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Short Round July 1st, 2010 22:32

Digital Subdued?
Does anyone wear this camo? I have yet to find an image. If you do were this, put a smile on and picture yourself up in it. If you can find an image online already post it here. I want to actually see someone wearing this for once!

BTW I do know what it looks like, so pictures like the following aren't very neccessary

FOX_111 July 1st, 2010 23:18
Our team does.
It rock for inside and night ops.

Lord of Rebirth July 2nd, 2010 00:03

I rather like it. Might not be the best for most situations I'd find myself in but I should get some.

sushicake July 2nd, 2010 00:07

Our team wears it too cool for night games stands out a hell lot during outdoor afternoon games =]

onemenace July 2nd, 2010 00:30

Digital Subdued?
The middle guy in fox11 pic looks alot like John dore from the John dire show haha

ehobbyasia July 2nd, 2010 02:25

My friends team does as there secondary uniform.
they call it UDC (urban digital camo)

it works well on gravel roads, rubble and dark corners.

YouTube- OCLAN vs DeadForce @ Gun Art CQB Base

I believe there are 3 difference type of Digital Grays. ACU, UDC and there is a middle grey one in-between.
Not that i have ever seen it worn, just in a street market.
oh, there's also a Dark blue version, that I'm guessing might be navy.

pugs144 July 2nd, 2010 06:41

Oh my....

SINN July 2nd, 2010 16:24

oh yes baby...

pugs144 July 2nd, 2010 16:49

hmmm..hmmm...yummy yummy......

PaddMadd July 2nd, 2010 16:57

I like it! I'm not sure if I want this or ABU now.

Drow July 2nd, 2010 20:22

Wow that is really nice, although I don't think my CB rig and all would look good on it. Would give me an excuse to buy some Ranger green!

GRIM July 2nd, 2010 20:47

I really like this stuff.
Def for indoor!

FOX_111 July 2nd, 2010 22:20


Originally Posted by Drow (Post 1266411)
Wow that is really nice, although I don't think my CB rig and all would look good on it. Would give me an excuse to buy some Ranger green!

You see, I beleive CB would look awsome with it.
As a mather of fact, CB look good with most colors and paterns.
It's the new black.

But to be effective, you'd need a darker color or patern to go with. Black and OD work very well with UD (Urban Digital) for inside.

When we play at The Mill, in Beauharnois, this BDU is perfect for the big boiler room. It's all derelict concrete and metal in a dark room with dim overhead light comming from windows 2 or 3 stories up. Looking at my own arm, I can barely make out it's outline against the background.

Put a supressed MK23 in my hands, and people die comming in that room. hehe

Short Round July 2nd, 2010 23:51

See luke asians think alike, Ehobby and myself :)

Drow July 5th, 2010 18:27


Originally Posted by FOX_111 (Post 1266442)
You see, I beleive CB would look awsome with it.
As a mather of fact, CB look good with most colors and paterns.
It's the new black.

But to be effective, you'd need a darker color or patern to go with. Black and OD work very well with UD (Urban Digital) for inside.

When we play at The Mill, in Beauharnois, this BDU is perfect for the big boiler room. It's all derelict concrete and metal in a dark room with dim overhead light comming from windows 2 or 3 stories up. Looking at my own arm, I can barely make out it's outline against the background.

Put a supressed MK23 in my hands, and people die comming in that room. hehe

Do you think you could post a picture of a CB vest on that camo? If you have one that is, would be much appreciated.

ehobbyasia July 5th, 2010 22:37

CB knee pads... on half a bdu best i can find.

Pic's By Woozie.

Drow July 6th, 2010 19:29

Thanks a bunch, that actually looks pretty good.

Short Round July 6th, 2010 19:48

Looks good!

13Fido13 July 7th, 2010 00:53

Now I'm interested in finding a full set... Anyone have any leads?

Bowers July 7th, 2010 01:02


option: urban digital

Short Round July 20th, 2010 15:11


Originally Posted by Bowers (Post 1268907)

Is this the same as Digital subdued? I can't make out the difference

Rugger_can July 20th, 2010 15:34

Tru Spec calls it Urban digital. And Propper calls it Digital subdued. They are fundamentally different in colour tones. Do a ebay search for Propper Digital Subdued and you'll find a few guys selling it.


EagleDriver July 20th, 2010 22:56

Keep what Rugger Can said in mind if you buy pieces from separate places. Tru Spec and Propper's subdued/urban are different colors, so shirts and pants won't match. I have the Tru Spec TRU in Urban Digital but haven't worn it to any games yet. Then again, I'm a camo collector, so I've got lots that I haven't worn yet.

Short Round July 21st, 2010 17:30

I noticed the urban digital has a tint of blue to the camo and that is all I find on the interweb, so my mind is a bit confused on what digital subdued looks like on the field haha.

FOX_111 July 21st, 2010 18:17

It's like an ACU uniform, but with more black, gray and a litle touch of blue that look grey. Worthless except for dark urban places and oddly, night OPS in the woods.

I lost a teamate when he stopped in front of a large bushy pine tree. I was impressed, since black based camo during the night don't do well.

Short Round August 3rd, 2010 10:33

I'd like to see this camo fielded in a forest.

Other then airsofters is this camo even used by any Military or SWAT in the real world?

Ozone06 August 19th, 2010 13:45

Watch the opening bit of transformers 2, They're in digital subdued, It looks like ACU but I found some stills and it's subdued.

It's a nice camo for a secondary set for night or urban stuff

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