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whosloosin92 June 11th, 2008 23:14

I've been having long delays of around 5-6 seconds but then I put the lube into the propane adapter like you would for a normal GBB and it worked perfectly. Exactly 3 seconds. It may have also been because I added a small oring inside the fill valve to eliminate the spray that happens when I try filling with the metal airsoft innovations propane adapter that i bought from a local store.

MadMax June 11th, 2008 23:17

The leak is intentional:

Scroll down to reply #11.

Styrak June 11th, 2008 23:34


Originally Posted by whosloosin92 (Post 740794)
I've been having long delays of around 5-6 seconds but then I put the lube into the propane adapter like you would for a normal GBB and it worked perfectly. Exactly 3 seconds. It may have also been because I added a small oring inside the fill valve to eliminate the spray that happens when I try filling with the metal airsoft innovations propane adapter that i bought from a local store.

Were you putting lube in the grenade before? Probably not.

MadMax June 11th, 2008 23:39

stopping the leak altogether would prevent consistent filling too. Lubrication is a critical requirement with my grenades. It's too bad, but if you want consistent operation you've got to keep the grenades lubed.

whosloosin92 June 11th, 2008 23:46

Please do not make assumptions like that. Yes I have lubed it every two times I used the grenade as prescribed by airsoft innovations. I also added two drops when I first received the grenade. I decided to try lubing like a normal GBB in addition to the normal lubing to see if it helped and it turns out that it did.

Now that I see the reasoning behind the leak I'll take out that oring as soon as possible. Good thing I only filled it once like that.

MadMax June 12th, 2008 00:18

Well I'm still working on my troubleshooting guide. We've learned a lot about our product and we've got to put it together into a cohesive guide.

For one, we've observed a break in period. It seems that the first 10 or so deployments are less consistent than the later ones. Delays appear to settle down to nice consistent periods which kind of confuses us because the cause seems to be pretty subtle. We're working on a best break in procedure.

When the schrapnel settles we plan on publishing all our findings to web. I hope to maintain a good repository of info on this grenade to help users maximize it's performance. Making design revisions is a lot more difficult with this product. I went through 4 versions of propane adpators in my first 3 years. This product is rather anchored in an injection mould. As much as I want to throw a massive redesign, I have to amortize my mould first. At least this first build is quite good. With the right usage scheme this grenade is a consistent powerful performer so I hope to help users learn to use their grenades well.

arman June 12th, 2008 02:15

me and my buddy thought of this question... we use the same propane for our guns and nades... the tank has oil in it already... is it ok??? p.s. i do oil it almost every time i throw

MadMax June 12th, 2008 02:18

Um. How did you oil your tank?

whosloosin92 June 12th, 2008 02:59

It's an excellent design. To be honest I have no complaints and don't see any need for a new design. It works perfectly the way it is as far as I can tell. A short break in period is fine.

gvanzeggelaar June 12th, 2008 05:41

I just make sure I lube mine often and it works perfect.

arman June 12th, 2008 14:52


Originally Posted by MadMax (Post 740945)
Um. How did you oil your tank?

put 2 drops in befor i screw the adaptor theres oil in the tank..

Brian McIlmoyle June 12th, 2008 15:27


Originally Posted by arman (Post 741301)
put 2 drops in befor i screw the adaptor theres oil in the tank..

Thats enough oil for a couple of mag fills.. nothing more... that would not put oil in the tank.

WingZER0 June 12th, 2008 20:39

Aye, my grenade's starting to settle down now. But I do find that one drop of oil in the tank like normal GBB lubing helps the grenade noticeably. I think a few more deployments should get it fully down to spec.

nuatl June 23rd, 2008 21:53

tornado grenade problems!!
when i fill my tornado grenade from airsoft innovations with propane it leaks out. it all leaks out as soon as i fill it. why will my grenade not hold propane?

Styrak June 24th, 2008 13:01


Originally Posted by nuatl (Post 750478)
when i fill my tornado grenade from airsoft innovations with propane it leaks out. it all leaks out as soon as i fill it. why will my grenade not hold propane?

Did you follow the directions correctly? :D

Reset the valve, put the pin in, and put the timer plug in and then fill?

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