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Sim123456 January 11th, 2011 10:20

Help! I can't go to work anymore because of my youtube videos
Hi guys, I was sick and I was supposed to go working back tomorrow from a week of hillness brake. I'm working at Hopital Jean-Talon in Montréal but I was informed that now I'm not allowed by law to enter this Hopital without being escorted by security and that my presence is now consider dangerous. I'm must go see a psychiatrist tomorrow that will declare if I represent a danger to my coworkers.

That is happenning because of my youtube videos where I show my arisoftguns. I thought that it was legal to show those kind of video where I always explain that these are not real rifles, that they are hobbies etc.

Wht do you think?

Padkiller January 11th, 2011 10:28


Originally Posted by Sim123456 (Post 1384987)
Hi guys, I was sick and I was supposed to go working back tomorrow from a week of hillness brake. I'm working at Hopital Jean-Talon in Montréal but I was informed that now I'm not allowed by law to enter this Hopital without being escorted by security and that my presence is now consider dangerous. I'm must go see a psychiatrist tomorrow that will declare if I represent a danger to my coworkers.

That is happenning because of my youtube videos where I show my arisoftguns. I thought that it was legal to show those kind of video where I always explain that these are not real rifles, that they are hobbies etc.

Wht do you think?

Well, it sure is weird, I mean I know that my Facebook profile can be checked by anybody, but not my youtube videos ????

Man, this sure is weird, didn't know that having airsoft is a disease ???
If the all the people who had guns had to be seen by an psychiatrist for their jobs, it would be a mess !

That's just weird, you shouldn't have problems with the psychiatrist, just explain him, he's not stupid heh !

Argh, I'm having a headache because of this, dang, that's a bit F?&%ed up !!!

L473ncy January 11th, 2011 10:32

This is exactly why I'm an advocate of separating your personal and professional life. Granted this is a bit extreme, but just go do what you need to do and tell the psychiatrist that you don't know why you're there and it's bullshit but you'll go through the motions to give the appearance of whatever they want. Definitely don't make snide sarcastic remarks at all during the exam because this is pretty serious and if there's bias in the psychiatrists mind anyways it will just reaffirm the psychiatrists bias that you're a "right wing gun crazy republican fundamentalist Christian nutjob".

PS: Remember these words: It's not the ACTUALITY of doing wrong its the APPEARANCE of doing wrong. Basically don't bring attention to yourself and keep your head down.

Richard1 January 11th, 2011 10:44

you wanna know what i think....

compleat bull shit. airsoft is a sport so if there going to make it so you have security follow you at work, shouldnt anyone with a hockey vidio, soccer vidio, etc.... be under the same regulations?:banghead:

i mean under canadian law evry thing is supposed to be treated the same.

as for the phychiatrist... as some one else stated, yeah go though with uit. but in the process explain to the guy what the sport is... who knows, ya may add to the docs on the feild :p

Girock January 11th, 2011 10:49

NON ???? I cant believe it .....This is pretty weird !
Un confrère de travaille a informé la direction de l’hôpital ??

SniperSam January 11th, 2011 10:50

Well last time I checked that's discrimination in this province, can't you talk to the MESS about this?

MESS (Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale)

Strelok January 11th, 2011 10:52

Wow, that is kind of on the pathetic side.

The ignorance of the higher ups in this country jut baffles me. I understand the need for caution in times like this but to lay down such measures over toy guns is just a bit too much for me. It doesn't take much effort to educate onesself over what we do.

Richard1 January 11th, 2011 10:52

didnt piss off a co worker did ya? sure ya can guess what im thinking

Sim123456 January 11th, 2011 10:57

Well, my videos are on youtube so everyone can look at them. A couple of my coworkers know that I love to collect airsoft guns. But it's a small place, everyone talk, I guess everything someone says is disformed. Even after stating all about it being airsoft guns, surely someone that don't know me that much saw the videos and because of, well there was a killing not long ago and they talked a lot about it in the media etc.

But I told them that I didn't have any weapon, that they can look in the firearms register with the GRC. But they don't seem to want to go that far. They stopped at: there are youtube videos of my with guns (something that looks like it).

I won't play any game with the psychiatrist tomorrow, I'll explain to him that what I collect are the same things as you can buy at canadian tire/wallmart etc. But I will go with what they say and if they tell to remove them, I will, no problem. I understand the situation with mass killers.

I would have love something a bit less harder, like: Simon, we hear that people says that there are disturbing video of you on youtube and we would appreciate that you remove them. I would have, no problem, ask gently.

Death March January 11th, 2011 11:00

Well,you can go to Human rights or the Labor board,yeh there fun to deal with ! Also depends on what you are doing in said vid.

SINN January 11th, 2011 11:03


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1384993)
This is exactly why I'm an advocate of separating your personal and professional life. Granted this is a bit extreme, but just go do what you need to do and tell the psychiatrist that you don't know why you're there and it's bullshit but you'll go through the motions to give the appearance of whatever they want. Definitely don't make snide sarcastic remarks at all during the exam because this is pretty serious and if there's bias in the psychiatrists mind anyways it will just reaffirm the psychiatrists bias that you're a "right wing gun crazy republican fundamentalist Christian nutjob".

PS: Remember these words: It's not the ACTUALITY of doing wrong its the APPEARANCE of doing wrong. Basically don't bring attention to yourself and keep your head down.

Quoted for truth. Welcome to the real world and how to work in it.

Richard1 January 11th, 2011 11:07

what is your youtube channel name? id like to check them out

Slono January 11th, 2011 11:10

Wow. Just WOW.

I'm speechless.

AngelusNex January 11th, 2011 11:19

See the psychiatrist, prove your sane and hen consult a lawyer about sueing the hospital.

teriases January 11th, 2011 11:21

Oh shit.

I posted videos of me playing COD Black Ops...

Should I be worrying..? It's a game where you shoot at other people... Like airsoft....

Sim123456 January 11th, 2011 11:29

Here is my channel

I do look very serious in some videos but it's the way I look, I can't really change that. I look serious. Maybe should I smile and wear a poster around my neck saying that these are airsofts guns. And how could I, with logic, be firing real prohibited automatics weapons in my appartment without cops comming to get me. There are no explosion, no sound of firing.

But at least they are paying me the days I will miss because it's them that decided to refused me coming back to work.

Richard1 January 11th, 2011 11:31

subscribed to your channel, and man that is a nice sniper for the cover pic of that vidio

L473ncy January 11th, 2011 11:38

Are you dry firing that? Safety first! You should probably wear eyepro even if you've got a BB trap just in case there's the off chance that a BB hits a wall and ricochets back into your eye.

Other than that, MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT TAKE THE VIDEOS DOWN JUST YET. Remember what I said about doing wrong vs. the appearance of doing wrong. If you take them down now you'll just arouse even more suspicion. You didn't do anything wrong so don't take down the videos until this "investigation" is concluded with and you're back under the radar.

Sim123456 January 11th, 2011 11:53

Well yes dry firing mostly. I didn't take down any windows and the only window I can get close is because I'm at the last floor of a building with absolutly no neighbor that could actualy see me. I'm taking all the precautions so that nobodies see something that look like a gun etc. :)

Grudge January 11th, 2011 12:07

Explain that Airsoft is similar to paintball, but with different equipment. The whole concept is to play soldier. Be nice, explain the situation fully and everything should be good. If not get a lawyer!

Sim123456 January 11th, 2011 12:12

I already did the comparaison of arisoft/paintball. I asked what was the difference if I was filming myself with paintball markers instead of airsofts. But they are not professionnals, they don't know airsofts, not much about paintball, can't understand that it's not like USA here and that you can't just go to Wallmart and buy a gun. And more than that, how could someone would put video of himself with military weapons in his appartment. That make no sens, I can't be hidding completly prohibited devices and on the other side putting them on youtube... there's no logics. In Canada, when someone see something that could look like a weapon, they get so terrorized that they panics and cause all those troubles, without taking time to try to understand.

Barf January 11th, 2011 12:20

My work is very aware of what I do. They seem to have no problem and my profession is highly regulated. I don't see the problem.

If you feel like pissing off your employer, get everything in writing, what, why, ...everything. Have them state specific policy section and verse and refuse to do anything until you get their request in writing. Anything they want you to do you should be a written request. If they want you to see a psychiatrist to justify a legal activity, get it in writing. When you do see the shrink, first thing out of your mouth should be "why am I here?".

hattrick January 11th, 2011 12:37

Where is lawdog, I smell a case of wrongfull dismissal in the works.

My heart says sueing a hospital is very wrong....on the other hand, maybe they deserve it.

supermohawk January 11th, 2011 12:51

This is kinda ridiculous if they actually watched all the vid's they would see on the first
M14 vid a BB came rolling by the camera at around 0:18. Seems to me a lot of accusation before all the "evidence" is reviewed.

Personally what Ive been thinking for my you tube vids is put a disclaimer on them. Like The "weapons" shown are air guns that fire 6mm BB's the are incapable of accepting real bullets.

Eien January 11th, 2011 13:14


Originally Posted by teriases (Post 1385046)
Oh shit.

I posted videos of me playing COD Black Ops...

Should I be worrying..? It's a game where you shoot at other people... Like airsoft....

You do realize that he's video taping himself shooting with airsoft guns... and your behind a bloody TV screen playing video games? Both are completely different things.

Honestly, this is pretty ridiculous. Hope you get it sort it out Sim. Best of luck.

teriases January 11th, 2011 13:21

Ok this might not be on topic completely but for instance:

If u are plinking in ur own home, say in an apartment. Someone from another building was doing some leisure "spying" with a set of binoculars and happens to see you by chance thru a small opening between blinds, putting away a gun(not shooting it, but just putting it away in a case).

They call the cops on u. Could u sue that person for invasion of privacy?

Just thinking because of what was mention that ur careful not to be noisy and attract panic while working on airsoft. Even if ur careful, if someone is spying on u on purpose, they can see the airsoft guns.

Same thing for houses. If ur plinking or working on airsoft in the basement, ur neighbor walks by the basement window and took a peek because he was "curious" and saw the shit load of airsoft, panics and calls the cops... U get the jive...

*add* u can kinda think of the YouTube videos like "windows" to ur private life. Those videos are for Sim's own enjoyment and his friends. Like a windows in real life anyone can walk up and look and just "assume".

But then taping the windows etc might not be a good idea? It's like what's said sometimes if u hide something people panic more...

*ps* didn't someone in US got charged for indecent exposure for being naked in his own home because someone was spying and walked passed his house...?

teriases January 11th, 2011 13:22


Originally Posted by Eien (Post 1385117)
You do realize that he's video taping himself shooting with airsoft guns... and your behind a bloody TV screen playing video games? Both are completely different things.

Honestly, this is pretty ridiculous. Hope you get it sort it out Sim. Best of luck.

Of course I know, it was a joke. ;) cuz u know. People panic on the sight of guns, and guns shooting(sarcasm).

That being said I support you all the way bro. Don't back down u didn't break the law or anything. It's wrong for people to "assume" things about u.

Padkiller January 11th, 2011 13:38

Man, all I wanna say is that YOU ARE NOT WRONG, it's them (hospital), who panic about this, they shouldn't, but this is the new "Wave", the fear of guns, in Canada, which I don't know why :O

But why is there an "investigation" about a guy with airsoft guns and not with a guy with real weapons ? I mean that there is probably someone in the hospital with real guns !
Anyways, I support you and you shouldn't have had problems with this at first, but hey, you probably won't have problems after you explain the situation !

Mist3r.B January 11th, 2011 13:51


Originally Posted by Sim123456 (Post 1384987)
Hi guys, I was sick and I was supposed to go working back tomorrow from a week of hillness brake. I'm working at Hopital Jean-Talon in Montréal but I was informed that now I'm not allowed by law to enter this Hopital without being escorted by security and that my presence is now consider dangerous. I'm must go see a psychiatrist tomorrow that will declare if I represent a danger to my coworkers.

That is happenning because of my youtube videos where I show my arisoftguns. I thought that it was legal to show those kind of video where I always explain that these are not real rifles, that they are hobbies etc.

Wht do you think?

Je pense que tu drevais faire un grief. C'est de la discrimination, sans comper de ton image publique qui est salit. Escorter pas la securité...ça va partir la machine a rumeur c sur.

Faut ben que ca serve a quelque chose un syndicat. Qu'ils te defendent sti!

Grudge January 11th, 2011 14:05


Originally Posted by Barf (Post 1385093)
get everything in writing, what, why, ...everything. Have them state specific policy section and verse and refuse to do anything until you get their request in writing. Anything they want you to do you should be a written request. If they want you to see a psychiatrist to justify a legal activity, get it in writing. When you do see the shrink, first thing out of your mouth should be "why am I here?".

I think this is one of the best pieces of advise!

AoiShikaku January 11th, 2011 14:09

A lot of Canadian and US based companies always are careful of their employees. Generally it is of no concern to them about what you do outside of work, but many larger companies and government based sectors, such as hospitals in this case, believe that you should be representing the company while on the job and outside of the job.

As I have had years of experience as a manager, lead, senior, etc. role, I too have had to have talks with people about similar situations like these. Sure I have more of an open mind about things because of the way I was raised and where I grew up, but I can't speak for any other manager out there.

Looking at the video as a person who doesn't know anything about airsoft, I can see how people may become concerned about your situation, because a lot of people I know don't know what the sound of a gun really sounds like. They probably are thinking it is real because of the suppressor and from all the movies they've watched I bet they think it's real.

The best thing to do is have a sit down discussion about this with your manager/director with HR present. Explain to them what airsoft is all about and what your video is displaying. Keep it up for them to reference, but be advised that you may have to take it down because you technically are a representative of the company you work for even off work hours (some companies are pretty relaxed about it). Sure you might have to go see someone about it, but you can simply explain it to the doctor what airsoft is and he'll probably have a good laugh about it because he won't have to say a word to you. He/she will be happy enough to get paid by your company and not have to even talk to you.

If all goes well you'll be fine and will pave the way for everyone else in the company. I myself work with four other people who are airsoft players and they paved the way for me so now I can have my airsoft guns shipped to work and my CEO just has a chuckle about it every time it comes in for me. Sure he is a little bit more cautious, but when you see a 50" hardshell rifle case in my office who wouldn't be.... but we have a lot of weapons in the office out in the open... bow and arrows, airsoft rifles and pistols, swords, daggers, and a bunch of other goodies. =)

Sim123456 January 11th, 2011 14:19

Thank you for all your feedbacks and advices! Very appreciated! I have everything written on paper, I was looking for the post saying it but I don't find it so yes I received everything written on paper by express courrier. I'll talk the most frankly I can to the psychiatrist. I don't think hes has the comptence to know what an airsoft is but I'll explain. If they want me to removed the video I will but I'll also say that I thought I had the expression liberty to post them. At least I'll know of far those thing can get you.

HKGhost January 11th, 2011 14:22

another reason why some members choose to blur their faces when taking pictures or in a video. It's really stupid that you had to deal with this crap but it's because of all the soccer moms out there. Just go through with it and hope for the best. Best of luck.

P.S. in the future, don't show your face holding or posing with any kind of firearms or weapons. Your work life can be fucked up by your personal life if you're not careful.

Sim123456 January 11th, 2011 14:23

You are right. I'll do a clean up after that for sure! It's just that there are thousands of youtube videos with people showing their faces, even people shoutings real firearms, even kids shoothing AR (surely form the state). This is why I didn't think it was important ^^

Captain Banzai January 11th, 2011 14:29

Ask if this will go on your permanent job record (if applicable) and to get it removed due to the invalidity of the complaint against you.
You wouldn't want to have something like that possibly follow you around.
Again if it's applicable or accurate(I'm no lawyer)

Also I'd be bring ONE BB to at least help distinguish what your "big scary instrument of violence" actually shoots.

Don't show it off, wait to see if the psychologist asks what your gun actually shoots.

my 2 cents

Good luck

Amos January 11th, 2011 14:30

So what even if you had videos of you shooting real firearms?

There's nothing illegal in Canada about discharging a firearm (in the proper location with the proper registered gun)

Eeyore January 11th, 2011 14:34


Originally Posted by Sim123456 (Post 1385154)
Thank you for all your feedbacks and advices! Very appreciated! I have everything written on paper, I was looking for the post saying it but I don't find it so yes I received everything written on paper by express courrier. I'll talk the most frankly I can to the psychiatrist. I don't think hes has the comptence to know what an airsoft is but I'll explain. If they want me to removed the video I will but I'll also say that I thought I had the expression liberty to post them. At least I'll know of far those thing can get you.

Make copies of everything they sent you. And put it somewhere for safe keeing. I hate to say this but this will follow you around for a while, even after psychiatrist tells them that they are idiots. Rumors will start and grow about the situation. After you have seen the head doc, go see a lawyer on your own time and discuss the situation with him/her. Don't let the hospital know you have contacted a lawyer.

Grudge January 11th, 2011 14:54

Make sure you get a copy of any report the doctor makes as well!

Sim123456 January 11th, 2011 15:05

Ok thanks! For rumors you can't imagine how bad it is where I work. A friend told me that I was absent of work because I was licensed after charge of stealing meds in the meal plate etc. It's a rumors working mill. Mostly old ladies that work there for way too long. Ok for the copies, I'll make them. My doc is not aware of this. I think I'll let the psy talk and see where he want to go with his questions. I'm not very rich to see a lawer and not very use too. I'll look what I can do :)

Grudge January 11th, 2011 15:22

Doctor = psychiatrist (is what I ment) get any reports he files.

Juke16 January 11th, 2011 15:27

Do your co-workers know about how you're on ASC because if your "Big Brother" who is watching you sees this, all your preparations have just gone down the drain.

Eeyore January 11th, 2011 15:39


Originally Posted by Sim123456 (Post 1385194)
Ok thanks! For rumors you can't imagine how bad it is where I work. A friend told me that I was absent of work because I was licensed after charge of stealing meds in the meal plate etc. It's a rumors working mill. Mostly old ladies that work there for way too long. Ok for the copies, I'll make them. My doc is not aware of this. I think I'll let the psy talk and see where he want to go with his questions. I'm not very rich to see a lawer and not very use too. I'll look what I can do :)

I did mean Psychiatrist when I sayd head doc.

Enjoi January 11th, 2011 15:48


Originally Posted by AoiShikaku (Post 1385144)
A lot of Canadian and US based companies always are careful of their employees. Generally it is of no concern to them about what you do outside of work, but many larger companies and government based sectors, such as hospitals in this case, believe that you should be representing the company while on the job and outside of the job.

As I have had years of experience as a manager, lead, senior, etc. role, I too have had to have talks with people about similar situations like these. Sure I have more of an open mind about things because of the way I was raised and where I grew up, but I can't speak for any other manager out there.

Looking at the video as a person who doesn't know anything about airsoft, I can see how people may become concerned about your situation, because a lot of people I know don't know what the sound of a gun really sounds like. They probably are thinking it is real because of the suppressor and from all the movies they've watched I bet they think it's real.

The best thing to do is have a sit down discussion about this with your manager/director with HR present. Explain to them what airsoft is all about and what your video is displaying. Keep it up for them to reference, but be advised that you may have to take it down because you technically are a representative of the company you work for even off work hours (some companies are pretty relaxed about it). Sure you might have to go see someone about it, but you can simply explain it to the doctor what airsoft is and he'll probably have a good laugh about it because he won't have to say a word to you. He/she will be happy enough to get paid by your company and not have to even talk to you.

If all goes well you'll be fine and will pave the way for everyone else in the company. I myself work with four other people who are airsoft players and they paved the way for me so now I can have my airsoft guns shipped to work and my CEO just has a chuckle about it every time it comes in for me. Sure he is a little bit more cautious, but when you see a 50" hardshell rifle case in my office who wouldn't be.... but we have a lot of weapons in the office out in the open... bow and arrows, airsoft rifles and pistols, swords, daggers, and a bunch of other goodies. =)

Can I work for you? lol

EDIT: Waiiiiit a sec... Your the dude who paid for my MCdeez after Splatters right?!

L473ncy January 11th, 2011 16:02


Originally Posted by Sim123456 (Post 1385194)
I'm not very rich to see a lawer and not very use too. I'll look what I can do :)

You don't need to hire a lawyer. Just make sure that you have the number for a lawyer just in case SHTF. Basically it's a good idea to retain a lawyer (not pay one but like I said just having the number/business card of a lawyer in your wallet or filing cabinet or something) and build up a relationship with them.

Sim123456 January 11th, 2011 16:02

Ok I get it. I didn't write anything I want to hide. What I wrote here is what I'm going to tell him tomorrow, I never had anything to hide lol Thanks again for those who help me, I wanted your advices but I also wanted to say to people what can happen in this situation. And no no one know about ASC, actualy nobody is in airsoft or anything related to those kind of things (paintball).

teriases January 11th, 2011 16:11


Originally Posted by AoiShikaku (Post 1385144)
A lot of Canadian and US based companies always are careful of their employees. Generally it is of no concern to them about what you do outside of work, but many larger companies and government based sectors, such as hospitals in this case, believe that you should be representing the company while on the job and outside of the job.

As I have had years of experience as a manager, lead, senior, etc. role, I too have had to have talks with people about similar situations like these. Sure I have more of an open mind about things because of the way I was raised and where I grew up, but I can't speak for any other manager out there.

Looking at the video as a person who doesn't know anything about airsoft, I can see how people may become concerned about your situation, because a lot of people I know don't know what the sound of a gun really sounds like. They probably are thinking it is real because of the suppressor and from all the movies they've watched I bet they think it's real.

The best thing to do is have a sit down discussion about this with your manager/director with HR present. Explain to them what airsoft is all about and what your video is displaying. Keep it up for them to reference, but be advised that you may have to take it down because you technically are a representative of the company you work for even off work hours (some companies are pretty relaxed about it). Sure you might have to go see someone about it, but you can simply explain it to the doctor what airsoft is and he'll probably have a good laugh about it because he won't have to say a word to you. He/she will be happy enough to get paid by your company and not have to even talk to you.

If all goes well you'll be fine and will pave the way for everyone else in the company. I myself work with four other people who are airsoft players and they paved the way for me so now I can have my airsoft guns shipped to work and my CEO just has a chuckle about it every time it comes in for me. Sure he is a little bit more cautious, but when you see a 50" hardshell rifle case in my office who wouldn't be.... but we have a lot of weapons in the office out in the open... bow and arrows, airsoft rifles and pistols, swords, daggers, and a bunch of other goodies. =)

WTF? Where do u work? Lol... Sounds like a fun(if not a bit dangerous) place!

onemenace January 11th, 2011 16:11

What an absolute retarded situation after everything is said and done and you have everything on paper and your boss's realize they have made a grave mistake take all your copys of everything and contact a lawyer.

This sounds like it could be some spill over bs from the Arizona incident and some concerned soccer mom with more emotions than good sense or someone addicted to drama that just likes to stir up the pot because there own life is lacking something.

The fact that rumors are being spread about you because of this is again something I would mention to the lawyer and possibly even the shrink.

I'm generally upset this happened to a fellow airsofter and I wish you the best of luck and this is just my take but I encourage you to seek legal counsel immediately!

Styrak January 11th, 2011 16:34

God help the people you work with.

You might show up one day and mow everyone down with BB's!

Hurley895 January 11th, 2011 17:18

I've had a very similar thing happen to me at school. Not with a airsoft gun but with a raglan. It was a week after the school shooting in the us, mom and dad had just got home from shopping in the us and they got me a dark green long coat. I being a teenager and not really paying much attention to the news, wore the coat to school the next day. I got pulled out of class to talk to a shrink. He asked me about everything you would think you would, plus some more. After he figured out I was just a computer geek and a magic nerd, he kinda got sheepish. Still Dad got everything on paper and the school got a call from the folks. I made sure I knew the difference between a trench coat and a raglan, and the school learned the difference from playing it safe and discrimination.

Eeyore January 11th, 2011 17:37

Didn't KnD get kicked out of school because he had a spool of wire in his bag and after seeing his facebook pics they thought he was making a bomb?

L473ncy January 11th, 2011 17:48


Originally Posted by Eeyore (Post 1385325)
Didn't KnD get kicked out of school because he had a spool of wire in his bag and after seeing his facebook pics they thought he was making a bomb?

Probably had more to do with being SE Asian and being profiled. If it was some gangly white kid with taped up glasses and a pocket protector with a spool of wire I don't think anyone would have taken a second look.

PS: Those were separate incidents, I think one had to do with facebook, another some BS with his dean/director, and then the wire thing not long after that which aroused so much suspicion....

Richard1 January 11th, 2011 17:49


Originally Posted by Eeyore (Post 1385325)
Didn't KnD get kicked out of school because he had a spool of wire in his bag and after seeing his facebook pics they thought he was making a bomb?

yet another reason to add to my list of why i hate facebook. shunn me if you will but ive seen it screw over many people.

and good luck to you my freind.

onemenace January 11th, 2011 17:57


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1385270)
God help the people you work with.

You might show up one day and mow everyone down with BB's!

lmfao oh no the terror! that gave me a good chuckle

Richard1 January 11th, 2011 18:02


Originally Posted by onemenace (Post 1385347)
lmfao oh no the terror! that gave me a good chuckle

yeah lol. share the guns and make it an office party lol

bshantz January 11th, 2011 18:08

Everyone should have a desk pop..

no matter where you work

spartan117 January 11th, 2011 18:09

OMG... this is ridiculous... People nowadays are F***ing retarded. I can't believe this is happening.

Rugger_can January 11th, 2011 18:19

Asking for legal advice from this forum is a sure sign your crazy.

Want legal advice? Call a lawyer.

If your tight on money and cannot afford a lawyer call legal aid, they might be able to assist you.

AoiShikaku January 11th, 2011 18:20


Originally Posted by Enjoi (Post 1385228)
Can I work for you? lol
EDIT: Waiiiiit a sec... Your the dude who paid for my MCdeez after Splatters right?!

Yup.. that's me. We'll talk more about it at a game one day.


Originally Posted by teriases (Post 1385248)
WTF? Where do u work? Lol... Sounds like a fun(if not a bit dangerous) place!

I work for a video game development studio. We use all of the weapons as props for our animation team so they understand the working mechanics of the weapons as well as the characters animations while having the weapon in what ever position they would like.


Originally Posted by Sim123456 (Post 1385194)
Ok thanks! For rumors you can't imagine how bad it is where I work. A friend told me that I was absent of work because I was licensed after charge of stealing meds in the meal plate etc. It's a rumors working mill. Mostly old ladies that work there for way too long. Ok for the copies, I'll make them. My doc is not aware of this. I think I'll let the psy talk and see where he want to go with his questions. I'm not very rich to see a lawer and not very use too. I'll look what I can do :)

Most importantly just play it cool. No need to get upset with them or anything about it. Outside looking in is hard to determine if it is real or not because many people cannot distinguish the difference between real and fake guns and rifles.

However if the people you work for end up making such a stink about it such as rumors, or they end up laying you off (worst case scenario) it will be necessary for you to keep that video up on YouTube as well as the photocopied documents you receive. In an instance like this they are just playing it safe for you and everyone else in the company.

Sure you as well as many other on here may not agree, but remember it's a precaution thinking that you could potentially go postal in the company.

Sim123456 January 11th, 2011 18:42


You might show up one day and mow everyone down with BB's!
No offense but it's actualy the last I'll ever do now :p

If thing guet worst I'll contact a lawyer. I'm at full salary until this is over so if it end well I'll end up with a 2 weeks vacations free (well, nothing as real one). 2 weeks being the time this psy need to conclude and give his final thought. They even told me it was a great psychiatrist. I think they wanted to impress me. I'll keep you update for sure, thx for the support, very appreciated! Cheers! ASC rulez!

Armyissue January 11th, 2011 20:00

I went looking expecting to see agressively staged vid and probly in appropriate remarks and behaviour at the workplace. But I'm not seeing that, and infact the opposite. Sorry you have to work with those people that have called you onto the carpet based on their own fears and unbased suspisions. But I guess there are those who don't know you personally and rumour mills are alway producing in a work enviornment. The nice part of that is in a few weeks your fame will be covered by the next layer of bullshit spread around. (I always thought that nurse was a tranny, big feet)
I don't spend much time crawling on youtube for AS but the new GBBR stuff looks nice with the Blow backs and thanks for posting them.
Change the field of view for the next set of Vids eh? The CCCP poster was ok but the pink car gotta go.

Skladfin January 11th, 2011 21:03

Sim, I'm gunna speak from experience, because not all of this is the company's fault and you do carry some of the burden as well.

My father used to manage a school dormitory a while ago, and sometimes I helped him.

Usually when a person comes to "rat" someone out, it's because they don't like that person for some reason, and usually they don't have a very good connection with them(Either they outright just don't know the person, or have had personal disagreements).

One time we had a 19 year old college student who was clearly mentally disturbed. And he would scream at random times, bring a pregnant girlfriend to the dorm, and whatnot. In general he was just trouble, and everybody around the dorm was just scared that he might become violent and possibly hurt someone. But we couldn't legally evict him because there wasn't any "solid" proof.

You see where I'm getting at?

People around you at work may have felt that their personal safety may be compromised. I'm not saying that you are a mentally disturbed person, or that I'm prejudice against you for any reason, but usually these "fearful" people have no connection with you. And sort of just imagine you being a dangerous stranger, however safe you believe yourself to be. People just don't want to take chances with their lives.

I know I don't.

So you need to really get to know your other co-workers personally. It's a way of implicitly telling them that 'I'm not a bad person'.

If I don't know you personally, and if all the image of you I get are from bad rumours and disturbing youtube videos, can you blame me when I think that you are a dangerous person? Of course not.

It's like getting a job. Employers sometimes search you up on Facebook and look at your pictures to judge what sort of person you are. Obviously if you have a pic of yourself getting piss drunk, it's not going to end well for you.

What you do online will affect real life interactions, you need to understand this. And from seeing your other threads, why do you have your Airsoft guns shooting so hot? They're all like 500+ FPS, even AEGs....?

By the way your boss won't just hire a psychiatrist just because you posted videos with guns. Sane people have guns, obviously. HE MUST NOT HAVE A GOOD IMPRESSION OF YOU IN REAL LIFE EITHER if he automatically sent you to therapy. People don't send others to therapy unless they have real good reason to believe that you are mentally ill.

onemenace January 12th, 2011 00:01


Originally Posted by Armyissue (Post 1385433)
I always thought that nurse was a tranny, big feet

lmfao yoda has spoken ;)

Enjoi January 12th, 2011 02:52

My bosses and co-workers know about me and airsoft and have no issues with it. Heck they even let me have my items shipped to the dealership! An informed decision is always better than an uninformed one. Sorry your going through this Sim.


L473ncy January 12th, 2011 03:40

One question, who's paying for the shrink? If you're not careful they'll come to the conclusion that the person who hired them wants them to. ie. It's like waiving your rights to legal action and instead proceeding to arbitration BUT the arbitrator is someone the company you're trying to sue in the first place hired.

Be careful and see if you can maybe bring your own shrink. I know it may sound a bit paranoid but people don't come to conclusions themselves, there's always bias and outside forces (ie. getting paid in a timely manner by the company who hired them for their services).

Sim123456 January 12th, 2011 08:15

lol, the pink car rulez! :D Kidding! Thx for the comments! :)

Blackthorne January 12th, 2011 08:46

Freedom of expression.

Call Human Rights Commission.

Sue them fucking blind.


dirtdiver January 12th, 2011 10:36

Sim here is my suggestions, similair to what everyone else has said with with one added step at the end...

1)See te shrink and remain calm and professional and explain what the deal is.
2)think about who initiated this complaint because I doubt someone randomly came across your vids and recognized you
3) go see your family doctor and tell him you are very worried and stressed regarding what has happened and the possible effects this may have on your career/life
4) contact human rights commission and tell them you are being maliciously persecuted by your employer
5) when you are cleared to go back to work show up the first day with letter from your doctor saying as a result of this situation you are stressed and unable to sleep etc.... And are taking a paid stress leave...then take the time you will be entitled to as a result of their actions and take a real vacation on their dime. Bunch of asshats...

Now this won't win you many friends with management so you may want to look at applying at another hospital if that's an option...
Do you belong to a union? If so have a union rep with you. And I know it's kind of an ass move to take the stress leave but who's to say if you are stressed or not? Sounds like a toxic and hostile work environment to me and besides they're trying to screw you so show them that you can play games too...
Anyways good luck and try to think about who started this shit...

L473ncy January 12th, 2011 10:46

If you want my opinion, afterwards don't be so quick to take a flamethrower to the bridges. Maybe pour some gasoline and hold a lighter up (figuratively) but don't just indiscriminately burn the bridges. Remember word in any industry travels fast (especially in the IT sector because if they want to find something they will, which is why I have such restrictive policies on my facebook account and try to present myself as a well groomed and well mannered professional at all times where my name is attached to things). Also you kind of need to leave on good terms in order to find a job elsewhere.

So, what do you do. You protect yourself of course. Keeping a record of all documents that you receive and a record of any conversations having to do with your situation is also a good idea (I know in the US they have 1 and 2 party consent for recordings, not sure what Canadas laws are regarding that but ask the shrink if you can record the conversation and to forward you their notes once compiled). Keep pen and paper on you at all times to take notes (Just like in Hot Fuzz, your "field notes" are gold if you find yourself in a courtroom so you're not relying on memory but can reference something you physically wrote down (primary evidence) as things were happening).

Sim123456 January 12th, 2011 11:12

Thanks, all good ideas. I have an "union", I guess it's the word for "syndicat" in french. They contacted me a lot durings this. I asked them if I had no choice but to tell every little details about my personnel life if the psychiatrist decide to ask me. They told me that I had the right to feel uneasy and tell him that. Even if he his a psychiatrist, I'm not going on my own to see him. I have a doc, a person who I trust. I have the feeling that they want to look threw everything of my personnal life to get ammunition on their side. Wich I was going there with a lawyer who could told me what to answer and not. That's the feeling I have, they put me in this feeling of being judge and that I'm the one to defend myself.

Yes it's a very toxic environnement. I will quit it but I have debts that I must clear first. My gf and family want me to change job. :)

Amos January 12th, 2011 11:31

I'd get some REAL legal advise before even going in to see the shrink.

Crunchmeister January 12th, 2011 11:36


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 1385795)
I'd get some REAL legal advise before even going in to see the shrink.

I fully endorse this opinion. ]

I'd also get a union rep to actually join in on the session with the shrink so that any attempted coercion / steering of the sessions to get their desired result (prove you're a threat so they can fire you) can be witnessed and documented.

FOX_111 January 12th, 2011 11:37

Check with your insurance. A lot give you access to legal aid. A lawyer you can call for legal advises, for free.

dirtdiver January 12th, 2011 11:39

Well if that is the case have a union rep present as is your right. Cooperate but do not offer anything beyond what is asked. Answer as simply and shortly as you can. Talk to you doctor about a stress leave. Tell him you feel targeted and harassed. That it is a toxic hostile work environment and that there frivolous and vexatious accusations have caused irreparable harm to your reputation and has caused you to suffer undue stress. Take the paid leave and find a better job. Also tell them after you are cleared that there is to be no record of what transpired and that if anybody is told about it it is a violation of privacy as well as a breach of confidentiality and that it is slander and libel as well as a defamation of character.

Fuck them and protect yourself there may be more going on then you know. Exercise all of your rights to the maximum and always have a representative with you.
Best of luck

kaiu January 12th, 2011 12:46


Originally Posted by dirtdiver (Post 1385803)
Well if that is the case have a union rep present as is your right. Cooperate but do not offer anything beyond what is asked. Answer as simply and shortly as you can. Talk to you doctor about a stress leave. Tell him you feel targeted and harassed. That it is a toxic hostile work environment and that there frivolous and vexatious accusations have caused irreparable harm to your reputation and has caused you to suffer undue stress. Take the paid leave and find a better job. Also tell them after you are cleared that there is to be no record of what transpired and that if anybody is told about it it is a violation of privacy as well as a breach of confidentiality and that it is slander and libel as well as a defamation of character.

Fuck them and protect yourself there may be more going on then you know. Exercise all of your rights to the maximum and always have a representative with you.
Best of luck

Yeah, I agree with this, especially with the part of defamation since reputation plays a big role..., and the attempt to make you feel guilty when there is nothing to be guilty about is too stressful, and deserves compensation...

AoiShikaku January 12th, 2011 12:53

Well since you mentioned union... kinda gives you access to a lot of freebies. As mentioned above have your union representative present, and for the union lawyer (can sometimes be the representative). No need to pay for anything since you've got your butt covered by the union. Looks like things just brightened up for your wallet... now you don't have to pay for a lawyer.

Styrak January 12th, 2011 16:20

One of my first questions to myself would be "Who knows about or who have I told about my Youtube channel?"

Sim123456 January 12th, 2011 20:30

Hi, I'm back. It went very good with the psy, but it's not wath is important. You probably won't trust me but went I walked back to go home, there was 6 Montreal Police officers and two polices cars, a guy told me if I was "Simon" and they arrested me for charge of owning prohibited weapons. I was handcuffed and they put me in jail in an Ahuntsic detention center the time they went to search threw my appartement. They had what they call in french a "mandat", a paper from the judge to allow them to seize my WE M14 and look for other "guns". My girlfriend was there and answered their question. After their is an inspector that took me out of jail and we talk and he told me that the charge was dropped because it was an airgun. Nobody their knew what an airsoft was, I had to explain all about it, saying it was a sport like paintball. So I'm home now but they will conduct test on my WE M14 to see if it's under 500fps. It is, but I told the inspector that I thought the law was that it must also go over 5.7j but he didn't know that at all. Let me tell you that the first thing I did was to, on a complete voluntary bases, remove all the videos.

DEATH2000 January 12th, 2011 20:38

Thats retarded! I would contact a lawyer. The evidence they had to arrest you was not sufficient. A video of you with the gun when their clearly shooting BB's, or nothing "appears" to be coming out of the barrel is not probable cause.

sarosh January 12th, 2011 20:48

wow man that sucks i hope you sue the tits out of someone and make dirty cash lol.

good luck.

dirtdiver January 12th, 2011 20:50

That sucks sorry to hear about your troubles... I would definately contact your union rep and tell them what happened since it was likely your employer that called the police... Also I would push for that stress leave now.... And tell the union you want to talk to a lawyer. Based on what grounds did the police obtain their warrant? Did you get a copy of it? Tell your union you want a lawyer and tell your employer that you are taking time off!! Get to your doctor and explain what has been happening... It sounds like someone you work for is doing everything they can to make your life difficult... Remember to stress that everything has been sorted out, that you've broken no laws and that if you look for a new job and ANY of this is brought up you will sue the hospital and your manager will be named PERSONALLY in the suit along with the hospital!

Again sorry for your troubles and I hope that everything works out for the best and that you get your stuff back...

jamuke January 12th, 2011 21:28

If you are lucky, it was your employer who called the police.
You can live the American dream.
Litigate and never work again.

dirtdiver January 12th, 2011 21:38


Originally Posted by jamuke (Post 1386227)
If you are lucky, it was your employer who called the police.
You can live the American dream.
Litigate and never work again.

Of course it was the employer who called who else had knowledge if this incident?? Even if it wasn't the employer these are personelle issues and are to be kept confidential no matter what, so again your employer has violated your rights and acted inappropriately even if it was a third party who actually called the police, if they got the info from your employer. Also sounds like a coworker may be gunning for you, probably whoever had prior knowledge of your YouTube videos. And when you didn't get shit after the psych exam tried a different angle to get you.

My advice is do not let this slide and the first thing you should do when you go in is talk to your union rep. If you work a day or two then your whole stress angle could be blown. So talk to your rep, then go home sick, see your doctor and get legal representation.

Matt 'Maverick' Watts January 12th, 2011 22:02

I was targeted like this at a former workplace 4 years ago. Take the advice, contact your union, get a lawyer, it'll be worth it.

L473ncy January 13th, 2011 02:59

OK.... At first I was like, I'll give your workplace the benefit of the doubt (and not be a dick and litigate, ie. if you twist your ankle at someones private airsoft field you don't sue them, you just say tough luck I should have been more careful (unless the field was super unsafe with gopher holes everywhere to begin with)) but they've proven over and over again that they're really gunning for you and you've pretty much got cross hairs trained on you.

How are you as an employee though? Are you someone who has to shoulder the deadweight of the hospital? Someone who does their job no more no less? or what? If you're gone then they might really be screwed, sure you can be replaced but experience is experienced and some fresh kid coming out of school or whatever probably doesn't have the same built up expertise as you.

But I digress. What you probably need to do now is litigate, litigate, litigate. There is no other way really. You need to fight fire with fire and show them you're not going to be stepped on like a door mat. Draft up a professional complaint letter and send it via registered mail and make sure that it's received by the ADDRESSEE ONLY, include things like these matters are to be kept confidential and not leaked to personnel who have nothing to do with this or third parties unless there is a GOOD reason as is your right to confidentiality and once this is done and over with you don't want anything detrimental placed on your employment records or you WILL litigate for slander/libel/perjury (false statements placed on your employment record). Also since there is a record of the letter being accepted this is their final warning to cut the bullshit and do things properly or you will involve the courts/human rights commission (or whoever deals with workplace stuff like this).

Also from the sounds of the case, the police were involved prematurely so someone is definitely trying to get rid of you any way possible. I'm sure that they keep a record of these calls and such and you should see if you can get to the bottom of who's trying to ruin your life.

PS: Maybe you could get a "green card" from your doctor if you're stressed out enough. :D

ThunderCactus January 13th, 2011 03:17

See the psychiatrist, explain that it's like paintball, get evaluated as a normally functioning human being, go back to work.
It's an annoying problem, but it's not an issue unless your ACTUALLY a psycho gun nut lol

L473ncy January 13th, 2011 04:29


Originally Posted by Sim123456 (Post 1386173)
So I'm home now but they will conduct test on my WE M14 to see if it's under 500fps. It is, but I told the inspector that I thought the law was that it must also go over 5.7j but he didn't know that at all.

It's > 500 FPS AND 5.7J and you can reference the Canadian Firearms Programme website (and the Firearms Act for backup). However.... that said the police can come to whatever conclusion they "want" to but you just need to reference these things as written in Canadian law and not what the officers "think" the law is. BUT, what kind of spring do you have in there anyways? It sounds like you're more of a collector and plinker than someone who actually games (someone said you have some pretty strong springs in those rifles?). Just hope that it was an M120 maybe an M130 at max since there can be errors introduced from hop-up, ambient temperature/climatic conditions and machine accuracy/precision errors that may make your gun read higher than what it actually is..... And if you're shooting >500 FPS then the police may (wrongly) screw you over until you can show them the law is 500 FPS AND 5.7J. (Did you give them some BB's to test with? Cause if they got some .28's (or even .25's) to test with then you'll definitely be fine since they seem to think it's only FPS and muzzle energy doesn't count).

Emphasis is verbatim from the CFC:


These are air guns with both a high muzzle velocity (greater than 152.4 meters or 500 feet per second) and a high muzzle energy (greater than 5.7 joules or 4.2 foot-pounds). The “muzzle velocity” is the speed of a projectile at the instant it leaves the muzzle of a gun, normally expressed in metres per second or feet per second. The “muzzle energy” is the energy of a projectile at the instant it leaves the muzzle of a gun, expressed in joules or foot-pounds. Air guns need to meet both standards to be classified as firearms for purposes of the Firearms Act.
Source: Canadian Firearms Programme air gun fact sheet:

EDIT: I know lower down there's the whole "prohibited device" thing if the FPS is too low but again, hopefully you're running an M120 or M130 there.

cjboi January 13th, 2011 04:36


Originally Posted by Sim123456 (Post 1385061)
Here is my channel

I do look very serious in some videos but it's the way I look, I can't really change that. I look serious. Maybe should I smile and wear a poster around my neck saying that these are airsofts guns. And how could I, with logic, be firing real prohibited automatics weapons in my appartment without cops comming to get me. There are no explosion, no sound of firing.

But at least they are paying me the days I will miss because it's them that decided to refused me coming back to work.

you deleted all your videos? damn man, that sucks hopefully you can go back to work soon without anyone thinking your a threat.

Shirley January 13th, 2011 04:55

L473ncy, WE M14. Gas. lol

LoneWolf91 January 13th, 2011 04:57


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1386409)
It's > 500 FPS AND 5.7J and you can reference the Canadian Firearms Programme website (and the Firearms Act for backup). However.... that said the police can come to whatever conclusion they "want" to but you just need to reference these things as written in Canadian law and not what the officers "think" the law is. BUT, what kind of spring do you have in there anyways? It sounds like you're more of a collector and plinker than someone who actually games (someone said you have some pretty strong springs in those rifles?). Just hope that it was an M120 maybe an M130 at max since there can be errors introduced from hop-up, ambient temperature/climatic conditions and machine accuracy/precision errors that may make your gun read higher than what it actually is..... And if you're shooting >500 FPS then the police may (wrongly) screw you over until you can show them the law is 500 FPS AND 5.7J. (Did you give them some BB's to test with? Cause if they got some .28's (or even .25's) to test with then you'll definitely be fine since they seem to think it's only FPS and muzzle energy doesn't count).

Emphasis is verbatim from the CFC:

Source: Canadian Firearms Programme air gun fact sheet:

EDIT: I know lower down there's the whole "prohibited device" thing if the FPS is too low but again, hopefully you're running an M120 or M130 there.

He's referring to his "WE M14 GBBR" converted to an EBR version.
Just the intimidating looks of it would be enough for them to take it for a test, or maybe an excuse to play with it!

Jackals January 13th, 2011 06:49

To echo what has already been said,

Challenge both your employer and the police. Most importantly, DO NOT DO IT ALONE. Get a good attorney. Check to see if your union will provide one for you free of charge if not call around to different lawyers. Some will take the case and will only accept payment if you win and they take a certain percentage of the take.

Of course always remember that you did nothing wrong.

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms gives you the right to express yourself

2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

(a) freedom of conscience and religion;

(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;

(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and

(d) freedom of association.
In modern time this includes the internet.

Sim123456 January 13th, 2011 07:24

Thanks guys. But I'm not here to fight againt's what happended. Their is a law now exactly meant for those kind of situation and it was in their right to arrested me first and search after. They told me it was my workplace that called them about some employees that where questionning the fact that there was those videos on youtube, that I just received my PAL and that I was sick for a week. The inspector told me that they were thinking that I had some kind of big depression (rumors) and they feared for my life and their lifes. So this is why the administrators at Jean-Talon told the police that I was going to an interview with a psychiatrist and that they could arrested me after it. The fact is that they where really, really thinking that all those airsofts where guns, they where even asking me questions like: why didn't you register your M14? (me: it's an airsoft, I can't register it). And: what caliber is this M14, .223? (me: it's an airgun, that's 6mm plastic bbs... and (in my head: it's .308 by the way).

But they still where all very correct and after they found ou that their was in fact no evidence at all about me hidding firearms they were gery gentle, cool, explained me everything, explained that with everything that is going with mass murderer putting pictures on facebook and video on youtube, the law was with them to act first. They aslo told me that I didn't do anything wrong. That every video was right, that it was my right to have them and to show them.

By they way, they also seized my pal and they'll ask the GRC to do other search to see if they give it back to me :)

But I'll ask the instpector that is coming today to look at the 5.7j. I find it's very important to know about that ^^

Thx for all your supports threw this!

CusCusA January 13th, 2011 08:09

Definitely go lawyer and union rep. And media (after talking to lawyer.) This is actually a precedent that matters for the rest of us as well.

They can claim the best of intentions, but the obviousness of the action is something else. If you have a concern about workplace depression, you talk to counsellors, not cops. Your business overstepped it's bounds, big time, to the point of interfering with your private life, sullying your reputation, not to mention you KNOW what's going around your work place.

It's not right and there is nothing noble or decent in letting it slip for the next guy to deal with.

Sim123456 January 13th, 2011 08:40

Well, I took lessons to have my PAL and one of our teacher told us that anyone at anytime can call the police and say, for exemple: my corworker seem depressed to me and I know that he have weapons at home. I fear for his life.

After saying this, the cops have the right, what means that there is a law, to go seized all the weapons and ask the guy to go se a psychiatrist.

This is what I learned for having my pal. So from there I can't tell that they overpassed anything because my sistuation is similar. I did took a week off because I was stressed out of work. And this is because of this week off that, as I said, people start wondering If I was depressive and if I have guns, they were fearing for my life (and theirs) etc. So for now I still (well I'm still under adrenaline shock) think it was ok. I don't want problems, like they told me, I did absolutly nothing wrong. For me, I have removed the video not only for the cops but as good faith for my workplace also.

This is the way I think now ^^

Styrak January 13th, 2011 09:00


Originally Posted by Sim123456 (Post 1386453)
Well, I took lessons to have my PAL and one of our teacher told us that anyone at anytime can call the police and say, for exemple: my corworker seem depressed to me and I know that he have weapons at home. I fear for his life.

After saying this, the cops have the right, what means that there is a law, to go seized all the weapons and ask the guy to go se a psychiatrist.

Doesn't mean that's EVER at all RIGHT.

Sim123456 January 13th, 2011 09:31

Listen, I wanted to share this story with you to know about your opinion. Personnaly I think that what I'm doing after this is right with me. I always been in good faith. I deleted the videos only with good faith, they never told me to do so. I'm not a lawer and I couln't refer you to any number of article of law about this. I'm only happy that it end well. Everyone would react in a different way. All I want now is to know that my girlfriend wasn't scare and mad about this. This is my priority. My name is already cleaned at the hospital. So for now I'll let this go because I was already stressed out before and now I must relax and calm down to the days to come. Oh, and of course I really want my M14 back. They told me that it wouldn't be damage or scratch but I want to see it with my eyes. It's a 600$ scratch free brand new EBR kit and I want it back that way. I also want to know what will happen to my pal license. Except that I'm very fine, still have free paid days.

Styrak January 13th, 2011 10:21

Did you get a "receipt" when they took the M14?

Sim123456 January 13th, 2011 10:56

No. In fact I wasn't there. I was in jail. But my girlfriend didn't show me any papers so I guest not. I just talk to the inspector and he told me that I should have it back next week. This is all the informations I have!

Oh and as I said, my PAL is temporarly revoke and I'll have to fill more papers coming from the SQ so that they can judge if I can still have it. Just for that I find it sad, because I got it last week, didn't evn had the chance to look on internet for a Norinco M305. But I don't have the money right now anyway!

pancakedestroyer January 13th, 2011 11:05

You'll get your pal back but I'm fairly sure it'll be flagged by the CFC the next time your purchase a firearm. That means when and if you try to purchase a gun, you will be required to contact your provinces CFO office. I've seen it happen far to many times.

Your employer still over stepped their bounds and invaded your privacy. Whether you want to pursue action against them is totally up to you but
think about this, every time something like this happens and the victim in the situation doesn't pursue their rightful course of action it leaves the employer open to repeating the same thing again with someone else without the fear of reprucusion.
Also, when the police started asking you about your airsoft guns and why they weren't registered...they should have known upon immediate inspection that the guns were not real, hence why they weren't registered.

I'd still talk to a lawyer and union rep regarding all this and pursue action against your employer.

Captain Banzai January 13th, 2011 11:06

Will you have a police record?
Will that be all cleared up?
Is there anything you have to do?
Did any of the investigators mention this?

Sim123456 January 13th, 2011 11:47

Ok. When they ask me for the registration, at this step, they didn't know yet that it wasn't a real M14. They knew it after. I understand about pursue. I don't think I actually have the mind set on that. I would like to talk first to the responsables (my boss, the administrators etc) to clear things like "why?"

No police record at all. Charge was droped immediatly after the search at my appartement. I have nothing to do. Only to wait for 2 things: having my gun back in the same state as before (and this may change my mind, if they bring it back with scratchs and/or broken part, I'll sure won't let it pass and see what are my actions. But if it comes back as clean as it was as the inspector promise me, I'll be happy.) Second things is to wait for the SQ to send me the paper about this situation and I guess I'll have to fill questions of all sorts.

So this is it for now. But I'm still not in shape, I didn't sleep well, I'm still stressed about it. My mind will get clearer tomorrow. Thanks again guys for all your great supports!

I forgot to mention a fact. My girlfriend told me that when they saw the fake silencer they freak out and were sure it was a real one. But their was a gun expert with them. This guy was the only one allow to touch my gun and immediatly after touching the silencer said it was not a real one. But I'm sure it's the second thing they'll chek after the gun. They didn't like that accessory at all.

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