View Poll Results: Woudl you like to Eat IMP/MRE for Lunch?
This poll will close on August 24th, 2007 at 14:17 |
*shadow*, -=]MH[=-RaiDen, -Per-, Aliens_QC, arman, Aznpride, baraccuda, Blackthorne, Blade{a}, braydon84, Brian.Colinson, Capt. T/O, Capt. Tyco, Chris180, DonKorleone, EC74, empty_mags, Greykin, Hatchet2057, Hunter Killer, Hutch88, Hux37, insanegame, jaymz1911, Koopa, Krusty, L473ncy, Lawdog, Lt. Roberts, malachite, McKee, Mentosice, MiG, Murdoch, NachoPuddin, Naerah, neil555688, NicholasNystrom, Phalanix, Porkchop, prosperous, ranger_1, Razzberry, rideout, roberto, shadowninja, SHaKaL, Shrike, SINN, Solomance, Spa, surebet, swatt13, syne, THE CAT, Trader 762, tron, Von Jesse, Zilgorn_Zeypher
60 |
70.59% |
-Dragoon, Affliction, Aquamarine, Berkut, boomer_1, Brian McIlmoyle, emphasis, erycfawx, ex, Graham, greeny, Hutch88, KillerCreed, kirley_x, Koopa, kuchervano, maxx, Opea, RangerXII, SCG48, Slade, Slick, Spawn28, techobo, testtube, Yeoman, Yuxi
27 |
31.76% |
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