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Stop spreading lies, I am not dead yet.
Still sweatin' the NAM |
currently working on the hand guard and stock of the SLR.
The two uniforms for the AATTV impression are coming along nicely. Just need to find some SVN rank insignia for the indig uniform. Used it last year in Virginia. Great stuff. |
Porkchop aint dead, just extended his LRRP tour.
He is the craziest German living in Quebec dressed as an Aussie I know =P. And the more guys who join the Nam the merrier.
Now literally sweating the Nam. Man, it's humid out there.
Suzy Rottencrotch is coming out of the woodwork |
Ok, a few weeks back a couple of us Albertan 'Namsofters got a chance to play together for pretty much the first time. You'll recognize BoomHower, the skinny dude with the thompson is Kris (not sure if he's ever taken my advice yet and signed up on here or not) and myself. The photos were shot after my club's Season Ender game and I think out kits went over well with the 'unwashed masses". Booms and myself are going for '67ish LRRP kits while Kris usually rocks as an earlier adviser, but wished too fit in with tigers this time around. Now, we know our kits aren't 100% but we're working on 'em so constructive criticism is welcome. Photos by David (CanadianPsycho)
Anyways, enough blabbin', here's the photos. Looking for a suitable LZ http://i795.photobucket.com/albums/y..._1195-Copy.jpg http://i795.photobucket.com/albums/y..._1192-Copy.jpg http://i795.photobucket.com/albums/y..._1201-Copy.jpg http://i795.photobucket.com/albums/y..._1206-Copy.jpg LZ located, time to get out http://i795.photobucket.com/albums/y...4_IMG_2088.jpg http://i795.photobucket.com/albums/y..._2065-Copy.jpg http://i795.photobucket.com/albums/y..._2032-Copy.jpg Back at the FOB, calling in what we'd found http://i795.photobucket.com/albums/y..._1240-Copy.jpg http://i795.photobucket.com/albums/y..._1238-Copy.jpg http://i795.photobucket.com/albums/y..._1236-Copy.jpg All in all, a good day! http://i795.photobucket.com/albums/y..._1234-Copy.jpg One last photo for the road. We call it "Booms had TacoBell for lunch" http://i795.photobucket.com/albums/y..._2047-Copy.jpg |
Nice pics,
just one thing, I would take off the the big watch, it looks really out of character. Unless you are carrying an AK 47, I would not put on the chicom bra. Love the fact that you have the 20rd mags and not the 30rounders. Oh, and face paint is your friend ;) Good job. Looks strack!! |
Thanks! I told Kris to cover up his watch and tattoos but he went on about being "gangsta" or something, I dunno *shrugs*
He used the chicom so he could carry more Tommy mags for the game. When he plays in his advisor kit he only used the WW2 Thompson pouch on his belt there. I know 30rnd mags were common after '69, but personally I love 20rnd mags and they go hand-in-hand with the "year" I'm going for. As for facepaint, I'll do it at large milsims but it seemed too "hardcore" for that day :) |
Nice picture. It's nice to see some activity in the Vietnam section. I'm buying my kit in the next few months and it's cool to see what you did. I'm trying to build a small Vietnam community in Quebec city to play a couple of games on my field next summer. I hope to have some pictures to share next spring:)
Fais un jeu pendant l'été. Ça sera fun.
Hitting the J in the big Q, ;) |
I think you will love that
http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/2521/dsc02556g.jpg 2 ERDL Uniform M56 Webgear Type 56 Chicom Romanian style AKM¸ ALICE Rucksack (not pictured) Can't find my bandana at the moment. |
I hope to host several Vietnam games this summer so that players who like the style have a place to go. Hopefully we will have a nice little band of players by the end of the summer. A+ |
I like your kit very much. I remember when you first came to a game with that kit, it was really cool and it helped me make up my mind that I wanted to promote Vietnam games.
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