Airsoft Canada

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-   -   It's AALIVVE!!! Well, almost. Tornado grenade video posted on my site! (

Zeaken May 21st, 2008 09:12

hopefully us preorder folks will have ours shipped out shortly? (well the full paid ones like myself i mean ^_^)

Styrak May 21st, 2008 14:53

Well I was thinking people who bought any would get them shipped out shortly. But maybe he;s behind in making them? Who knows. It's shitty if I paid for them now and don't get them for a month!

Since they're awesome I'd wait though.

Brian McIlmoyle May 21st, 2008 15:21


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 722954)
Well I was thinking people who bought any would get them shipped out shortly. But maybe he;s behind in making them? Who knows. It's shitty if I paid for them now and don't get them for a month!

Since they're awesome I'd wait though.

Hey I have an Idea.... rather than public idle speculation Why not contact him direct?

Styrak May 21st, 2008 16:48


Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle (Post 722969)
Hey I have an Idea.... rather than public idle speculation Why not contact him direct?

I'm not the one asking about it.

T_A_N_K May 21st, 2008 21:47

I gave my pre order payment at the TAC-08 Convention, Got mine in the mail today. Actually just opened mine a few minutes ago. I love you Carl....

MadMax May 21st, 2008 23:38

Grenades that were ordered by 1pm today got shipped out. We seem to be able to make a 1pm cutoff for grenade and adaptor orders even if our shop is becoming a mess of packaging and grenade parts.

We're behind on shipping confirmations, but at least the physical stuff is getting out the door.

arman May 21st, 2008 23:40


Styrak May 21st, 2008 23:42


Originally Posted by MadMax (Post 723481)
We're behind on shipping confirmations, but at least the physical stuff is getting out the door.

I ordered 2 last night.

Hell if mine is already shipped out, I don't care about a shipping notification! Yay!

Now get back to those grenades Carl! :D

Zeaken May 22nd, 2008 10:20

I am a sad panda that I didnt get a shipping notice so I cant hit refresh all day at work but terribly excited that it should be in any day now! ^_^

::hoping it will arrive today::

Daiviet May 23rd, 2008 09:40

Carl now that you've launched your grenade, you should make a smaller version that launches out of an M203!

MadMax May 23rd, 2008 10:54

It's in the works, but R&D is backburnered to handle this current launch.

First job to tackle is determining the maximum acceptable (safe) weight and speed of a 203 launched slug. Once those properties are determined, I have to see if I can shoehorn a grenade into that size and weight.

We're going to put as many products under the same patent umbrella as possible.

Duckman May 24th, 2008 16:08

hey carl, would you happen to be planning on making an appearance tomorrow night at area 51? or plan on making appearances at local-ish venues in the next little while?

T_A_N_K May 24th, 2008 18:38

I have some AI grenades, they will appear on Carls behalf at tomorrows game :P and when everyone is getting pissed off for being pwned by them I can blame carl cuz he sold them to me :P

Styrak May 26th, 2008 13:41

Just wondering, maybe this has been asked before. For Carl or someone who has directly heard from Carl, I assume it's OK to underload the grenades right? Like half BB's (90) etc?

Also in that case, would you get a higher FPS?

MadMax May 26th, 2008 13:58

Short loading doesn't appear to present much of a danger. The grenade is designed to prevent overblasting a shortload or even single heavy pellets to very high velocities.

Still, short loads kind of suck. The pattern will be a lot less dense and you'll find that the scatter may be less even because the grenade may only rotate a partial turn before depleting the pellet load. In the vids, the grenade only seems to make one or two full rotations before it's out of pellets. A partial spin could have the grenade blasting out bbs in two sectors.

Imagine Rambo with twin Mac11s twirling in a room surrounded by baddies and his guns run out after he makes only 45 degrees of turn and they make full auto clicking sounds for the rest of the turns.

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