Airsoft Canada

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BloodSport February 5th, 2014 16:50


Originally Posted by beta678 (Post 1865259)
Was tempted to grab the KWA MP9 but missed out.. on the bright side though I got an AI gas can for $15 and a NPAS valve for cheap!

A little off-topic but there seems to be an unhealthy trend of Canadian airsoft stores closing up recently. Wondering what's up...

What other stores closed?
And keep this thread on topic, if you do not have dealings with them there is no need for you to post/troll this thread. I am keeping an eye and will hand out infractions if needed.

lurkingknight February 5th, 2014 17:07

little bit of positive news (well maybe not positive for anyone with money in limbo), I ordered during that christmas sale and got mine shipped and received before christmas.

Also in trying to order more at the time to try and see what the savings would be for free shipping, the system would not allow me to order more than what was entered as in stock (though stock is hidden), so before anyone says they sold more than what was on hand, it doesn't look like it was possible to do this with their e-commerce package.

I tried to order 2x of the rifle I wanted, but it said it couldn't complete the order. Once the order or 1 rifle shipped out, the item went out of stock in the system.

I had sent them a message asking if it was possible to delay shipping my order until after christmas as I may not have been home for the delivery, but nobody answered in time, the order was packed and shipped and received before I left for holiday, and someone even got back to me the day after it shipped. So as of dec 24th, there was someone still operating.

Hopefully that little bit of info will help establish a timeline of events.

Mr Ruggles February 5th, 2014 17:43

this is weird...anyone ever heard of the "big sky group of companies"

anyways check it out here

BloodSport February 5th, 2014 17:48

Big Sky Group of Companies not found by Bing or Google searches.

lots of companies called Big Sky although most are oil field or real estate related.

Looks like a means to change company name, ownership and remove responsibility from the old company's outstanding debts to me. No reason to leave clients without communications or refunds this long otherwise.

Danke February 5th, 2014 18:07

Big Sky sounds like RC planes. Isn't that what the key players at Revolution said their prior gig was?

Brian McIlmoyle February 5th, 2014 18:07

Maybe they are going through a merger or acquisition process which is sapping their time resulting in the delays some people are experiencing?

Cobrajr122 February 5th, 2014 18:13

Not an excuse when they have left paying customers out to dry while they left the country for a pleasure trip to shot show, and even after returning, still leaving them hanging.

DrunkenTeddy February 5th, 2014 18:43

All this talk makes me very thankful that they shipped me my 2 orders and didn't just take my money.. Sorry to those who are out cash cause of these guys, that really sucks :(

BloodSport February 5th, 2014 21:52

So only Airsoft business I can find so far online that is related to Big Sky is a usa store which is a division of a Chinese investment firm. Still digging to gain more information for those who are out $$$/product.

One of the names we have for a co owner of Revolution is a co owner of a hobby store in Saskatchewan. But have been told there is more from Alberta but so far those who know are not releasing the names due to personal friendships. I will keep digging. Hopefully those who are out funds get refunds soon, or we dig out enough information to track down the owners so they have something for the RCMP/Police to investigate further with.

Grudge February 6th, 2014 12:19

Not sure if it is related, but there is a member who's tag is BigSky and he lives in Southeast Saskatchewan. Could be someone entirely different though.

Grudge February 6th, 2014 15:03

Just posted on their Facebook page and minute ago in responce to my comments:

Revolution Airsoft All items have been shipped. All refunds have been processed. RA is under new ownership so there will be a period of time while the store is down so business processes can be integrated and the store is revamped. Keep your eyes out for the relaunch.

BloodSport February 6th, 2014 15:08


Originally Posted by Grudge (Post 1865600)
Just posted on their Facebook page and minute ago in responce to my comments:

Revolution Airsoft All items have been shipped. All refunds have been processed. RA is under new ownership so there will be a period of time while the store is down so business processes can be integrated and the store is revamped. Keep your eyes out for the relaunch.

As of about an hour ago there is one member still working on getting their money back.

Wonder if the new owners know how much the old ones have wrecked their rep currently.

redneck12 February 6th, 2014 15:34

From the looks of their FB page to me any ways they are just posting to stall no mention of new ownership, just trying to stop the questions while they do whatever they are doing, be it actually revamping or packing up and running away.

Revolution Airsoft Hi guys, there will be a period of time while the store is down so the store is revamped. Keep your eyes out for the relaunch.
BTW, all orders have been processed and all refunds issued. Only outstanding items are 2 returns which our techs are looking at right now.

24 minutes ago ·

P.S BloodSport if your bored, the same group of guys seem to always like RA posts such as sales and such on FB maybe a lead in tracking down the mysterious owners/operators.

BloodSport February 6th, 2014 16:49


Originally Posted by redneck12 (Post 1865613)
From the looks of their FB page to me any ways they are just posting to stall no mention of new ownership, just trying to stop the questions while they do whatever they are doing, be it actually revamping or packing up and running away.

Revolution Airsoft Hi guys, there will be a period of time while the store is down so the store is revamped. Keep your eyes out for the relaunch.
BTW, all orders have been processed and all refunds issued. Only outstanding items are 2 returns which our techs are looking at right now.

24 minutes ago ·

P.S BloodSport if your bored, the same group of guys seem to always like RA posts such as sales and such on FB maybe a lead in tracking down the mysterious owners/operators.

I already have 3 names connected to old ownership and contact #'s linked to 2 of them, still digging to help anyone who does not get a refund/product in the event they start up RCMP/Police fraud complaints.

TheMightyOb February 6th, 2014 23:10

whoa - I was honestly worried about that when I saw this sale. It felt like a 'we're going out of business sale buy at your own risk' I risked it, thank fully got what was ordered. I am sure one of the rifles was a demo / used as there was a bb in the mag and some slight wear on the paint. I hope you folks get your $$ back.

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