Moderated Social Group
The Iron Horse Militia
Equitare in bello fortem, excellens honore, et ira furoris Domini.
Ride into battle courageous, excellent, honourable, and fierce.
HQ. The Iron Horse Militia (IHM-00)
CO: LT. Spike (IHM-01)-----------Commander
Sqd 1.
WO. Splint (IHM-02)--------------Rifleman
MCpl. Snake (IHM-04)------------Support
Lcpl. Somertime (IHM-06)--------Medic
Sqd 2.
Sgt. Newt (IHM-03)---------------Marksman
Cpl. Redneck (IHM-05)-----------Engineer
Pvt. Doc (IHM-08)----------------Medic
Lcpl. Fuse (IHM-10)--------------Anti Tank
All times are GMT -4. The time now is 02:22.