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Derpystronk June 21st, 2016 23:42

I don't think anyone feels sorry for me. I've demonstrated the capability to be able to write out a set of basic rules and guidelines that thousands of players have read and followed over the years. I don't know why you look so poorly on people writing things in their own words.

If we want to get to the crux of the issue, and we'll just ignore the fact that yes the MMG rules make zero sense and only exist as a relic of the CTRL+C / CTRL+V-ing, that your failure to proof read your ruleset has told people that your in game tactical command to stop firing at a target is also your game needs to stop for safety reasons administrative command, or that you really don't seem to have a cohesive vision for the game other than show up, do whatever you want and be awesome!!

The issue some people are having is, yes, blatant plagiarism of pages and pages of text, word for word, copy and pasted from another event organizer in the community. It's not okay. It doesn't matter if "oh other people do ittttt~" or that Ice Back also heavily lifted from MSW Rules. It's. Not. Okay.

Writing rules is by far the easiest part of hosting an event. It takes less than an hour of your time. You just have to write out what you want people to do. Bam. Done. It's that simple. Shit, we are writing things right now.

But when people see you cutting the easiest but also one of the most important corners, they ask themselves "What other corners is he willing to cut?" Maybe some people might begin asking themselves: Is your field properly safetied? Do you have adequate insurance? Does he even care if people enjoy their time or putting on a quality Airsoft event? These all become legitimate concerns that domino from your demonstrated behavior as an event host.

So while those questions are cropping up, you are going out and calling them fools, diva's, putting stickies in your Facebook bunker calling people out for being troublemakers and than talking yourself up and how great you are. You go out of your way to shut down any criticism or suggestion and your response has typically been look at how great I am.

But admitting that you are a dick does not make you immune from criticism. People have raised legitimate concerns regarding any number of issues, and your response has been shut that shit down and talk about how great you are and how awesome whatever it is you are doing - that is the typical calling card of scam events for the last god knows how many years in Airsoft. Like Scamsoft 101 type behavior. People are right to be skeptical. People have been burned countless times from people demonstrating your exact mannerisms and attitudes.

But if you can't figure out why people might have an issue with you stealing from their close personal friends (many people have close ties to MSW up here) or others in the community - and doing it as a for-profit entity... There is nothing we can do to help you. It's just such a basic level of common sense and it is baffling how you don't get it

Or, maybe you do get it and don't care. Maybe you are are okay with exploiting people for money. I wonder why people wouldn't want to give their money to someone like that?

Derpystronk June 21st, 2016 23:43


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1982596)
Dont start out being an ass because you wont get anywhere.

This does go both ways.

dperr June 22nd, 2016 00:08

Those are all good points. I was interested in this game until he started banning people from the Edmonton community calling them nitpickers and divas. It just goes to show how bad his customer service is.

Also only 32 sign ups is a red flag for me.

Unsung Hero June 28th, 2016 11:23

Last checked it was up to 70 people and green lit. Event is now green lit.

ThunderCactus June 28th, 2016 12:57

Its on course to have over 100 people at this rate

Danke August 15th, 2016 02:31

1 Attachment(s)
Red Side

ThunderCactus August 15th, 2016 15:27

Game was pretty much exactly what I expected going in. Field was pretty amazing. Can't wait till next year!
Just hoping they have a larger admin staff, which they should since they'll actually have TIME to plan next year's game lol

Danke August 15th, 2016 15:33

Heard they had a couple admin come down sick just before.

Were you Blue or Red?

ThunderCactus August 22nd, 2016 12:01

I was on blue, mostly out there during the night games

Danke August 22nd, 2016 14:14

At least it was a bit cool then.

ThunderCactus August 22nd, 2016 14:44

The creek was a life saver. Definitely over-packed though, thought we'd be sleeping in the buildings on the field, but the only one worth sleeping in was the firehall and it was on your side lol
field was awesome but it was pretty stacked to one side where all the buildings are. Night fighting was alright, but armbands are just retarded.
How was the FF situation on your side?
We had to change our challenge/pass after the first night because it was "compromised", but realistically I think a lot of people on our team just had no idea how to use it.

Danke August 22nd, 2016 15:31


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1987412)
The creek was a life saver. Definitely over-packed though, thought we'd be sleeping in the buildings on the field, but the only one worth sleeping in was the firehall and it was on your side lol
field was awesome but it was pretty stacked to one side where all the buildings are. Night fighting was alright, but armbands are just retarded.
How was the FF situation on your side?
We had to change our challenge/pass after the first night because it was "compromised", but realistically I think a lot of people on our team just had no idea how to use it.

Didn't get friendly fired on once. We had a rolling challenge that changed every day and most of the crew figured out how it worked. We had a really solid hands on command element.

ThunderCactus August 22nd, 2016 16:16

We were definitely not nearly as organized as you guys lol

So who all ended up having NV on your side? I was led to believe we'd have about 20 guys on our side with mostly gen2/gen3 and equal numbers on your side.
I saw all of maybe 9 guys on our side with NV and only ran into maybe 2 guys on red with NV.
A lot of your guys were really effective with their flashlights tho. Wish people around here put up that much of a challenge at night lol

Danke August 22nd, 2016 17:30

I for sure saw one guy with a NVG but it was a weapon mounted one that couldn't go below 4x.

I heard we had someone on our side running thermal but I don't know what kind of system. Personal or weapons mount.

I saw a lot of guys with helmets that had shrouds but no solid sightings of them running NVG.

beta678 August 22nd, 2016 18:36

I only know of 2 guys on red who had helmet mounted NOD's, one gen3 other I'm not too sure but I believe was gen3 as well.

One of the guys in my section had thermal mounted on rifle, commercially avail phone attachment, but was more for perimeter scans. Blue had proper thermals, someone borrowed a fire dept handheld thermal from their dad iirc.

Blue had significantly more night combat capability but seemed like they didn't know how to use them effectively. That 2nd night fight at Alpha point when blues came round back with UTV support was unexpected but highlighted effectiveness of flashlights vs NOD's. Saw the last surviving blue get hunted down by flashlight and pistol in the brush and it was glorious to see.

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