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m102404 December 22nd, 2009 11:37

ShelledPants December 22nd, 2009 11:38


Originally Posted by 808 (Post 1128546)
That's a shame - I was looking forward to the PDW. I was totally thinking it could be front heavy if the receiver really is aluminum like the rumors have said.

Back to parts though - I went looking around for part 66 (firing pin delay stop, or whatever) - and I can't find any steel ones anymore.

Anyone have a line on these lately?

BIG December 22nd, 2009 18:19

RA teach have them also. and the other part next to it.

KEVORKIAN December 22nd, 2009 19:43


Originally Posted by 808 (Post 1128546)
That's a shame - I was looking forward to the PDW. I was totally thinking it could be front heavy if the receiver really is aluminum like the rumors have said.

Back to parts though - I went looking around for part 66 (firing pin delay stop, or whatever) - and I can't find any steel ones anymore.

Anyone have a line on these lately?

I have a few in my possession...drop me a line!

BIG December 27th, 2009 08:39

Hey guys!

I've been reading lots of forum information about our WE guns and I would like somebody with experience to clarify something.

About BB weight, ROF, BB crunching.

I'm under the impression that you can only shoot light BB (0.20) in semi or else the gun will crunch them in full auto and break hop-up/nozzle.

And you need heavy BB (0.28 - 0.30) to run full auto.

I'm planning on adjusting to 400FPS with CO2 mags. What should I use then? I wanted to go with 0.25 for stability or 0.20 for close combat (indoors). But I'm not sure anymore. I need releability!

Thanks :)

Karma_ December 28th, 2009 00:05

Go with at least .25's. I'm using .30's now.

808 December 29th, 2009 16:48

Anyone else been able to get a 2-3 round burst while their SCAR is on Semi-auto?

I just noticed this morning that I am able to do that. All factory parts installed - but have seen some wear and use - nothing looks overly worn though.

I was thinking about asking a friend of mine who just bought one brand new to give it a try.

I can replicate it by lightly squeezing the trigger and as soon as it disengages the hammer and strikes the firing pin, if I hold it in that position, I can get usually 1-2 more rounds after the first.


SHÖCK December 29th, 2009 17:02


Originally Posted by m102404 (Post 1128552)

Wow, the Warstore became ehobbyasia!

KoolAidMan December 30th, 2009 14:12

oK Guys i'm about to pull the trigger on an Hk416 what kinda full auto performance should i expect .

and what parts should i replace right off the bat i know i need the npas and part #66 anything else?

Brian McIlmoyle December 30th, 2009 15:17


Originally Posted by KoolAidMan (Post 1132669)
oK Guys i'm about to pull the trigger on an Hk416 what kinda full auto performance should i expect .

and what parts should i replace right off the bat i know i need the npas and part #66 anything else?

Personally I have not seen any issue with full auto fire... but I tend to restrict fire to 3 round bursts .. and the cooldown is not noticeable at room temperature

In the summer I had no issue with 10 round bursts at +20c

A full 30 round sustained fire burst will suffer cooldown and reduced gas pressure for the final shots.

KoolAidMan December 30th, 2009 15:25


Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle (Post 1132709)
Personally I have not seen any issue with full auto fire... but I tend to restrict fire to 3 round bursts .. and the cooldown is not noticeable at room temperature

In the summer I had no issue with 10 round bursts at +20c

A full 30 round sustained fire burst will suffer cooldown and reduced gas pressure for the final shots.

I don't mind fps as much as rate of fire lowering. i've seen very confusing things on line some videos will cool down and struggle throught the last shots and some show the gun firing all 30 and locking back without a single sign of slowing down

808 January 1st, 2010 01:06


Originally Posted by KoolAidMan (Post 1132714)
I don't mind fps as much as rate of fire lowering. i've seen very confusing things on line some videos will cool down and struggle throught the last shots and some show the gun firing all 30 and locking back without a single sign of slowing down

I've found that using a full propane tank to load the mag yields the best results. Virtually eliminates the effects you're referring to.

Using old tanks to fill mags don't fill the mags as well as a full tank would - hence poor performance from the mag.

BIG January 2nd, 2010 20:54

Hey guys,

Need some help here.

I found out that the bolt catch on my SCAR always fell off. I then realised that there is supposed to be a small spring with it. Needless to say, I lost it.

Can anybody give me the basic dimensions of that spring please? Outside Ø and length?

It is part# 099 in the WE SCAR diagram.

Thanks :)

jamuke January 2nd, 2010 21:17

about a quarter inch long, and the same diam as a disposable lighter flint spring

BIG January 2nd, 2010 21:19

Thanks. I'll try to find a replacement :)

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