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deltastrike January 7th, 2011 08:21

Help with visible RED laser

Anyone know of a place where I can find a weapon mounted (20mm) VISIBLE RED laser?

Visible means that I would like to see the Ray not just the dot. I have one in green which I can see the Ray in a cqb low light environment.



Mr Jon January 7th, 2011 08:52

You can get visible red lasers but to get a red laser visible requires significant output from the diode so much that even if a weapons mounted version were to exist you would toast every-bodies eye balls with it if you accidentally shined it their way. I have a 150mw red laser and it shows up in the air. Most airsoft red lasers are 5mw or less and you don't begin to see the beam until you hit maybe 50mw. Green shows up very easily even at lower output power, red not so much.... Alternatively you can get a fog machine and fill the cqb arena up with smoke a bit and the red laser will show up brilliantly. Downside is if the beam is visible... it just points straight back to you!

ILLusion January 7th, 2011 09:12

The other problem with lasers this powerful, is that if you even point it at a wall that people are looking at, their retinas will become toast from the amount of ambient ultraviolet radiation that's emitted. You do not even need to point it at their eyes to blind them. Everybody in the entire arena would have to wear laser goggles.

AoiShikaku January 7th, 2011 11:06

After working with lasers for over 5 years now and making my own, I'll give you the break down on things.

To achieve a full red beam with a safe output you'll need complete darkness and/or a fog machine. Green lasers would require less output and can be fully visable even in day time because your eyes are able to pick up green better than the available lasers out there. This still doesn't deam lasers as safe. A 5mw green laser can still fuck with your eyes.

Getting the perfect beam in dim lit conditions would require an output very dangerous to other players and is highly unadvised to use in airsoft. I personally would call an official in regards to your laser.

Here is the listing for the quality diodes required to achieve a visable beam in daylight (this means no cheap china knock off shit).

Using an output power of 150mw or higher for a red diode would achieve this, but with that much power being put through the diode can cause blindness to other players. This laser is powerful enough to cut through dark materials such as black electrical tape, and even pop dark baloons.

With green it can be achieved using a 25mw diode, but again really bad for players. This again can cut through dark materials and black electrical tape.

Violet with the 405nm diode will not be visable even with an output of 200mw.

Here is one of my lower powered lasers in day and night conditions

Here is a lesson about your eyes:
- each spectrum of laser requires it's own protective glasses for your saftey and the safty of others. Each pair of glasses can run anywhere from $40-$160
- If a high power laser is pointed at a persons eye even at a distance blindness can occur. This includes a brief flash
- If a laser is pointed at a persons eye, the eye will respond quickly as it recognizes that areas of your eye have been damaged and will compensate the loss of that one area by the surrounding good ones. (this means that because you pointed it at a persons eye and they can see perfectly after doesn't mean you didn't do damage. This is not commonly known)
- Looking directly at the dot can also cause blindness.

My personal opinion... lasers have no use in airsoft. BBs do not fly in a perfect consistent line to justify a laser. Just use a high lumen flash light and you'll be better off. Sure they can be fun and cool, but not worth fucking around with others. I'd save them for pointing up into the sky, stars, or really tall structures with no windows... like the CN Tower.

Also... pointing a laser in a persons eye can get you kicked out from a game. If someone like me who knows about lasers spots you pointing that shit at other peoples eyes... look forward to a good combat boot to the face. I wouldn't care how many BB's would be shot at me I'd still walk up and kick you in your face. You sure as hell wouldn't want to be on the other end of my high powered lasers... so don't be pointing them at other people. Safty first.

L473ncy January 7th, 2011 12:13


Originally Posted by AoiShikaku (Post 1382369)
My personal opinion... lasers have no use in airsoft. BBs do not fly in a perfect consistent line to justify a laser. Just use a high lumen flash light and you'll be better off. Sure they can be fun and cool, but not worth fucking around with others. I'd save them for pointing up into the sky, stars, or really tall structures with no windows... like the CN Tower


If you're caught lasering an aircraft you can be charged federally! It's a hazard to pilots, not only can it mess with their vision but if flying at night it can ruin their night vision and that's never cool especially when you're trying to land a 747 or an Airbus (and there's windshear, micro bursts, low vis and other crappy Wx that they have to deal with). In fact some people in the US have been charged under the Patriot Act Anti-Terrorism laws for lasering aircraft. In Canada I believe Transport Canada deals with this and it's a federal crime carrying a $100,000 charge AND 5 years in the Pen.

Hades January 7th, 2011 12:45


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1382415)


If you're caught lasering an aircraft you can be charged federally! It's a hazard to pilots, not only can it mess with their vision but if flying at night it can ruin their night vision and that's never cool especially when you're trying to land a 747 or an Airbus (and there's windshear, micro bursts, low vis and other crappy Wx that they have to deal with). In fact some people in the US have been charged under the Patriot Act Anti-Terrorism laws for lasering aircraft. In Canada I believe Transport Canada deals with this and it's a federal crime carrying a $100,000 charge AND 5 years in the Pen.

Fixed. Nothing illegal about pointing lasers to the sky. We do it all the time in astronomy in numerous applications such as pointing shit out in the sky, as part of adaptive optics systems and measuring the distance to the moon. You just have to be careful not to tag an aircraft with it.

FOX_111 January 7th, 2011 12:50

For those that don't know yet, because I keep rambling about it: I got lasered in the eye at one game and still have a blind spot in my left eye periferal vision.

Lasers are banned from games, so don't bother purchasing one. Especially replica tactical laser that have replicated safety labels and replicated specs... wich mean, you don't even know what you are using and what is the real output.

Blackthorne January 7th, 2011 13:11

Egad yes. Those fucking knockoff tactical laser put out a TON of IR. They wash the whole room in it.

Just skip the whole lasers in airsoft thing OK?

DEATH2000 January 7th, 2011 13:17


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1382415)

In Canada I believe Transport Canada deals with this and it's a federal crime carrying a $100,000 charge AND 5 years in the Pen.

Here in Calgary their have been a few occurences of people shinning green lasers at the Police HAWCS Helicopter. One of them was caught and arrested. In addtion to the $100,000 fine and charges for endangering an aircraft, he will also be facing several Criminal Code offenses as well. The details are below in the link:

AoiShikaku January 7th, 2011 13:37


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1382415)
If you're caught lasering an aircraft you can be charged federally! It's a hazard to pilots, not only can it mess with their vision but if flying at night it can ruin their night vision and that's never cool especially when you're trying to land a 747 or an Airbus (and there's windshear, micro bursts, low vis and other crappy Wx that they have to deal with). In fact some people in the US have been charged under the Patriot Act Anti-Terrorism laws for lasering aircraft. In Canada I believe Transport Canada deals with this and it's a federal crime carrying a $100,000 charge AND 5 years in the Pen.

and yeah.. forgot to mention it.. don't be stupid to point one directly at an any air transportational device. You'll be real suprised at how many people get caught with laser pens pointing them up at planes and helicopters. Generally the cockpit of an aircraft is pretty dark at night so having a blast of green light being thrown bouncing around in there isn't pleasant at all. Sure pilots have landed planes while under those conditions, but you'll be facing jail time for that.... and if you ended up causing a crash... well you'll never get out of jail.

and you don't need to be worried about pointing it anywhere in the sky.... just be aware of any planes/helicopters. Many people use laser points to help point at stars. Works real well when camping.

onemenace January 7th, 2011 14:24

blue whatch youself homey 100grand fine ouch! lol pretty cool pic tho

AoiShikaku January 7th, 2011 14:57


Originally Posted by onemenace (Post 1382508)
blue whatch youself homey 100grand fine ouch! lol pretty cool pic tho

Always have.. not worth doing something to another person than you would to yourself. Karma sure has it's ways of biting you in the ass afterwards =)

I'll admit though.. that laser helped me get back to camp one day I was lost in the woods. The beam was able to be seen not too far off from where my friends were so they found me pretty fast... I'd be bear meat if it weren't for my laser =)

onemenace January 7th, 2011 16:44

i think lasers should just be perma banned from airsoft period

Kos-Mos January 7th, 2011 16:56


Originally Posted by onemenace (Post 1382586)
i think lasers should just be perma banned from airsoft period

Thing is that they already are... yet people that never played a single game keep asking where to get high powered ones that can be seen in day light.

If you played video games, remember that old Call of Duty 4? The mission at the very start with night vision and a PEQ laser? You don't see it without the NV? It's the same in real. Military and LE do not use lasers. Sci-fi geeks and wannabes do.

iballBRODY January 7th, 2011 17:26


idiots with lasers

onemenace January 7th, 2011 18:03


Originally Posted by FOX_111 (Post 1382437)
For those that don't know yet, because I keep rambling about it: I got lasered in the eye at one game and still have a blind spot in my left eye periferal vision.

Lasers are banned from games, so don't bother purchasing one. Especially replica tactical laser that have replicated safety labels and replicated specs... wich mean, you don't even know what you are using and what is the real output.

thats fucking ridiculous dood if someone did that to one of my eyes at an airsoft game they would have to worry about more than my boot or fist coming at them

i had a close call cutting some ceramic tiles once (last one of the job to) and my one eye had 2 or 3 small blurred streaks going threw the middle of my eye thank god i flushed the hell outta of it with water and visine and it went away after a week or so but a close call none the less and i will never make that mistake again anytime im using any power tools saws anything where thers a chance i might damage my eyes my safeties are on and what kills me that there are still guys on a job site that are like oh your a pussy just cut it and stop wasting time and im like yea ok if you wanna take the risk of not seeing some beautiful breast or ass again then u cut it!

but if there banned i dont know why i see so many of them still at games all the time... i think there needs to be more awareness of there dangers on the forums and something a little more serious about not having them on any weapons unless you get some sort of certificate like we have for snipers and even still theres still a chance that those operators could damage someones retina so really i just think perma ban

cetane January 7th, 2011 23:33

i got laser in the eye for just a split second and it screwed my eye up for a week

BGrail25 January 8th, 2011 00:05


Originally Posted by iballBRODY (Post 1382613)

God DAMMIT I hate stupid people.

EDIT: Fixed link: YouTube - Laser fired at police helicopter

sirtaco27 January 8th, 2011 00:14

I'd give em a tazer to the face. If they killed someone with that they would never leave jail so I find a couple of seconds of pain is better than a lifetime of rear end pain.

deltastrike January 8th, 2011 19:12

Hey guys - thanks a lot for all the technical stuff. Now i know that Red Laser are not visible unless with a smoke fill room.

I just want to point out that I have read long time ago about Laser and not using in games and all the damage it can do to eyes (red or green).

I was just curious about the fact that green laser where visible and I had a lot of red laser and none where visible and it was not clear in some retailers if their red laser was visible.

So don't worry, you should not see me in a game with a laser. And I agree with all of you, that they should be banned from games.

Thanks again


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