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Kingsix May 13th, 2012 19:54

You look like a ARVN ranger good job!

cooney May 13th, 2012 20:26


Originally Posted by -Skeletor- (Post 1653639)
M16s were more common then the XM177s so you can keep what you have. Could also add strips of OD guntape/100 mph tape to the handguards and butt for camo. Also, why the top button on the shirt done up? More comfortable for you that way?

Any specific time and unit you are going for or just a generic set up?

Opps I usually don't button it up but I was cold :P.

Early 70's 75th Infantry lrrps! this tape right?

oniwagamaru May 13th, 2012 23:06

you know what? i dunno if it was cooney or not but i remember telling him to put guntape to the stock and handguard of his m16... ERDL FTW!

shiftsup May 14th, 2012 01:11

Cooney, looks ok but a little bland. Maybe too bland for photos.

One of those 5qt canteen / flotation devices attached to the rucksack works. Maybe use a canteen cover on your midsection for extra 20rd mags. The canteens you drink from can be attached to the rucksack. Having one 30 rd mag in the mix is accurate. 75th insertion teams would have had access to 30 rounders in 70-71.

Also, a SDU-5/E 100mph taped to your harness would help. So would a D ring on the harness.

M16 is fine. Don't bother with a CAR-15. Get a M79 for some extra firepower. A claymore and the M18 bag wouldn't hurt either.

cooney May 14th, 2012 08:37


Originally Posted by shiftsup (Post 1653747)
Cooney, looks ok but a little bland. Maybe too bland for photos.

One of those 5qt canteen / flotation devices attached to the rucksack works. Maybe use a canteen cover on your midsection for extra 20rd mags. The canteens you drink from can be attached to the rucksack. Having one 30 rd mag in the mix is accurate. 75th insertion teams would have had access to 30 rounders in 70-71.

Also, a SDU-5/E 100mph taped to your harness would help. So would a D ring on the harness.

M16 is fine. Don't bother with a CAR-15. Get a M79 for some extra firepower. A claymore and the M18 bag wouldn't hurt either.

I know it's bland, I like more criticism on what I should get or not get. I will get a chance to get those ACM M18 claymores later on.

Company I'm not sure.

shiftsup May 14th, 2012 11:32

If you are going for an inserted LRRP impression numerous canteens and the distress strobe are necessary.

5qt canteen / flotation devices go for ~$20 on ebay. Period made non functioning strobes are <$50. Gulf war era ones are even cheaper. Either one will do the trick as long as you use 100mph tape to conceal its bright colour.

Not so sure about the bayonet. Maybe a M42 machete or a resin copy of one in a 1967 sheath.

LegioXIII May 15th, 2012 20:41

This thread
on another forum has some pics that might help those of you doing a VN loadout.

Not LRRP, but it would be interesting to see someone do an American "advisor" look with the old school "duck hunter" camo:

Notice the very early model M16 without a forward bolt assist.

Or maybe Australian troops in Vietnam:,0.jpg

Grizzly0679 May 16th, 2012 11:15

very nice kits. On par with what I'm going for. I gotta say, fingerless gloves are definitely something that completes the LRRP package. Also which other units besides SEALs, Rangers, and SOG(?) were issued tiger camo in vietnam?

related question: Do SEALs have a beret? If so what color is(was it in vietnam) it? I thought they do, and thought it was black but can't seem to verify that with a good source.

Grizzly0679 May 16th, 2012 11:26

roger that skeletor. My boonie hat just doesn't sit right with my goggles, and wearing glasses is not always permitted so I was thinking of maybe getting a black beret.

Came across the tiger beret last night and tbh that was the first time i'd seen one. Pretty cool stuff. I'm piecing my kit together little by little... just ordered a brown u.s.-army ka-bar sheath a couple days ago for my rubber knife. :) And a double vietnam era mag pouch which should complete my webbing.

ts10z May 16th, 2012 13:20

What Nam SFs were issued and what they wore in the field had very little to do with each other. SOGs and the other Green Berets didnt usually wear their berets in the field (until they were told to stop wearing them around the early 70s). SEALs never had a issued headgear, and the tiger berets were something they came up with for camo. They also had them made locally by local tailors, just like their ERDL boonies and headwraps of various camo, SEAL vest in either OD or camo etc. For the most part all the "special " hats like berets that say this soldier is SF were just for on base because SFs men had bounties on their heads big enough to feed a Vietnamese family for a year.

Grizzly0679 May 16th, 2012 13:28

interesting, ts10z. Makes sense. Your last line made me laugh because I remember reading a SEAL book which talked about signs the SEALs would see in the jungle like, "YOU DIE SEAL!" lol... "men with green faces" were definitely to be feared.

I'm still thinking of a black beret after seeing this guy

ts10z May 16th, 2012 19:53

Some of the SOGs and Green Berets did wear their berets in the field, but not for long and mostly only AFTER they had been ordered to stop wearing them on base. So they all started wearing black basebal caps on base and some wore their berets out as a sort of screw you to the upper brass. SEALs wore ehatever the hell they wanted, and not just on their head. I kid you not, but I have seen a picture of a SEAL coming back from a day patrol(kinda rare for SEALs) wearing his blue t shirt with the gold SEAL trident on it, his od swim shorts and flip flops. He was arrmed to hell and back( a 60 and a LAWS rocket) but didnt exactly seemed dressed to fight, but maybe he was gonna be in a swamp all day. For head gear I have seen pictures of varios camo berets, camo and od boonies, camo and od "fishermen hat" style boonies, wead wraps and tshirts tied on their head, or quite often nothing

LegioXIII May 16th, 2012 20:23

Jeans as well

ts10z May 16th, 2012 23:25

Jeans are a given, Seen a couple hundred pictures of them in jeans, but cmon a tshirt and flip flops? I know some of the SOGs wore Ho Chi Minh sandals because they didnt like leaving Army boot tracks, not that the size 10 sandal in a country full of guys that weigh 100 pounds wouldnt give them away. But SEALs took it to a whole new level. They used whatever guns, equipment, gear and clothing they felt like. And if they couldnt find one they like they found someone to make it. Kinda like that China Lake beast.

Grizzly0679 May 17th, 2012 10:50

rgr that on the jeans and custom gear. I was very surprised by that the first time I read it in one of Daryll Young's books. He loved his blue jeans and I always thought to myself, "why the hell would someone wear jeans in such a hot and humid environment?" Oh well, worked for him because he did a few tours and came back alive. lol.

this is what I have so far. I'm missing a double u.s. army vietnam era mag pouch, and a brown u.s. army ka-bar knife sheath for my SF knife. Also I want to customize my M4 in some old fashioned way. I guess green tape in all the right spots like the first photo in this thread would work.

Might try the blue jeans combo just to see what it looks like.

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