looks good. Nice to see someone that is creative.

Just wish there activity in the Toronto area for IPSC.

Thanks, they are used for CAPS for both IPSC and IDPA in TTAC once a month. Come and enjoy with us. next shoot would be Sept 21 in the evening.

N_Force September 5th, 2012 17:06

By th way, CAPS , Canadian Airsoft Practical Shooting is just for qualify shooters. If you would like to come and take a look is fine. To shoot in the future, you might have to wait for the next qualification class to complete it.

SuperHog September 5th, 2012 18:58


Originally Posted by N_Force (Post 1699881)
By th way, CAPS , Canadian Airsoft Practical Shooting is just for qualify shooters. If you would like to come and take a look is fine. To shoot in the future, you might have to wait for the next qualification class to complete it.

That's one of the reasons I never got involved with airsoft IPSC in Toronto because only one place has it and once a month. Getting a TM and upgrading for competition doesn't really make sense for the level of activity in Toronto. I have seen a lot of the videos of the matches that are held in Asia like HK, and other countries and that is exciting. Airsoft IPSC has been around for awhile now but are there plans of growing it?

The other thing is, I have a black badge for real steel IPSC and considering you are handling a real pistol the qualifying is important for safety and the ability for a shooter to be safe during live fire around others.

Why does airsoft IPSC requires qualification when you are engaging paper targets with a airsoft pistol, but yet a person can engage shooting other people with AEGs or GBBRs and pistols in simulation games without qualification? Should it not be the opposite?

Maybe if you get rid of the qualification part of it, more people may get involved.

Consider, 99.99% airsofters in Canada do not own a racegun, but instead but do own AEG/GBBR and pistol, you may want to add this type of tactical competition to your roster so those that don't care for IPSC will certainly compete in a league competition with AEG/GBBR and their pistols.

N_Force September 5th, 2012 21:53

please don't get it wrong, this thread is just sharing the target design but not for promotion. If you like yo take a look the targets on TO area, that's the place you can come. May be I gave too much infos to confuse you but certainly that's not the way I want. Thank you.

But if you would like to try it in action in TO area, I would be more than happy to borrow them to you. :)

m102404 September 5th, 2012 23:47


Originally Posted by SuperHog (Post 1699948)
That's one of the reasons I never got involved with airsoft IPSC in Toronto because only one place has it and once a month. Getting a TM and upgrading for competition doesn't really make sense for the level of activity in Toronto. I have seen a lot of the videos of the matches that are held in Asia like HK, and other countries and that is exciting. Airsoft IPSC has been around for awhile now but are there plans of growing it?

The other thing is, I have a black badge for real steel IPSC and considering you are handling a real pistol the qualifying is important for safety and the ability for a shooter to be safe during live fire around others.

Why does airsoft IPSC requires qualification when you are engaging paper targets with a airsoft pistol, but yet a person can engage shooting other people with AEGs or GBBRs and pistols in simulation games without qualification? Should it not be the opposite?

Maybe if you get rid of the qualification part of it, more people may get involved.

Consider, 99.99% airsofters in Canada do not own a racegun, but instead but do own AEG/GBBR and pistol, you may want to add this type of tactical competition to your roster so those that don't care for IPSC will certainly compete in a league competition with AEG/GBBR and their pistols.

Excellent points and all very valid. A couple of quick responses...mostly because it takes me forever to type on a tablet....
- persons holding a valid BB get a pass on sitting through the qualifying instruction...but must still pass the qualifying shoot/COF...which is usually very basic.
- qualifying course is there to establish a common level of understanding, handling and rules/regs....something I'm sure you can understand being from a RS/BB background. Everyone is welcome to CAPS....and this includes those very, very, very new to shooting. They've got to start somewhere.
- locations and hosting....have you got the time and another place to run events? If so, please pitch in. The location and timings of things are the way they are solely because of the time and resource limitations of those who run it.
- modded race guns are not necessary. Factory/stock are scored against the like....standard against vs open. If the numbers are too small...penalties are attributed to open guns to level the field. The guys who like to run open guns are into modding their stuff...the ones who aren't don't
- regular AEGs and pistols...that's done too. I think one of the previous year end events was a mix of steel challenge knockout, IPDA COF and an IPSC-ish fast COF. Basically whomever runs the night and designs the COF gets to pick.
- re. Qualifications for games vs. CAPS....two different animals with two very different goals/focus

Hope that helps....sorry to take it off track Norrie.

horto September 6th, 2012 10:11


Originally Posted by SuperHog (Post 1699948)
Consider, 99.99% airsofters in Canada do not own a racegun, but instead but do own AEG/GBBR and pistol, you may want to add this type of tactical competition to your roster so those that don't care for IPSC will certainly compete in a league competition with AEG/GBBR and their pistols.

hmm... airsoft 3 gun would be loads of fun.

m102404 September 6th, 2012 10:20

The long course of fire for the last summer blowout tournament was a 3 gun.

I think the day went something like this...
3x short COF's...three squads. Each squad rotated through each of the COF's
1x Long COF...shoot from vehicle, transition to BA rifle and take long range targets (1 rested, one kneeling and one standing shot each), transition to rifle to clear the rest of the street
(there was a shotgun at some point...but that might have been one of the short COFs)

It was a lot of fun and the guys had a blast.

BTW...there's a general CAPS thread for this kind of stuff...there's a whole CAPS bunker for members.

SuperHog September 6th, 2012 22:43


Your moving targets do look great. Moving target makes competition more exciting, challenging and more 3D.

N_Force September 13th, 2012 20:06

The prototype airsoft style dueling tree is done and test. It's not as good what I expected. RS one is wider in left and right distance between poppers. AS one is way shorter because if it's taking the whole length of the poppers, the power of airsoft pistol is not good enough to hit the popper flip to the other side, so it has to be cut shorter.

Video view
Airsoft Dueling Tree - prototype - YouTube

ardo January 1st, 2013 13:40

I'm building a disappearing swinger target, do you remember what kind of bearings you've used on the Texas Star? Seems to be quite sensitive. TIA.

Grudge January 1st, 2013 14:47

Don't know if you have seen these:

N_Force January 2nd, 2013 00:33


Originally Posted by ardo (Post 1741755)
I'm building a disappearing swinger target, do you remember what kind of bearings you've used on the Texas Star? Seems to be quite sensitive. TIA.

if you just want it swing out and swing back in only, you may not need ball bearing. the up down target doesn't have it, only the turning target.
the ball bearing I bought it from my work. I can post some pictures if you want.

ardo January 2nd, 2013 12:37


Originally Posted by N_Force (Post 1741939)
if you just want it swing out and swing back in only, you may not need ball bearing. the up down target doesn't have it, only the turning target.
the ball bearing I bought it from my work. I can post some pictures if you want.

Thanks, I'm building a disappearing bobber, i.e. it moves like a pendulum. I did get a flange bearing, but found it to be too stiff because of grease. I popped one of the seals & washed the grease out so it moves better now, but I'd still prefer it to oscillate longer. My initial version had ABEC-5 bearings used in inline skates, these are really smooth but mounting them became a challenge.

I find disappearing swingers to be most difficult targets in IPSC matches, so I'm trying to build my own for airsoft practice.


Originally Posted by Grudge (Post 1741777)

Indeed I haven't, thanks for sharing! We use the disappearing Up/Down target at our club matches (someone else has built it), and it is quite fast & challenging.

ardo January 4th, 2013 08:58

I just got a 5pc set of Mad Bull poppers. Has anyone tried to make a forward-falling popper out of one of these? TIA.

ILLusion January 5th, 2013 13:22

Why forward falling?

ardo January 5th, 2013 16:24


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 1743009)
Why forward falling?

Because that's what is used in IPSC matches - at least in Ontario, AFAIK. They are considered safer than rear-falling: splatter goes into the floor. But they also fall slower, and that teaches to use the sight picture instead of relying on sound or seeing the popper fall.

I'm just trying to make my airsoft practice approximate what we do in IPSC competition.

N_Force January 5th, 2013 21:44

5/16" bolt and 7/8" ball bearing

Front bearing and bolt

Back bearing and washer spacer

this is a 2 x 4 and install 2 ball bearings one in front and one at the back, both bearings have to be parallel and inner bearings connect by the bolt and can not contact the wood that will reduce the movement. outter bearing should tie fit to contact 2 x 4. front bearing direct contact bolt and the back bearing connect with one washer just large enough to contact inner bearing. see the third picture. this set up makes the turning smooth.

in Jan18, all these targets will be in play for CAPS first shooting. ardo, if you want, come by check it out.

ardo January 5th, 2013 21:51

Thanks! Looks like the skate bearing I used in my 1st version - but I never managed to wedge it securely in wood, there was always a bit of play. Using the screw to wedge it is brilliant! Thanks again.

ILLusion January 7th, 2013 14:10


Originally Posted by ardo (Post 1743072)
Because that's what is used in IPSC matches - at least in Ontario, AFAIK. They are considered safer than rear-falling: splatter goes into the floor. But they also fall slower, and that teaches to use the sight picture instead of relying on sound or seeing the popper fall.

I'm just trying to make my airsoft practice approximate what we do in IPSC competition.

Interesting. I was not aware of this. I'm curious as to how the mechanics of forward falling occurs...

ardo January 7th, 2013 14:49


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 1743795)
Interesting. I was not aware of this. I'm curious as to how the mechanics of forward falling occurs...

The popper has a latch welded to the back of it, and there's a pivoting hook connected to the base. The hook faces upwards, engages the latch and stays connected under the weight of a (slightly) forward-leaning popper. When bullet hits, popper travels backwards just enough to disengage the hook, the hook pivots down under its weight, and the popper falls.

I think there's even a rule somewhere in IPSC manual that explains popper calibration procedure - apparently, forward-falling ones are easier to calibrate, so having shooters on the same squad with both major and minor loads doesn't cause popper malfunctions. There's a point, however, when shooting minor and hitting the popper too low does not release the hook.

ILLusion January 7th, 2013 14:53


Originally Posted by ardo (Post 1743822)
The popper has a latch welded to the back of it, and there's a pivoting hook connected to the base. The hook faces upwards, engages the latch and stays connected under the weight of a (slightly) forward-leaning popper. When bullet hits, popper travels backwards just enough to disengage the hook, the hook pivots down under its weight, and the popper falls.

I think there's even a rule somewhere in IPSC manual that explains popper calibration procedure - apparently, forward-falling ones are easier to calibrate, so having shooters on the same squad with both major and minor loads doesn't cause popper malfunctions. There's a point, however, when shooting minor and hitting the popper too low does not release the hook.


Because of the very light weight of the Madbull poppers, I can't see the movement of them being very accurate to what you would use for real steel.

Conversely, using the much heavier steel CED poppers would have similar drop movement as the real thing, however, the initial hit recognition would have to be lowered to a very minimal weight to accommodate the weak power of airsoft guns.

Understood on major vs minor and fulcrum points.

ardo January 7th, 2013 15:20

I didn't know that CED poppers are adjustable, thanks for the info. Still, a bit too expensive for my home setup.

I will try to put a small loop at the back of a Mad Bull popper, and a light hook connected to the base by a string. I think it might work. Will let you know.

N_Force January 7th, 2013 18:32

Do you have any pictures for reference, I would like to learn more and see what idea I could come up with.
The power of the RS effect the hit on poppers. AS too. When poppers leaning forward, the angle determine the power level of the pistol and the shooting distance. When I design the AS derling tree, those poppers can't be adjust the angle, but base on the power of the pistol for shoot, I adjust the shooting distance. then you can make it work properly.

ardo January 8th, 2013 07:40


Originally Posted by N_Force (Post 1743912)
Do you have any pictures for reference, I would like to learn more and see what idea I could come up with.
The power of the RS effect the hit on poppers. AS too. When poppers leaning forward, the angle determine the power level of the pistol and the shooting distance. When I design the AS derling tree, those poppers can't be adjust the angle, but base on the power of the pistol for shoot, I adjust the shooting distance. then you can make it work properly.

We have our club match this Friday, I will snap a few pictures of the poppers we've got.

I'd like to keep the distance around 5-6 yards if possible, just because the 3.5" and 4" plates/poppers I have scale well to a 8" plate at 10 yards, which would be the closest distance to shoot real steel safely. I don't have the tools to make my own steel targets that would look half-decent.

I found this on Brian Enos forum, somewhat similar to what we use:

ardo January 12th, 2013 16:41

Had to work late last night & missed the club match, so no picture of the popper, sorry.

In the meantime, I've made two versions of the forward-falling popper. First one uses a 'springy' bracket: popper bounces off of it and falls forward:

It works well, but the popper is almost upright so BBs bounce back, not down. So I made another one: a screw on a wire drops down when popper is hit:

Wire length is easy to adjust so I can control the popper angle. Falls on every hit, so this one is a keeper.

I taped a 4" electrical plate to the popper, the flimsy aluminum they're made of dents too easy.

Also made a 4-plate rack:

N_Force January 14th, 2013 18:40

thanks for sharing. I like the wired design and learn something new. How is the last pic one working? Falling forward when hit?

ardo January 14th, 2013 19:54


Originally Posted by N_Force (Post 1746650)
How is the last pic one working? Falling forward when hit?

You mean the plate rack? These plates are hinged, and fall backwards.

N_Force January 21st, 2013 10:37

Tested them yesterday in TTAC3 for CAPS, both were working good.

Video link:

Double CS
CAPS jan 20, 2013 - Wheel - YouTube

Prototype Dueling Tree
CAPS jan 20, 2013 - Texas Star - YouTube

ardo January 21st, 2013 11:06


What size are the plates on these targets? From the cam view, the dueling tree looks like 10yds away, and plates appear really small. Good shooting, too: on the Texas Star you go for the side plates first, which makes it harder!

N_Force January 21st, 2013 14:01

they are all madbull poppers and cut shorter to be hit and flip easier. I tried to keep the full length and didn't work properly even shoot with a higher power pistol in a closer distance.

The double cs, must start from the side and make it move. That's the idea from Texas star, let it turn freely! May be next time I'll try, the two persons shoot their own side and colour means what ever side got hit first, that side turn upward. That could be a bit difference. Also for single shooter, using timer to count who is the fast one to knob down all poppers. A lot to try, lol!

N_Force January 24th, 2013 13:58

Head-To-Head competition

another video link:

Crazy steel Challenging Star / CSCS / Double CS in action - YouTube

N_Force July 14th, 2013 22:12

since moving targets need to have longer time for set up and reset, steel challenge is always the easiest way to have fun, here you go, the new '606' Head to Head Steel Challenge is done.

Here is the video link:

ardo July 15th, 2013 09:20


Originally Posted by N_Force (Post 1815458)
since moving targets need to have longer time for set up and reset, steel challenge is always the easiest way to have fun, here you go, the new '606' Head to Head Steel Challenge is done.

This is awesome, thanks for sharing!

N_Force July 25th, 2013 23:47

CAPS aka Canadian Airsoft Plactical Shooting will have all these targets running open to public. If you want to experiencing this exciting moving target design, don't miss out, come to Ultimate Airsoft Convention this weekend and visit the CAPS booth. Illusion and me will be here to see you.

N_Force July 28th, 2013 21:28

CAPS in Ultimate Airsoft Toronto, here is the video link:

Alex in UA 07282013 - YouTube

N_Force August 30th, 2013 22:40

enhanced dueling tree is up, more poppers mean more challenge!

mighty_kit September 8th, 2013 16:45

can you please post more pictures? I want to build one.
and a simple texas star. so, I must found a way to keep the plates in place until they fall down.

mighty_kit September 9th, 2013 14:30

I know your youtube channel and I've seen your videos. but I'm interested to know the trick behind the dueling tree. today I made a prototype with one target (plastic with duct tape over it) and a hinge. the shots are to powerful and the target comes back. I tried to lean forward the tree. it's a little better but not so much.
the next step I want to try it's to buy an aluminum foil, make a target and use several hinges to see which works better.

N_Force September 9th, 2013 17:55

This is using madbull poppers and cut out an inches at the bottom to make it shorter for around 20' shooting. A hinge has two side, one side with three contacts and other side has two contacts to joint together, for the better popper flapping when hit, three contact side on wood and two contact side on popper.
when you design your dueling tree, distance and the power of your weapon, the length of the poppers and the angle lean forward, are all the factors you have to know. If you use it indoor in close range and not switch weapon, keep the full length and play around the leaning angle to see. If not enough force to hit it flap, cut popper shorter to reduce weight. hope this helps.
This later one I set it two poppers in one section to lean forward. Good thing is keep all three or four sections in same distance.

mighty_kit September 10th, 2013 12:21

thank you very much for the informations. so, the secret behind the dueling tree is "trial and error". in this case, I think I will use as suport a piece of wood like you did.

mighty_kit September 15th, 2013 16:23

what is the diameter of a Madbull popper? I bought an aluminium sheet and now I want to cut it. so, it would be helpfull for me to know your measures and thus to cut some errors. :D
if you can make some more pictures with the setup (including the stand) I would be grateful.

N_Force September 15th, 2013 19:43




mighty_kit September 16th, 2013 11:35

thank you very much. I see you made each plate separately. did you choose this solution because it's easier to find the angle at which the plates work fine?
I made the first test today and I think the sistem works very fine.
you can see a quick video of the setup:
Dueling tree stage 1 - YouTube

mighty_kit September 16th, 2013 17:09

this was just a test. I plan to build a wood base and I don't think it's so hard. I don't know the dimensions yet, but I will find them.

mighty_kit September 22nd, 2013 13:30

this is my project made with Sketchup 2013:

mighty_kit October 1st, 2013 12:11

and this is the final product:

it works very well, as you can see from the video.

Trixshooter November 30th, 2014 22:22

Posting with hope it helps you make your own shooting range.
This is our indoor steel target shooting range that we put up during the last couple of days. There is a premiere video also if you explore my channel.

Please leave a comment and/or thumbs up if it helped you out - and we will make and post more of these.


N_Force January 19th, 2016 09:50

New prototype "Sliding Popper Target" (SPT) is done and tested, will be using in my second generation airsoft Texas Star target.

using Marui hicapa with propane shooting in 25', poppers were downed and no accidental engaged. Passed! Waiting for full version coming up soon!

Testing link-

Design behind it -

SPT prototype

Set up behind the SPT - popper is up
popper is down

N_Force January 20th, 2016 14:14

Final test mounted on base before the full version coming up, it was good and no miss engaged causing by popper pull back impact. Stay tuned!

N_Force February 14th, 2016 20:39 Air Canada

N_Force February 17th, 2016 10:38

Moving targets back in action!

This is a serious set up from Action Air Canada, for serious plactical shooters, keep staying tuned! Hope to see you soon in range!

N_Force June 27th, 2016 07:42

I'm back, bringing up something new?

N_Force August 15th, 2016 15:15

So happy to see my design is finally got someone used it in 4th European Championship! They called it "The Wheel", I like the name!

N_Force September 10th, 2016 14:24

Double Sliding Popper target in Action Air Canada. Still under testing but getting better!

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