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MultipleParadox July 16th, 2015 22:56

I totally agree with that

Cypher3060 August 5th, 2015 08:40

My friend and I bought a pair for the UV5R. Even though I had a new UV5R, it had no problems. My friend's radio was labelled a "pofung". I assume the same as my Baofeng because it looked identical. His had a problem with the connector from the headset fitting into the side of the radio. It would stick out just slightly, so the connection was bad. He had to shave some plastic off the connector port and zip-tied it in securely. Works fine now. That may be the problem other users are experiencing.


Originally Posted by brock0 (Post 1953247)
So because it was too late to cancel my UV5R order, I've received both it and the Battle Zero headset. I think this combo definitely qualifies at lightweight comms and it is sub $200 all told.

Very impressed with the UV5R radio. Feels reasonably good quality, not too hard to program via keypad alone with nothing more than youtube and the radios thread here for the frequencies. Had it talking to a blister pack radio and all frequencies programmed in about 20 minutes. Computer programming cable definitely not required for basic use.

In my limited mucking around, I didn't notice any of the problems the Code Red people warned me about with the UV5R, time will tell there I guess.

As for the headset (and this is just 20-30 minutes of fooling around) my feelings are mixed. I don't believe the claims that it's transmitting sound to the wearer via bone conduction because when receiving you can easily hear it from some distance away even if it's just sitting on the ground. It feels a lot to me like a set of speakers that are simply mounted near your ears transmitting sound conventionally at least on the receiving end. As was mentioned above, definitely not a "stealthy" option.

The upshot is that the transmit works as advertised. The headset picks up your voice and transmits it clearly through the radio, even getting down to whisper levels. Better than any mic I've ever used and light years better than the repro throat mikes I've heard others use through my radio.

The comfort seems OK and it does indeed play nice with a FAST helmet, full seal goggles, and a mesh lower mask. I wonder how well it will sit in place when I'm sweating my bag off next game... the size adjustment seems a little weak to me.

All the components seem sturdy and well built. Nice cables and PTT unit. It's great that they're modular as well.

I'm about 50/50 on the headset. Game testing will tell the tale.

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