Airsoft Canada

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MMMiles! March 19th, 2005 17:23

Know a good website or resource for people interested in recreating Canadian military gear and equipment? Post it!

ToRN March 19th, 2005 18:59

oneillciv March 21st, 2005 16:54

Couldn't Find an Official Website, however this place usually carries a lot of CDN Military Uniforms and such.
Beaver Surplus Been there a couple of times myself. .

Shugart March 31st, 2005 15:34

Anyone have links to refrences of the older (pre-Cadpat) days of the Canadian Army. Such as the old Canadian Green Uniforms and all the respective equipment?

qaz3000 May 29th, 2005 13:04

can somewan say me a good CANADIAN (canadian$ price) internet site to buy not to expensive soft air gun

Jesse Jericho May 29th, 2005 13:45


Originally Posted by qaz3000
can somewan say me a good CANADIAN (canadian$ price) internet site to buy not to expensive soft air gun

how do you say "retarded" in french?

*edit* crap my 500th post was a flame... is that good or bad? :lol:

Farmboy August 4th, 2005 11:52 a Drop Zone dealer :D

deep in the bush September 30th, 2005 22:06

yes i just got a jacket at angies surplus here in barrie.... her website is

they have german. canadian, us; old style and new.... she is also a sweetie.

but if you want technical asners ask for sebastian.

he knows stuff!!

mcguyver September 30th, 2005 23:29

supply sargeant in edmonton. the have a good deal of can. 82 pattern as well as new cadpat, marpat, arpat, etc. they are in west edmonton mall and there website is on a compusmart server(don't remember the address) also try mil-arm in edmonton. lots of goodies from real machine guns to surplus.

.:Seaforth:. October 4th, 2005 00:59

all right if u didnt know the pre cadpat was called OD or olive drab it is still arguably the best cam out there along with the OD was the Webbing u can get all of this at any surplus store. Here is a great photo array of cad pat and pre-cad pat

Armyissue October 26th, 2005 17:28

Shameless promotion right here
If its Canadian I know about it, If it so new that I don't know about it your not supposed to have it. Most stuff I have in stock for cheaper than most and I speak Airsoft.

-Skeletor- October 26th, 2005 17:42

Reference Pictures

Basicially, if you want to look like a modern Canadian Soldier, you need

A CADPAT uniform, green t-shirt, od or cadpat goretex jacket

MKIII Combat Boots
Wet Weather Boots
Desert Boots
Lots of guys also buy their own boots, either for medical reasons or personal choice, danners and matterhorns are the main ones I've seen guys have. Jungle boots are another option aswell.

kevlar helmet with CADPAT cover(a ABS helmet an cadpat cover are a good an cheaper alternative than getting the real thing), optional stuff for helmet - helmet band, scrim net with or without scrim

CADPAT boonie hat

the old'82 Pattern Webbing
the old OD LBE vest
or you can go for a cadpat/od chest rig, or some other non-issue LBE in CADPAT or OD.

82 Pattern ruck w/ '82frame
82 Pattern ruck w/ '64 frame
64 Pattern ruck w/ '64 frame

Day/Assualt pack
NBC bag, od or cadpat
US small ALICE pack, od

Sleeping bag, etc
issue valise and sleeping bag, or a civvie made compression sack/vailise and sleeping bag.

Gloves an cold weather gear
issue gloves, or US or british gloves, or some civvie made ones.
Issue scarf or shemagh
thermal/polypro shirt
fleece sweater and pants
goretex wind pants or overalls

Wet Weather
issue OD rain gear
issue CADPAT rain gear
stealth suit

1qt or 2qt canteens
2L or 3L camelbak in od, black, woodland, 3color desert, cadpat

Thats all I can think of right now

Everything I've listed is what I've seen an/or use myself.

mctaz October 26th, 2005 17:59


Originally Posted by -MikeL-
Reference Pictures

Basicially, if you want to look like a modern Canadian Soldier, you need

A CADPAT uniform, green t-shirt, od or cadpat goretex jacket

MKIII Combat Boots
Wet Weather Boots
Desert Boots
Lots of guys also buy their own boots, either for medical reasons or personal choice, danners and matterhorns are the main ones I've seen guys have. Jungle boots are another option aswell.

kevlar helmet with CADPAT cover(a ABS helmet an cadpat cover are a good an cheaper alternative than getting the real thing), optional stuff for helmet - helmet band, scrim net with or without scrim

CADPAT boonie hat

the old'82 Pattern Webbing
the old OD LBE vest
or you can go for a cadpat/od chest rig, or some other non-issue LBE in CADPAT or OD.

82 Pattern ruck w/ '82frame
82 Pattern ruck w/ '64 frame
64 Pattern ruck w/ '64 frame

Day/Assualt pack
NBC bag, od or cadpat
US small ALICE pack, od

Sleeping bag, etc
issue valise and sleeping bag, or a civvie made compression sack/vailise and sleeping bag.

Gloves an cold weather gear
issue gloves, or US or british gloves, or some civvie made ones.
Issue scarf or shemagh
thermal/polypro shirt
fleece sweater and pants
goretex wind pants or overalls

Wet Weather
issue OD rain gear
issue CADPAT rain gear
stealth suit

Thats all I can think of right now

Everything I've listed is what I've seen an/or use myself.

ok and you know where i can buy this items?


Lerch October 26th, 2005 20:07

Surplus stores would carry most of the stuff (clothing, boots, helmet, LBE, rucksack, day/assault bag, hydration, sleeping bag, gloves/cold weather, etc..). The CADPAT boonie is harder to find (eBay?). Some items may be found online, like the British gloves.
Also, something to add into the rucksack category would be a British issue PLCE bergen. I nearly grabbed a Reg force blokes bag by mistake on the bus. And into the LBE category would be the Arktis 1601 Battlevest in OD.

-Skeletor- October 26th, 2005 21:12

aswell as the websites mentioned by other people above

firemachine69 October 26th, 2005 22:50

I found my boots at the local "Surplus" store (if you can call it that). Ironically enough, I use them everyday for work, steel toes, they're the "Tactical" model by Kodiak. Good boots, but be forewarned, they REALLY need to be broken in, and don't tie them up too tight (like I did for the whole first day I wore them). :banghead:

Lerch October 26th, 2005 23:05

Some good all-round boots are the Naval Combat Boots (Terra Mercenaries). They're Goretex with Thinsulate lining, full leather outer, steel toes and thick soles (with the old-style jagged pattern).
I myself use the Prospector combat boots. Same as above, just without the steel-toe and they've got a deep-groved sole.

Wiersema December 30th, 2005 17:19

CP Gear

Alot of Canadian soldier use this if they need kit fast. Really cool stuff in here.

Andon October 24th, 2006 02:03

Cp gear dose have a few qualities issues thought But IMO for airsoft their good enough, it’s not really has if you life is depending on your gear.

Bandit February 3rd, 2007 01:25

Poking through this Canadian Forces wiki reveals a lot of information:

lt_poncho April 27th, 2007 16:20

Looking for CADPAT Boonies - eBay? Not too many Canadian Retailers actually sell them. I assume that Seals Action Gear and DropZone make their own versions, not 'issue'?

I have no idea about anything CADPAT, and I assumed that by now it would be a bit easier to obtain.

Trader 762 July 13th, 2007 13:46


to be honest.. all Canadian Forces equipment are s*!t.. haha.. however they are improving.. the reason i say that is because it's all about safety measures
Now why would you want official CF gear anyways?

Words from a co-worker who's in the QOR.

Bowers December 2nd, 2007 22:02


Originally Posted by Lerch (Post 207545)
Surplus stores would carry most of the stuff (clothing, boots, helmet, LBE, rucksack, day/assault bag, hydration, sleeping bag, gloves/cold weather, etc..). The CADPAT boonie is harder to find (eBay?). Some items may be found online, like the British gloves.
Also, something to add into the rucksack category would be a British issue PLCE bergen. I nearly grabbed a Reg force blokes bag by mistake on the bus. And into the LBE category would be the Arktis 1601 Battlevest in OD.

actually i think i saw a cadpat boonie on CPgear now so they should be easier to obtain now

i can finally get rid of my OD boonie and have one that matches my bdu's:D

maltfranc January 2nd, 2008 21:30

I've discovered this site:
But I'm not sure if it's Canadian.

They sell airsoft and many accessories.
I'm interested in this helmet:

Someone can tell me what he think about it?


Bowers January 2nd, 2008 21:34


Originally Posted by maltfranc (Post 606268)
I've discovered this site:
But I'm not sure if it's Canadian.

They sell airsoft and many accessories.
I'm interested in this helmet:

Someone can tell me what he think about it?


it appears to be american go read the faq nd fill out your profile

maltfranc January 2nd, 2008 21:37


Ei8hT June 26th, 2008 10:23


Originally Posted by HonestJohn (Post 120694)
Know a good website or resource for people interested in recreating Canadian military gear and equipment? Post it!

John, try any close surplus store. They sometimes have stuff like that. :p

Bowers June 26th, 2008 10:49


Originally Posted by Ei8hT (Post 752868)
John, try any close surplus store. They sometimes have stuff like that. :p

...except surplus stores are hit and miss some have good stuff like that dude armyissue who sells pants others wont have so much as a decent pair of boots let alone have clue one what they are selling

prime example:
local surplus in my area advertises parade boots as combat boots

with the exception of a key few places i would not trust surplus stores

Disco_Dante June 26th, 2008 12:35


Originally Posted by TCSF-Bowers (Post 752887)
...except surplus stores are hit and miss some have good stuff like that dude armyissue who sells pants others wont have so much as a decent pair of boots let alone have clue one what they are selling

prime example:
local surplus in my area advertises parade boots as combat boots

with the exception of a key few places i would not trust surplus stores

Well actually if the guy doesn't know what he's selling you may be able to get a real steal there. He might not know he's selling something awesome for pennies.

jediknight129 February 14th, 2012 12:28

anyone know of a eurpoean website that has cadpat trousers in?

Ziro February 23rd, 2012 09:43 have cadpat in Eu but the colours are allittle bit wrong but works. i would recommend cpgear if you want Cadpat trousers.

I use them and i live in norway

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