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probst July 6th, 2019 21:42


Originally Posted by pestobanana (Post 2068256)

So is Mav gonna admit that he's full of shit now?

I have literally never seen that guy say anything that wasn't full of shit.


Originally Posted by Gerkraz (Post 2068257)
Seriously though, the only thing that really matters is what the new owners of BBB will say/do faced with the evidence.

Probably try and ignore it, they were shown the evidence a year ago and all they did was ask where he got the BBs he tested then ignored it and kept selling garbage until now.

skalnok July 7th, 2019 11:37

At nightfall I asked if the BB's were bios cuz they were missing the bio marking and was told that they are indeed bios, and that it was a misprint.

pestobanana July 7th, 2019 12:22


Originally Posted by skalnok (Post 2068276)
At nightfall I asked if the BB's were bios cuz they were missing the bio marking and was told that they are indeed bios, and that it was a misprint.

That's funny, old BB Bastard only made bios up to .28g.

Armyissue July 7th, 2019 12:54

I was a Bastard for a long long time. I know what the deal was as the product was rolling out and how much blood sweat and beers went into the product.
Suprise !

The Brain BB Guarantee, and a lot of Polar bear snot was Rolled to make the best bb's on the market. Canadian Airsofters knew it and then Bastards went International and these video testaments are the results of his test ground marketing.

BB BASTARD AIRSOFT AMMO Published on Apr 21, 2013

Review Of The BB Bastard BB's Published on Dec 27, 2012

BB Bastard Published on Aug 22, 2013

BB Bastard Review, Accuracy, and Range Test
BBs4Breakfast Published on Sep 16, 2014

The video evidence from BB Bastards reviews are undeniable.
The BB Bastards were the shit hands down.
The New Bastards may be using the same factory but buying the low rent version. Old Bastards made a point of producing the best quality producy for the Canadian and expanding market.
If the new bastard thought he could ride the coat tails of the Old Bastards reputation "he dun Fuk't up".

Desmodus July 7th, 2019 20:38


Originally Posted by Armyissue (Post 2068278)
I was a Bastard for a long long time. I know what the deal was as the product was rolling out and how much blood sweat and beers went into the product.
Suprise !

The Brain BB Guarantee, and a lot of Polar bear snot was Rolled to make the best bb's on the market. Canadian Airsofters knew it and then Bastards went International and these video testaments are the results of his test ground marketing.

BB BASTARD AIRSOFT AMMO Published on Apr 21, 2013

Review Of The BB Bastard BB's Published on Dec 27, 2012

BB Bastard Published on Aug 22, 2013

BB Bastard Review, Accuracy, and Range Test
BBs4Breakfast Published on Sep 16, 2014

The video evidence from BB Bastards reviews are undeniable.
The BB Bastards were the shit hands down.
The New Bastards may be using the same factory but buying the low rent version. Old Bastards made a point of producing the best quality producy for the Canadian and expanding market.
If the new bastard thought he could ride the coat tails of the Old Bastards reputation "he dun Fuk't up".

ThunderCactus July 9th, 2019 15:40

If the old BBB staff is defending the new owners based on the terms of sale, it's entirely possibly they could be a victim of this as well.

Were there any terms as to how long they were required to uphold that agreement?

probst July 10th, 2019 01:47


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 2068364)
If the old BBB staff is defending the new owners based on the terms of sale, it's entirely possibly they could be a victim of this as well.

Were there any terms as to how long they were required to uphold that agreement?

He is not one of the old staff, he just knows them... In fact I think (but am not 100% sure) that he used to be part owner of the new owners... I know he used to own part of a place called Tier One Tactical I am not totally sure if that what is now called Tier One Armament or if it is a new company but it does seem strange that his friends would randomly have a company with 2/3 of the name the same as his old company.

Neither the new or old owners have publicly said anything so far. With the new owners keeping silent then personally I can only assume that they are doing so not to incriminate themselves further and that the allegations are all true.

ThunderCactus July 13th, 2019 14:50

It's gonna be interesting to see this unfold anyway.
So far, all they've got in defense is the terms of sale (which may very well mean fuck all at this point), and personal attacks against Zim for calling them out.

More than anything, I think the fact they're not arguing any of the evidence shows they're trying to push crap through a good name.
They haven't contested any of the results. And their sponsored team has only argued that the quantified results don't matter because they "like how they shoot" lol

pestobanana July 13th, 2019 19:18

They told me on Monday they would do their own internal testing and release a statement this week. I asked them about their progress on Friday and got no response despite a read receipt.

pestobanana July 13th, 2019 23:24

Now they still haven't responded to me. But they've told someone else they've finished testing and are editing a video to be posted tomorrow night. Let's see if they actually address any of the evidence that's been brought up.

kyle milliken July 14th, 2019 04:23


Originally Posted by pestobanana (Post 2068505)
Now they still haven't responded to me. But they've told someone else they've finished testing and are editing a video to be posted tomorrow night. Let's see if they actually address any of the evidence that's been brought up.

seeing how things have gone so far im willing to bet they'll just say its a smear campaign by a few vocal members of the community and, that their product is just as good if not better then elite force, BLS, HPA, or other premium brands. I cant see them dumping the thousands of dollars of product they have because its crap.

pestobanana July 15th, 2019 18:34

They haven't posted an update as they said they would, and when I asked they're still giving me a bunch of non answers, shit like: "editing the crazy amount of info". "away all weekend", "as soon as I get a reply from the factory", etc.

Not sure why its so difficult to just come out and say "Its not the same, we lied."

Spengler July 15th, 2019 19:42


Originally Posted by pestobanana (Post 2068565)
They haven't posted an update as they said they would, and when I asked they're still giving me a bunch of non answers, shit like: "editing the crazy amount of info". "away all weekend", "as soon as I get a reply from the factory", etc.

Not sure why its so difficult to just come out and say "Its not the same, we lied."

Sounds like they're stalling. I guess fabricating excuses and/or data takes time, eh?

hollywood... July 15th, 2019 20:06


Originally Posted by Spengler (Post 2068570)
Sounds like they're stalling. I guess fabricating excuses and/or data takes time, eh?

is this the SNC Lavalin scandal?

Spengler July 15th, 2019 20:41


Originally Posted by hollywood... (Post 2068572)
is this the SNC Lavalin scandal?

If some jackhole tried to use this politically, pretty much, right?

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